Unit 3 Flashcards
Determinism: Phenomena (2)
1) Are lawful
2) Systematically occur as a result of other events
Indeterminism: Phenomena are (3)
1) Free agents
2) Unpredictable
3) Uncontrollable
Indeterminism: Leads to assumption that behavior is a result of
Free will
Fatalism: Behavior is caused by (3)
1) Destiny
2) Fate
3) Uncontrollable events humans can’t influence
Vantage point
God sees our birth, life, and death at once
What controls behavior?
Supernatural entity predetermines behavior before birth
What cannot control behavior?
Human influence
Determinism AKA
Causal determinism
Probabilistic determinism
Behavior is predictable to an extent
Probabilistic determinism: Based on
Mathematical probabilities of occurrence
Determinism and free will are compatible
Free will rationale
Actions of humans are freely chosen
Determinism rationale
Nature is orderly and lawful
Voluntarism: Belief that
Humans can exert voluntary control over the movements of their body
Voluntarism: Precursor to
Operant behavior
Scientific realism
Physical world exists independently of our sense perceptions of it
Scientific realism:
Truth criterion
Correspondence theory of truth
Claim is true if it is useful
How is truth known?
Interacting with nature rather than representing it
Pragmatic truth criterion
How useful it is equals how true it is
Pragmatic truth criterion:
Informed communities
Decide the truth of it based on agreement
Grünbaum’s argument against determinism (4)
1) Individual uniqueness
2) Behavior is too complex
3) Behavior is determined by future goals
4) It destroys the concept of personal responsibility
Involuntary behavior was known as (4)
1) Reflexive
2) Elicited
3) Automatic
4) Mindless
Voluntary behavior was known as (4)
1) Operant
2) Emitted
3) Willful
4) Mindful