Unit 7 Flashcards
Agent of behavior
Entity to which cause is assigned
Agents of behavior can be (2)
1) Animate
2) Inanimate
Stable response pattern over time
Trait: Examples (3)
1) Conscientious
2) Agreeableness
3) Tenacity
Prevailing momentary condition
State: Examples (4)
1) Tranquility
2) Anger
3) Fear
4) Compassion
Psychological agent of behavior
Construct that describes past behavioral histories
Hunger = food deprivation:
Example of…
Psychological agent of behavior
Observe functional relations and assign hypothetical entities
Behavior-analytic description
Tacting the stimuli that affect one’s own responding
Delayed reinforcer instead of impulsively accessing a reinforcer
Immediate less aversive punisher instead of delaying punishment
Arrange environment to respond more effectively
Behavior-analytic description
Scheduling one’s own contact with appetitive stimuli
In self-reinforcement, responding undergoes
Private event
Environmental event that can only be observed by the organism itself
Conceptual analysis
Internal events identical to external counterparts
Respondent imagining
Stimulus features of the original object elicit imagining
Operant imagining
Imagining is a function of its consequences
Aspects of private events (2)
1) The private event
2) Verbal report of the event
Describing private events prereqs:
Collateral behavior
Reinforce collateral behavior associated with private event
Describing private events prereqs:
Our behavior through others
Match others’ descriptions of our private events with the event
Describing private events prereqs:
Verbal response
Engage in verbal response in the presence of private stimuli
Describing private events prereqs:
Public stimuli generalize to private events