Unit 5 Flashcards
Knowledge comes from objective observations and data
Positivism on epistemological positions
All are inadequate
Knowledge comes from subjective observations and qualitative data
Interpretivism is the opposite of
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Measuring/observing something changes what’s observed
Heisenberg uncertainty principle:
Can’t be certain about
Knowledge derived from data
Scientific skepticism
Suspend judgment until evidence verifies the claim
Scientific skepticism: The position is
Scientifically acceptable
Cynicism retains
Incredulity despite evidence
Cynicism: The position is
Scientifically unacceptable
Subjective observation:
Influenced by
Observer’s inherent biases
Objective observation:
Works to
Minimize the observer’s inherent biases
Unsystematic observation
Informally noticing everyday life phenomena
Systematic observation
Formalized inspection of phenomena governed by rules
Naturalistic systematic observation
Observe phenomena without manipulating the IV
Controlled systematic observation
Observe phenomena while manipulating the IV
Obtrusive AKA
Obtrusive observation
What is being observed is aware of the observer
Unobtrusive observation
Technique to minimize observer influences over behavior
Direct observation
Measuring actual behavior
Indirect observation
Measuring some “index” of the actual behavior
Observations correspond to
True values
Observations correspond to
Established criterion
Observations correspond to
One another
Nonexperimental science
Observation without variable manipulation
Experimental science
Observation with variable manipulation
Mill’s method of agreement
Isolates variables common to different situations
Mill’s method of difference
Isolates dissimilar variables in similar situations producing different outcomes
Mill’s joint method of agreement and difference: Part 1
Isolates possible causal variables using method of agreement
Mill’s joint method of agreement and difference: Part 2
Manipulates variables using method of difference
Mill’s method of concomitant variation: What happens?
1 phenomenon changes because of another
Mill’s method of concomitant variation:
When something changes
1 is the cause or effect of the other
Multiple causation:
More than 1 cause is either
Necessary but not sufficient or vice versa
Historical causation:
Causes are either (2)
1) Temporally distal
2) Result of ambiguous conditioning histories
Reduce phenomenon into its component parts
See the whole organism, object, or event
Molar reinforcement theory:
Behavior is best understood as
Aggregate actions across time
Molecular reinforcement theory:
Behavior is best understood through
Contiguous stimulus-response-stimulus events
Interpretivism AKA
Heisenberg uncertainty principle AKA
Principle of Uncertainty
Types of systematic (formal) observation (2)
1) Naturalistic
2) Controlled
Modes of systematic objective observation (2)
1) Obtrusive
2) Unobtrusive
Tools of systematic objective observation (2)
1) Nonhuman instruments
2) Human instruments
Trustworthiness of observations: Considerations (3)
1) Accuracy
2) Validity
3) Reliability
Mill’s methods: Method of (4)
1) Agreement
2) Difference
3) Agreement/difference
4) Concomitant variation
Essentialist vs. Hume:
Essentialist’s position
Causes are in the organism
Essentialist vs. Hume:
Hume’s position
Causes are in the environment
Hume’s rules for inferring causation:
Cause precedes effect
Hume’s rules for inferring causation:
Cause and effect are contiguous in time
Hume’s rules for inferring causation:
Cause and effect are contiguous in space
Hume’s rules for inferring causation:
Consistent covariation between cause and effect
Hume’s rules for inferring causation:
Cause produces reliable effect
Functional relation:
Amenable to
Functional relation refers to
Cause and effect:
Amenable to
Cause and effect refers to
Holism AKA
Behavior analysis: Levels of explanation (2)
1) Molar
2) Molecular