Unit 7 - Safeguarding - LO5 - Working strategies and procedures Flashcards
What are the policies and procedures to safeguard vulnerable adults from abuse?
- Recruitment
- Safeguarding training
- Induction process
- Probationary period
- Formal and informal systems
- Multi-agency approach
- Risk assessments
- Accessible complaints procedures
- Designated protection officer
How does recruitment safeguard vulnerable adults?
- Effective recruitment procedures minimise the risk of unsuitable people working with vulnerable adults
- Settings have a duty to recruit people who are of good character and have integrity
How does safeguarding training help protect vulnerable adults?
- Ensures staff have knowledge and skills that are up to date and effective
- Taken at least every three years
- It includes an understanding of the possible signs and symptoms of abuse and the latest safeguarding procedures
How do induction processes help safeguard vulnerable adults?
- Care certificate sets out standards.
- It can help new staff to learn and understand more about their roles
How does a probationary period help safeguard vulnerable adults?
- A ‘trial period’ during which a supervisor decides whether the staff member has met the standards of the job, and whether they are suitable to carry out the role on a permanent basis.
How do formal and informal systems help safeguard vulnerable adults?
- Appraisals are part of a formal process to ensure that staff achieve agreed goals
- Formal supervision is the process by which an employee’s manager monitors the staff member’s progress towards the agreed goal
How does DBS help safeguard vulnerable adults?
- Prevents unsuitable people from working with vulnerable adults
- Process requests for criminal record checks
- Decide whether it is appropriate for a person to be placed or removed from the barred list
- Places people on the DBS adult’s or children’s list
- Requires employers to refer people to the DBS who have harmed a vulnerable adult or child
How does the multi-agency approach help safeguard vulnerable adults?
- Ensures all concerns are identified early and reported
- Ensures individuals and their families come together and share information that they have
- Provides a better insight into the needs and views of children and adults
- Ensure professionals work in consistent ways that focus on building trust, mutual respect and providing support to children and adults
How do risk assessments help safeguard vulnerable adults?
- Involve identifying, managing, recording and reviewing any risks that have the potential to cause harm
- Abuse can be prevented and its likelihood of occurring is reduced and employees can respond effectively when it occurs
- Promotes vulnerable adult’s rights to take risks
How do accessible complaints procedures help safeguard vulnerable adults?
- Enables individuals to openly raise and discuss any concerns and complaints
- This will promote an environment of mutual trust and respect
- Understanding complaints procedures means people will be more likely to raise concerns
How does a designated protection officer help safeguard vulnerable adults?
- Provides information and support to staff in relation to disclosures and suspicions of abuse