Unit 6 - Personalisation - LO1 1.5-1.6 - Legislation and LA Flashcards
What are the 4 legislation underpinning personalisation?
Health and Social Care Act 2012
Local Authority Guidance (DH) 2008
The Care Act 2014
Children and Families Act 2014
What is the focus of the Health and Social Care Act 2012?
Improving the quality of care. This act reinforced personalisation in social care and empowered patients to make choices.
What are the key aspects of the Health and Social Care Act?
- Strengthened the collective voice of patients
- Ensured feedback encouraged as used as a means of assessing the quality of services
- Puts individual at centre of care
- Enhances voice, choice and control
- Better collaboration between services
Who does the Health and Social Care Act support?
What key features of personalisation does the Health and Social Care Act support?
Personal budgets
Choice and control
Self-assessment (to some degree)
What is a weakness of the Health and Social Care Act?
Relies on patients making choices but in some rural areas there may be no choice.
Not all patients want choice and the act assumes everyone is able to make choices.
What are the focuses of the Local Authority Circular (DH) 2008 - Personalised Guidance?
Everyone who receives social care support regardless of their level of need in any setting will have choice and control over how their support is delivered.
- To reinforce the commitments to personalisation
- Maintain or improve well-being and independence
- Proactive approach
Who does the Local Authority Circular (DH) 2008 - Personalised Guidance support?
Everybody who receives social care support
How does the Local Authority Circular (DH) 2008 - Personalised Guidance support personalisation?
- It enables people to live their own lives as they wish
- It enables people to be confident that services are of high quality
- People will have choice and control over how that support is delivered
- Everyone who receives social care support, regardless of their level of need, will have choice and control over how that support is delivered
Which key features does the Local Authority Circular (DH) 2008 - Personalised Guidance support?
Choice and control
Personal budget
Changing roles of professionals
What is a weakness of the Local Authority Circular (DH) 2008 - Personalised Guidance?
Everybody has to embrace putting the individual in the centre of their care, so if one person doesn’t do this, it doesn’t work effectively.
What is the focus of the Care Act 2014?
Combining existing pieces of legislation but aimed to give greater control to those in need of support.
Prior to the care act only those who received a direct payment had a personal budget.
What are the key aspects of the Care Act 2014?
- Encourage service users to think about the outcomes they want
- Authorities are to encourage people to lead a healthy life
- Clear guidance should always be provided to help make informed choices
- Emphasis on the use of advocates
- Penalties to those who do not provide care and support to a high standard
- Emphasis on safeguarding
- Emphasis on personal budgets and payments
- Appeals process against council decisions
Who does the Care Act 2014 support?
People and their carers
What are 4 significant developments relating to personalisation in the Care Act 2014?
- Provide information so people can make choices
- Stronger emphasis on personal budgets
- People can appeal against council’s decision
- Supports carers as well as patients
How does the Care Act reinforce personalisation guidelines for health and social care professionals?
- It encourages people to live more independent lives
- Focuses on individual’s wellbeing
- Individual should be involved in decision making
- Individual’s wellbeing and feelings should always be considered
What is a weakness of the Care Act 2014?
Individuals may not realise they should be given information to make decisions.
Everybody needs to be on board so that it works.
Which key features does the Care Act support?
Personal budgets Co-production Choice and control Self-assessment of needs Changing roles of professionals
What is the focus of the Children and Families Act 2014?
Put children and young people at the heart of decision making through co-production and person-centred practice.
What is the key feature of the Children and Families Act 2014?
It emphasises the importance of engaging young people and their families in all processes.
How does the Children and Families Act 2014 support personalisation?
- It involves young people in decision making
- Choice and control for children
- Local authority provide information, advice and support
- Local authority carry out Child’s Needs Assessment so children can make informed choices for their future
What are the four roles of the local authority?
- Assessment
- Housing
- The Care Act
- Decentralisation and commissioning
What 3 things does the local authority bring about after an assessment?
- EHCP (Education Health Care Plan)
- Fair access to care
- Budgets
What 3 things does the local authority have to provide to do with housing?
- Choice of residence
- Adaptions
- Meeting housing needs
What does the Care Act provide to do with the role of the local authority?
Removed geographical barriers
What 2 things does decentralisation and commissioning provide to do with the role of local authority?
- Outsourcing services
- Greater range of choice
What is decentralisation?
The process of redistributing or shifting functions from a central authority or location.
What is commissioning?
The process of planning, agreeing and monitoring services. Key to commissioning is working in equal partnership with individuals who use services, their families, communities and organisations.
What is the CCGs?
- Stands for Clinical commissioning group
- Manges NHSs commissions in the local areas
What is the Monitor (H&SC Act)?
- The sectors regulator to improve the health sector for patients
What is the Health watch England?
- Allows the voices of the public to be heard by those higher up
What is the CQC?
- A body which inspects the quality of health and social care services