This class was created by Brainscape user Bully Maguire. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

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Decks in this class (11)

Unit 6 - Personalisation - LO1 1.1-1.4 - Key features of personalisation
What is personalisation,
What does personalisation mean to...,
What is a personal budget
15  cards
Unit 6 - Personalisation - LO1 1.5-1.6 - Legislation and LA
What are the 4 legislation underp...,
What is the focus of the health a...,
What are the key aspects of the h...
32  cards
Unit 6 - Personalisation - LO2 - person-centred approach and overcoming challenges
What is a person centred approach...,
What are the key concepts of a pe...,
How are the key concepts of perso...
21  cards
Unit 6 - Personalisation - LO3 - Tools
What are the tools to find out wh...,
Why is good days bad days a good ...,
Why are routines a useful tool
17  cards
Unit 6 - Personalisation - LO4 - Review meetings
What happens in a review meeting,
What is the importance of reviews...,
Why is putting the individual at ...
15  cards
Unit 7 - Safeguarding - LO1 - Types and signs of abuse
What is abuse,
What are the 9 types of abuse,
What is physical abuse
29  cards
Unit 7 - Safeguarding - LO2 - Factors which may lead to abusive situations
What are the 3 factors for why ab...,
What are the individual factors f...,
Why are people with learning disa...
20  cards
Unit 7 - Safeguarding - LO3 - Legislation
Human rights act 1998,
Health and social care act 2008,
Care act 2014
14  cards
Unit 7 - Safeguarding - LO4 - Dealing with disclosures of abuse and suspected abuse
What type of people might suspect...,
Why might peers suspect or be tol...,
Why might family suspect or be to...
10  cards
Unit 7 - Safeguarding - LO5 - Working strategies and procedures
What are the policies and procedu...,
How does recruitment safeguard vu...,
How does safeguarding training he...
11  cards
Unit 7 - Safeguarding - LO6 - Minimise the risk of abuse
What are the ways to minimise the...,
How does person centred planning ...,
How does duty of care minimise th...
16  cards

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health and social care

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