What does the following description refer to?
“It is the study of style as means of analyzing works of literature and their effect”. (Webster dictionary,1991).
Literary Stylistics
What does the following description refer to?
Is literature, and other forms of written texts such as advertisements, pop culture materials, or religious texts.
Main object of stylistic studies
What do the following items refer to?
The use of dialogue, regional accents, people`s dialects, the use of descriptive language
figures of thought : focus on meaning ( metaphors , figurative language, hyperbole) the use of grammar (active/passive voice,) – the distribution of sentence lengths, etc.
– alliteration. consonance, assonance.
Rhyme, parallel structure ( the use of the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance)
– eye rhyme
features of Literary Stylistics
What does the following description refer to?
These techniques are used to catch our attention, to establish credibility and trust, and to motivate us to act (buy, vote, give money, etc.).
What does the following description refer to?
refers to the approach to the study of discourse in general that views language as a form of social practice and focuses on the ways social and political domination are reproduced by text and talk.
Critical Discourse Analysis
What does the following description refer to?
refers to the style of public discourse that simulates intimacy by adopting features of informal, conversational language. It is also known as public colloquial language”. People who may look as though they are having an ‘ordinary’ conversation on a television ‘chat show’ are in fact, of course, performing in front of the cameras and as much in the public domain as you could possibly imagine.”
What does the following description refer to?
is a process of decoding the sounds that one hears in a linear fashion, from the smallest meaningful units (phonemes) to complete texts. Listening is fundamental for speaking.
What does the following description refer to?
Listening to spoken English let the students hear different language varieties and accents.
Reasons for teaching listening
What does the following definitions refer to?
It helps the students to acquire language subconsciously( students are exposed to language – pronunciation, rhythm, intonation, stress).
Reasons for teaching listening
What does the following description refer to?
is usually performed outside the class room ,( It is then followed in class by general questions establishing context ). It offers greater motivation because the students choose the source for the listening activity.
Extensive listening
What does the following description refer to?
is a class listening, followed by detailed comprehension question.
Intensive listening
What the following items refer to?
class size ( large ), poor acoustic conditions, having to move at the same speed for everyone.
disadvantages of Intensive Listening
What does the following items refer to?
reading aloud (together with the recording). repetition of chunks of material during short pauses.
activities suggested for intensive listening
What does the following description refer to?
Its main goal is to enable learners to use English effectively. It is a very complex activity that involves different aspects.
What does the following description refer to?
is another very significant aspect in teaching speaking.
The main goal of ___________ in EFL is to promote the acquisition of accent- free speech , but this is often something that is difficult to achieve for non-native speakers . For this reason, the majority of teaching pronunciation classes are centered on having students produce comprehensible and natural-sounding speech
Teaching pronunciation
What do the following items refer to?
Native Language Age Exposure Innate phonetic ability Identity and language ego Motivation
Aspects that affect pronunciation
What does the following description refer to?
The most influential factor. It can be overcome through a focused effort on the learner’s part.
Native Language
What does the following description refer to?
Children under the age of 11- 13 have an excellent chance to sound like a native.
What does the following description refer to?
quality and intensity of exposure to a foreign language
What does the following description refer to?
an “ear” for language.
Innate phonetic ability
What does the following description refer to?
students need to become aware of the second identity they learn together with the target language.
Identity and language ego factors
What does the following description refer to?
And concern for good pronunciation.
What does the following description refer to?
The teacher should give students the chance to realize that mistake was made. It can be done by:
– repeating the incorrect form with a questioning intonation,
– giving the correct form or the beginning of it, – repeating the sentence up to the error
self–correction techniques
What does the following description refer to?
The teacher may use facial expression , or ask “ Sorry?”
– The teacher may use “ no “gestures with his or her hands
– The teacher may give the learner a choice ( Ex: cheap- cheaper.. more cheap?).
self - correction with teacher’s help
What does the following description refer to?
It has always been part of applied linguistics. It is probably the most difficult skill for learners to master. It is a very complex skill. In the past, it was believed that writing reflected a student`s knowledge of other skills such as speaking. Nowadays, writing does not represent only the speaking ability of students, but communicative competence in general.
We have to generate and organize ideas , and translate those ideas into a readable text. In addition, writing involves skills such as spelling, punctuation, capitalization, word choice, appropriateness of style, etc.
What does the following items refer to?
REINFORCEMENT . Students benefit from seeing the language in written form.
– LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. The process of writing helps students to learn language.
Reasons for teaching writing
What type of activity is Writing?
slower reflective activity
What does the following description refer to?
is necessary for writing letters, reports, etc. Students need to know punctuation, and paragraph construction.
Writing as a skill
What do the following items refer to?
Research Writing
Response to Literature
Writing for assessment
Types of writing
What does the following description refer to?
a postcard to a friend, a note to yourself in your agenda, or a personal journal essay – is a writing from you and for you
Reflexive writing
What does the following description refer to?
is for others and for others. This is a general writing.
Extensive writing
What do the following items refer to?
– Gathering information and ideas relevant to the topic.
– Organizing the information and ideas into a logical sequence.
– Structuring the sequence into sections and paragraphs.
– Expressing the information and ideas in a written draft. – Editing the draft and writing out a final text.
Writing at higher levels
What does the following description refer to?
Write a radio news bulletin, reports, etc.
write a description
to write Parallel composition
to write Parallel letters
to write advertisements/menus.
Another interesting activity could be:
Altering dictations
Beginner - intermediate tasks
What does the following description refer to?
write narrative compositions.
write letters to a newspaper in response to a controversial article. –articles / dialogues and play scripts
expand a variety of headlines into newspaper articles.
create picture compositions – stories based on a sequence of pictures.
Intermediate - advanced tasks
What does the following description refer to?
Reading is beneficial for language students. Any exposure to English texts provides them understanding of grammar structures, allows them to expand vocabulary, learn idiomatic expressions, punctuation, the way to construct sentences, and paragraphs, etc.
Reasons for teaching reading
What do the following items refer to?
scan, skim, read for comprehension, look for information, read for general understanding, retain chunks of language, recognize a core of words, interpret word order patterns and their significance, recognize grammatical word classes, systems, rules, etc.,
– recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in different grammatical forms,
– recognize the rhetorical form, recognize the communicative functions of texts, according to form and purpose, infer context,
– infer links and connections, deduce causes and effects, distinguish between literal and implied meanings,
– recognize Genre Conventions.
Reading skills that students should acquire
What does the following description refer to?
involves the rapid reading of large quantities of material or longer readings (e.g. , whole books) for general understanding, with the focus generally on the meaning of what is being read rather than on the language.
Extensive reading
What do the following items refer to?
Students read self-selected large amounts of reading materials.
– It is a supplementary activity.
– Students read at their own level and time. Read for pleasure, students read different materials in terms of topic and genre.
– The reading material is within the student’s level of comprehension.
– The teacher and students keep track of the student’s progress.
Characteristics of Extensive Reagind
What do the following items refer to?
- Enhanced language learning in spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and text structure.
- Increased knowledge of the world.
- Improved reading and writing skills.
- Reading for pleasure.
- More positive attitude toward reading.
- Higher possibility of developing a reading habit.
Benefits of extensive reading
What do the foloowing items refer to?
– Students may keep records of what they read.
– Create wall chart for subsequent discussion in class.
– Write summaries of the whole text of each chapter, etc.
Extensive Reading tasks
What do the following items refer to?
Students work with short texts with close guidance from the teacher. Students read to obtain detailed meaning from the text.
Characteristics of Intensive Reading
What do the following items refer to?
– to identify the main idea,
– to recognize text connectors,
– to enhance vocabulary and grammar knowledge, etc.
Mains goals of Intensive Reading
What do the following items refer to?
–Match nouns and verbs, Split sentences, Combine sentences
– Make summarie, Reorder sentences and paragraphs
– Fill the gaps, Take sides, Read and choose, Select a summary, Compare versions, Identify facts and opinions, Focus on form and style.
Intensive reading activities
What does the following description refer to?
involves learners reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks
Intensive reading