What does the following definition refer to?
It describes the language and teaches how it is learned and used
Applied Linguistics
What does the following definition refer to?
Is the study of a second and foreign language learning and teaching.
Applied Linguistics
What does the following definition refer to?
field of study that identifies, investigates and offers solutions to language related problems
Applied Linguistics
To which area do the following fields belong?
Language Acquisition ( L1 and L2), Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages, Clinical Linguistics, Educational Linguistics, Lexicography, Machine Translation, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Computational Linguistics, Language pedagogy
Fields of Applied Linguistics
What do the following definitions refer to?
– the scientific study of language and its goal is to describe the varieties of languages and explain the unconscious knowledge all speakers have of their language.
– the science of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
– the study of the structure, development, changes, etc., of a particular language and its relationship to other languages.
What does the following definition refer to?
Identify some linguistic knowledge which underlines language behavior.
Purpose of Linguistics
What are these?
Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Comparative linguistics, Geographical linguistics, Descriptive Linguistics, Synchronic linguistics.
Branches of Linguistics
What does the following definition refer to?
examines a language at different levels of analysis, its phonological system, articulation and perception of sounds (phonetics), word formation (morphology) and phrases and sentences (syntax), the meaning of linguistic expressions (semantics), and language use (pragmatics).
Theoretical Linguistics
What does the following definition refer to?
Is the study of HOW languages change diachronically over time and the relationship among different languages. It studies WHAT has caused changes in different languages and the result of such changes on the language itself and other associated languages.
Historical Linguistics
What does the following definition refer to?
is the study of the correspondences between languages that have a common origin. It also studies how best to classify languages into groups.
Comparative Linguistics
What does the following definition refer to?
studies the geographical distribution of linguistic forms and usages. It also involves the study of regional variations of speech forms and dialects.
Geographical linguistics
What does the following definition refer to?
deals with writing dictionaries and grammars; describing the rules of the language
Descriptive Linguistics
What does the following definition refer to?
Is the study of the description of the internal phonological, grammatical, and semantic structures of languages at given points in time without reference to their histories or to one another
Synchronic linguistics
Phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, morphology, syntax, and semantics are subfields of?
What does the following definition refer to?
it deals with the sounds of language, how they are produced
What does the following definition refer to?
it deals with how the sounds are organized
What does the following definition refer to?
it deals with how sounds are put together to form words, and everything related to word formation.
What does the following definition refer to?
it deals with how sentences and words are formed
What does the following definition refer to?
it deals with the meaning of words, sentences, and texts
What does the following definition refer to?
It studies how people comprehend and produce a communicative act or speech act in a concrete speech situation.
What does the following definition refer to?
It can be said that ________ is the study of everything. Its field is very broad and can be applied to all aspects of language use. It deals with mother, foreign, second language acquisition.
Applied Linguistics
What does the following description refer to?
It sets out to investigate problems in the world in which language is implicated, both educational and social problems.
Applied Linguistics
What does the following description refer to?
When a child studies their home language or languages
First-language education
What does the following description refer to?
Often, divided into second language education, when someone studies their society’s majority or official language which is not their home language, and foreign language education when someone studies the language of another country.
Additional-language education
What does the following description refer to?
the study of the treatment of speech and communication impairments, whether hereditary, developmental, or acquired.
Clinical linguistics
What does the following description refer to?
The assessment and evaluation of language achievement and proficiency, both in first and additional languages and for both general and specific purposes.
Language testing
What does the following description refer to?
the study of the relationship between linguistics choices and effects in the literature.
Literary stylistics
What does the following description refer to?
Study of the relationship between linguistics choices and effects in persuasive uses of language, and how these indoctrinate or manipulate, and the counteracting of this through analysis.
Critical Discourse Analysis
What does the following description refer to?
The formulation of principles underlying the perceived equivalence between a stretch language and its translation, and the practices of translating written text and interpreting spoken language.
Translation and interpretation
What does the following description refer to?
The arrangement and presentation of written language, including issues relating to typography and layout choices of medium, and effective combinations of language with other means of communication such as pictures and diagrams.
Information design
What does the following description refer to?
The planning and compiling of both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, and other language reference works such as thesauri.
What does the following description refer to?
The academic discipline concerned with the study of language in general.
What does the following description refer to?
Relation between language and society. It endeavors to find systematic relationships between social groupings and contexts, and the variable ways in which languages are used.
What does the following description refer to?
Here the concern is with language as a means of communication, the purpose it fulfills, and how people actually use their language.
Functional linguistics