What does the following definition refer to?
Is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learners to learn.
What does the following definition refer to?
It refers to acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.
What does the following definition refer to?
- The focus is on grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary and of various declensions and conjugations, translations of texts, and doing written exercises.
- The focus was on grammatical rules as the basis for translating from the foreign to the native language.
Grammar Translation Method
What does the following definition refer to?
To learn a language in order to read the target language literature.
Goal of the Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Detailed analysis of grammar rules followed by application of this knowledge.
Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Reading and writing are the major focus ( little attention to speaking/listening) . Reading of difficult classical texts is begun at an early stage of studying.
Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Vocabulary is based on reading texts used.
Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Much of the lesson is devoted to translating sentences into and out of the target language.
Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Accuracy is emphasized.
Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Grammar is taught deductively - by presentation and study of grammar rules, which are practiced through translation exercises
Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.
Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Class is taught in the student’s mother tongue. The native language is used to explain new items and make a comparison.
Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
It may create a sense of frustration for students because of the tedious experience of memorizing rules and isolated vocabulary and endless exercises for translation.
Negative Points of Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
It makes few demands on teachers. It is a method for which there is no theory on how to teach.
Negative Points of Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
There is no literature that offers a rationale or justification for it or that attempts to relate it to issues of linguistics, psychology, or educational theory.
Negative Points of Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Is useful in the situations where understanding literally texts is the primary focus of foreign language study.
Positive Points of Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
It may be applied when there is little need for a speaking knowledge of the language
Positive Points of Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
No specialized training and skills on the part of teachers.
Positive Points of Grammar Translation
What does the following characteristic refer to?
No special material for teaching.
Positive Points of Grammar Translation Method
What does the following characteristic refer to?
Tests of grammar rules and of translations are easy to construct and can be objectively scored.
Positive points of Grammar Translation Method
What does the following definition refer to?
It is successful in leading a student toward a reading knowledge of a second language.
Positive Points of Grammar Translation Method
What does the following definition refer to?
The Grammar - translation method was also called the “traditional method”. This does not mean that it is the oldest method. It has been extensively used
Positive Points of Grammar Translation Method
What does the following definition refer to?
students’ own languages are banished and everything was to be done through the language under instruction.
Direct Method
What does the following definition refer to?
Second language learning should be more like first language learning—lots of oral interaction, spontaneous use of the language, no translation between first and second languages, and little or no analysis of grammatical rules.
Direct Method
Who was this person?
Charles Berlitz
Founder of Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.
Characteristics of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.
Characteristics of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
Characteristics of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded progression organized around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.
Characteristics of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Grammar was taught inductively.
Characteristics of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
New teaching points were taught through modeling and practice.
Characteristics of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.
Characteristics of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.
Characteristics of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.
Characteristics of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
The Direct Method required teachers who are native speakers or who have native-like fluency in the target language.
Limitations of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
It is dependent on the teacher’s skills, rather on the textbook.
Limitations of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Problems with following strict D. M. techniques
Limitations of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
It is counterproductive (long teacher explanation in order to avoid using the native language)
Limitations of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
It is difficult to apply in public secondary school education.
Limitations of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
High motivation (Native- speaking teachers are a good speaking model)
Positive Points of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
Focus on conversational skills (students start speaking from the very first class).
Positive Poins of the Direct Method
What does the following description refer to?
The idea that learning would take place without explanation or grading, and without correction of error, but simply exposure to meaningful input.
Natural Language Learning (Natural Approach)
What does the following description refer to?
The main point of this approach constituted the idea that learner would benefit from delaying production until speech “emerges,” that learners should be as relaxed as possible in the classroom, and that a great deal of communication and “acquisition” should take place. It is a communicative approach. It means that the main emphasis is made on development of the communicative competency
Natural Language Learning (Natural Approach)
What does the following description refer to?
Refer to the final result ,what is expected to achieve at the end of learning process ( fluent communication in target language)
Long – term goals
What does the following description refer to?
Are aimed at achieving very specific result during a class period ( application of a certain grammar structure, or pronunciation rules, etc.).
Short – term goals
What does the following description refer to?
To achieve basic personal communication skills: oral ( listening to public announcements)
Goals of Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
To achieve basic personal communication skills : written language (reading and writing)
Goals of Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
To develop academic learning skills: oral ( listening to a lecture ) and written ( taking notes in class)
Goals of Natural Approach
What does the following descrption refer to?
Help beginners become intermediates
Goals of Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Specific objectives depend on learners needs and the skill (reading, writing, listening , and speaking)
Goals of Natural Approach
What does the following description refert to?
Develop basic communication skills , both oral and written, in every day situations.
Goals of Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
It is the development of listening comprehension skills. response to physical commands , pointing at something, etc
The preproduction stage
What does the following description refer to?
It is usually marked with errors as the student struggles with the language. The teacher focuses on meaning here, not on form, and therefore the teacher does not make a point of correcting errors during this stage (unless they are errors that block or hinder meaning entirely).
The early production stage
What does the following description refer to?
Students are able to perform role- plays, games, exchange of opinions, group problem solving use open-ended dialogues, discussions, and extended small-group work.
Teachers are asked to be very sparse in their correction of errors
Speech – emergent stage
What does the following description refer to?
Exposure to target language , rather than practice of its forms
Characteristics of the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Empahisizes comprehension
Characteristics of the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Emphasizes informal settings
Characteristics of the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Emphasizes affection and emotional preparedness for learning.
Characteristics of the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Prolonged period of attention before language production
Charactersitcs of the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Generate a constant flow of language input
Teacher’s role in the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Create an interesting, engaging and friendly atmosphere
Teacher’s role in the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Provides a low affective filter (no error correcting, subjects of high interest) .
Teacher’s role in the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
decide when to speak, what to speak about, what linguistic expressions to use in speaking.
Student’s role in the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Make class activities meaningful, relate them to the real world, foster communication among learners.
Goal of the instructional materials in the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
Use of realia : pictures, visual aids, schedules, advertisements, maps, books, etc.
Instructional material in the Natural Approach
What does the following description refer to?
According to Dell Hymes (1972), this approach starts from a theory of a language as communication. The goal is to develop communicative competence.
The Communicative Approach (Communicative Language Teaching)
What does the following description refer to?
Language is not just bits of grammar , it also involves language functions ( discourse elements: inviting, agreeing, suggestions, etc. ) which students should learn how to use.
Main Points of Communicative Language Teaching
What does the following description refer to?
If students get enough exposure to language and have opportunities to use it and if they are motivated, then language learning will be successful.
Main Points of Communicative Language Teaching
What does the following description refer to?
Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning
Task Principle of CLT
What does the following description refer to?
Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.
Meaningful Principle of CLT
What does the following description refer to?
Activities that involve real communication promote learning.
Communication Principle of CLT
What does the following description refer to?
It is a learner – centered approach.
Characteristics of CLT
What does the following description refer to?
Learning a language through using it to communicate.
Charateristics of CLT
What does the following description refer to?
Authentic and meaningful communication is the goal of classroom activities
Characteristics of CLT
What does the following description refer to?
Fluency is given priority
Characteristics of CLT
What does the following description refer to?
Integration of all language skills
Characteristics of CLT
What does the following description refer to?
Communication is a creative process that involves trial and error
Characteristics of CLT
What does the following description refer to?
- students interact with each other rather than with the teacher .
- learners see that failed communication is the joint responsibility, and not the fault of listener or speaker.
- successful communication is achieved collaboratively.
Learner’s rol in CLT
What does the following description refer to?
Facilitate the communication between all participants in classroom
– To act as an independent participant within the learning
– teaching group
– As a researcher and learner ,counselor, group manager.
– Teacher assumes the responsibility through: one-to-one sessions, In groups, planning group and individual instructions.
Teacher’s rol in CLT
What does the following description refer to?
Use of authentic language and on asking students to perform /do meaningful tasks using the target language.
Such tasks can include various real- life situations , such as visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling customer service for help.
Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)
What does the following definition refer to?
Engaging learners in task work provides a better context for the activation of learning process then form-focused activities( activities based on grammar exercises).
Main Point of Task-based Language Teaching
What does the followgin description refer to?
– Which involve real communication ( conversation ).
– in which language is meaningful and is used for carrying out meaningful tasks
Activites emphasized by Task-based Language Teaching
What does the following example refer to?
Students may be asked to perform a real phone conversation, filling hotel forms, or job application forms), etc
Real - world tasks
What does the following example refer to?
Students are asked to do a grammar exercise, practice concrete grammar structure, or perform writing activities, ) etc.
Pedagogical tasks
What does the following description refer to?
• Tasks improve learners motivation and promote learning. These task require the learners to use authentic language and are varied in format and operation. They also include physical activity, they involve partnership and collaboration.
Positive Points of Task-Based Language Teaching
What does the following description refer to?
Teacher should be very careful in selecting and assigning tasks .Difficult tasks may reduce the attention, therefore, fluency may develop at the expense of accuracy.
Negative Points of Task-Based Language Teaching.
What does the following description refer to?
Tries to develop the language and discourse which will be needed for particular jobs
English for specific purposes