UNIT 6. CONTEXT and CULTURE Flashcards
What does the following description refer to?
the relevant constraints of the communicative situation that influence language use, language variation, and discourse
What does the following description refer to?
Is NOT a method for teaching languages. It is a way of describing and understanding how language is used.
It is a general term for a number of approaches to analyzing written, spoken, or signed language use. It analyzes “naturally occuring” language use, and not invented examples.
Discourse analysis
What does the following description refer to?
Is a branch of linguistics that focuses on language use above and beyond the sentence
Discourse Analysis
What do the following items refer to?
language-in-action monologues classroom talk Interviews service encounters organizing and directing people
types of speech
What does the following description refer to?
Talk accompanying doing
What does the following description refer to?
speeches, stories, jokes
What does the following description refer to?
lectures, classes, seminars, tutorials
Classroom Talk
What does the following description refer to?
job, journalistic, in official settings
What does the following description refer to?
banks, shops, travel agent, etc.
service encounters
What does the following description refer to?
in the street, work, home
organizing and directing people
What is one of the most significant elements for conversation analysis?
What does the following description refer to?
the basic unit of speech of the individual speaker
What does the following description refer to?
is to know how speakers achieve smooth turn-taking.
The goal of conversation analysis
What do the following items refer to?
intonation pauses for breath body language phrases or interjections silence
Elements within turn-taking
What does the following description refer to?
Dropping _________ may signal that a point is made, so a response is in order. It may also signal the end of conversation or the end of the thought; express hesitation, or show a need for encouragement on the part of participants in the speaking act.
What does the following description refer to?
May also be taken as an opening of conversation or “thinking” time before answering.
pauses for breath
What does the following description refer to?
is a very significant turn-seeking signal, for example, eye contact, and gesticulation (see more about it below in the PARALANGUAGE section).
Body language
What does the following description refer to?
like ah! oh! wow! Right! OK, so, well, now, you see, I see, dont tell me ( In Spanish you may use one of these: no cierto, mira, oye) ,etc. can also indicate the speaker
s reaction to information conveyed by the participants of the conversation.
phrases or interjections
What does the following description refer to?
(or minimal silence) of approximately 1-2 seconds of the participant or participants can be used to communicate and express unwillingness to continue the conversation or the desire to stop or interrupt communication, etc.
What does the following description refer to?
Refers to non–verbal elements of communication. These elements are used to modify meaning and convey the emotion of the speech-act participants.
It may be expressed consciously and unconsciously. It may include the elements described for turn-taking: pitch, the volume of the voice, and intonation.
What does the following description refer to?
Movements and gestures that speakers usually produce during speech acts. Language of hands, body, and facial expressions is universal.
Body Language
What do the following items refer to?
Eye contact
elements of non verbal communication
What does the following description refer to?
It varies according to culture. In some cultures ,during a conversation eye contact should be limited, while in others it is one of the main elements of speaking acts.
Eye contact
What does the following description refer to?
It refers to a “ space bubble” that speakers of different cultures maintain during the conversation. For example, in Spanish speaking countries, the physical distance between speakers during a conversation may not be very significant , while in most of Europe, the USA, Canada, and some other countries ,the speakers keep a certain distance from each other
Proxemics- (physical proximity)
What does the following description refer to?
(touching a partner during conversation ) also varies according to culture.
What does the following description refer to?
explains that the meaning depends not only on the linguistic knowledge (e.g. grammar rules, vocabulary, etc.) of the speaker and listener, but also on the context of the utterance, and knowledge about the status of those involved in conversation.
What does the following description refer to?
is a subfield of linguistics which studies how the context contributes to the meaning of words and how context influences the interpretation of meaning.
The ability to understand another speaker’s intended meaning is called _________
pragmatic competence
What do the following items refer to?
The participants
The message content
The kind of communicative activity
Features to understand the influence of context on the use of language
What does the following description refer to?
We need to know who the speakers are, their roles in conversation, the difference in power( example: boss- employee), the degree of closeness or distance between them ( peers, strangers, etc), and the number of people involved in the speech act ( whether it is monologue, dialogue, public speech, etc.)
the participants
What does the following description refer to?
We need to know how “beneficial” the message is to the hearer/speaker, hearer / speaker, whether the conversation is or not within the rights of the relationships between the participants.
The message content
What does the following description refer to?
We need to know whether it is a job interview, informal conversation between friends, a lecture, etc. These norms of the activity influence language behavior . The signals indicate the beginning or end of the conversation, and level of formality between the participants of speech act.
The kind of communicative activity
What does the following description refer to?
We need to know whether it is a job interview, informal conversation between friends, a lecture, etc. These norms of the activity influence language behavior . The signals indicate the beginning or end of the conversation, and level of formality between the participants of speech act.
The kind of communicative activity
How can the knowledge of pragmatics be useful for language learning and teaching a second or foreign language?
We might need Pragmatics to use language correctly and to avoid misunderstandings about meanings.
What does the following description refer to?
tries to explain the differences found in many languages and cultural groups.
We need to learn pragmatics to be able to communicate and interact with speaker of other languages more naturally
the need to learn pragmatics
What does the following description refer to?
It guides the behaviour of people in a community and is formed by our family life.
What does the following description refer to?
The set of behaviors and modes of perceptions, is highly important in the learning of a second language.
What does the following description refer to?
language is a part of culture, and a culture is a part of language; we cannot separate the two without losing the significance of either language or culture.
Relation between culture and language
What does the following description refer to?
Is an expression of culture. It influences the way the speakers perceive the world and it has significant implications for translation.
What does the following description refer to?
ideas, customs, skills, arts, and tools that characterize a given group of people in a given period of time
What does the following description refer to?
It threatens to introduce enormous amounts of new material and categories which are inherently slippery and vague.
Systematizing context
What does the following description refer to?
Is the study of how stretches of language are perceived as meaningful and unified by their users.
Discourse analysis
What does the following description refer to?
when we speak, we do not only communicate through words. A good deal is conveyed by tone of voice, and by the use of our bodies…Such communicative behavior, used alongside language is…
What does the following description refer to?
the use of visual elements to convey ideas and information
visual communication
what does the following description refer to?
is defined as any human communication that occurs through the use of two or more electronic devices.
Computer-mediated communication (CMC)
What does the following description refer to?
Is the discipline which studies the knowledge and procedures which enable people to understand each other’s words. Its main concern is not the literal meaning, but what speakers intend to do with their words and what it is which makes this intention clear.