The deliberate change from one manner or style of speaking to another IS CALLED ?
Code Switching or Code Choice
-To mark switching from informal to formal situations
– between parents and children
– “ to announce specific identities, create certain meanings, and facilitate particular interpersonal relationships”, and
– “ to align speakers with others in specific situations (e.g., defining oneself as a member of an ethnic group)”(Johnson, 2000, p. 184).
Are the functions of?
Code Switching
_______________ are used in families and big communities. People need to negotiate to mean and make themselves clear, so the speakers have to be very
explicit. This explicitness is valued by speakers
Elaborated Codes
_________________-is used in communities that center on physical work. When people share a subculture, they need to share information and understanding. Fixed and inflexible syntactic patterns are used. Language is predictable since the limited vocabulary is used
Restricted Codes
___________________refers to a language variety used by a group of people in their public discourse. This term is also used for that variety of a language which is considered to be the norm (Jenkins, 2009).
Alternatively, varieties become standard by undergoing a process of standardization which is organized for description grammars and dictionaries and encoded in such reference works. Varieties that become standardized are the local dialects and are spoken in the centers of commerce and government where a need arises for a variety that will serve more than local needs
Standard Language
Sometimes ___________________language is associated with a language variety used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups.
What makes ___________language different from the standard is the fact that it is not taught in schools, and it is not represented in written form unless it is a deliberate direct quotation of a nonstandard speaker.
Non Standard
The term ___________ was originally used by linguists to refer to language varieties that had previously been labeled with terms such as vulgar.
____________ English differs from Standard English most importantly at the level of grammar. (Trudgill,1992).
Non Standard
What does the following definition refer to?
a. the form or variety of a spoken language peculiar to a region, community, social group, occupational group, etc. It differs from the standard language in matters of pronunciation, syntax, etc.
b. the sum total of local characteristics of speech.
c. any form of speech considered as deviating from a real or imaginary standard speech
This approach consists basically of stating what is considered right and wrong in language. For example, some established grammar rules can’t be broken, we can‘ t use the particle to after the modal verbs, it is considered incorrect. (it is not correct to say He can to play the guitar, or splitting infinitives is also wrong She to buy wants a book).
Prescriptive approach
This approach consists of describing the facts. It describes the rules of the language, and language is seen as essentially rule governed (made of rules)
Descriptive approach
These are characteristics of?
– deals with variety or manner of speaking of a language.
– refers to HOW language should be used.
– can apply to most aspects of language: spelling, grammar, semantics, and pronunciation.
– may imply a view that some forms are incorrect, improper, illogical, lack communicative effect, or are of low aesthetic value (non-standard).
Prescriptive approach
– to specify standard language forms either generally (what is Standard English?) – for specific purposes: explain what style and register is appropriate.
– to formulate styles and registers in such a way as to make them easily taught or learned.
These are the aims of..?
Linguistic prescription
- Establishes the rules how language should be used
- Includes grammar rules
- Applies for spoken, written language, pronunciation
We talk about..?
• registers and describes language variations , dialects, and styles
We talk about..?
What does the following definition refer to?
Branch of Linguistics which deals with the study of language use in society and in socio-cultural context. In addition, it is the study of the linguistic indicators of culture and power (Schmitt, 2011).
What does the following definition refer to?
Language variations (dialects, accents) and language change; and explains WHY languages change.
What does the following definition refer to?
Is the study of how language and social factors are related.
What does the following definition refer to?
A set of linguistic items with similar distribution
Dialects can be described at different levels according to variations. These can be subdivided in:
P M S S G Phonological Morphological Syntactic Semantic Grammatical
What level of dialect does the following definition refer to?
(differences in pronunciation, ex: in Spanish llave( / llave / – llave / shave /
What level of dialect does the following definition refer to?
Word structure
What level of dialect does the following definition refer to?
It can be represented by different word order in sentences.
– Syntactic
What level of dialect does the following definition refer to?
Differences in meaning, ex football – soccer
What level of dialect does the following definition refer to?
Differences in grammar structures may depend on the social status of speakers, age, and gender.
What does the following definition refer to?
It is a pattern or manner of pronunciation.
What does the following definition refer to?
Is when a person talks differently to different people according to the situation. The speaker may be more polite to people he /she does not know, for example. Another example: when we speak with children we usually use a lot of diminutives and a very simplified language
Subject matter, social roles/situations, discursive function, consultative are the parameters that determine ?
What does the following definition refer to?
What the text is about: what speakers are talking about will determine their choices in the various linguistic levels: lexical, syntactic, and so on. Chemistry, physics, or mathematics, for example, will have their own registers.
Subject Manner
What does the following definition refer to?
Who the speaker is and what he/she does.
Social roles/situations:
What does the following definitions refer to?
what the speaker is using the text for, such as discussing, insulting, and so forth, such as the “field of discourse”.
Discursive function:
What does the following definition refer to?
The speaker provides background information and the hearer participates; no familiarity is established.
What do the following definitions refer to?
- is defined in relationship to a specific activity, profession, group, or event. In other words, the term refers to the language used by people who work in a particular area or who have a common interest. It can be used to express ideas that are frequently discussed between members of a group, though it can also be developed deliberately using chosen terms.
- occupational variations.
- Provide speakers of specialized domains with clear, well-defined, unambiguous terms to refer to their activities.
- Provide speakers of a subgroup with a means of marking in-group membership and exclude outsiders. ( Brown, 2009)
Are the purposes of?
What does the following definition refers to?
refers to the use of informal words , expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker’s dialect or language
What does the following definition refer to?
In other words, Psycholinguistics is a field of linguistics that studies the mental processes involved in the comprehension, production, and acquisition of language, learning of language by children, speech processing, and comprehension of language by both children and adults.
What does the following definition refer to?
Can be defined as the activities involving speaking, listening, writing, language, and gestures.
Language behavior
Oral language behavior
Written language behavior
Are the characteristics of?
Language production
Speaking Listening
Writing Reading
Are the characteristics of?
Language comprehension
Textual procedures
Sentence procedures
Constituent procedures
Word procedure
Phonemic procedures
Are the aspects of?
Language acquisition
What language learning theory are we talking about?
•based on observable behavior in the description and explanation of learning behavior.The main role in language learning is given to environment( verbal and non-verbal) and language learning.
What language learning theory are we talking about?
•based on the structure and on theoretical linguistic assumptions, with the main focus on the innate capacity of any child to learn any language
Metalistic theory
Refers to mode of usage of usage of most educated speakers of a language and estabilished as a prestigious form of language.
Language which is considered the norm.
Standard Language
______________language is associated with a language variety used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups.
______________ English differs from Standard English most importantly at the level of grammar
If two speakers differ in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary it can be concluded that they speak different …
Variation in pronunciation, but NOT in grammar and vocabulary, would be considered difference of ….
What does the following definition refer to?
Is the language of people born and raised in one of the countries where English ins historically the first language to be spoken.
English as a Native Language
What does the following definition refer to?
In a community where another language (mother tongue) is spoken, English serves no special purpose within these countries.
English as a Foreign Language
What does the following definition refer to?
_____________ has a special purpose in communities, it refers to English Lananguage Learning in countries where English is the main/official language, and the student’s native language is not.
English as a Second Language
What does the following definition refer to?
refers to someone`s ability, condition, or quality of being competent, it is to know or do something well.
What does the following definition refer to?
Is the system of linguistic knowledge possessed by all native speakers of a concrete language. It is a principle for correct sentence formation, and the creation of grammatical sentences.
Linguistic competence
What does the following definition refer to?
Is a theory in linguistics that suggests that there are properties that all possible natural human languages have .According to this theory , some rules of grammar are already in the human brain, and manifest themselves without the need of being learned or taught
Universal grammar
What does the following definition refer to?
within language education, or knowledge necessary to use language in social context ( appropriate language use). He stated that in order to speak a language correctly, one needs not only to learn its vocabulary and grammar, but also the context in which words are used.
Is considered the goal of language education
Communicatve competence
How are the following items known?
possibility, feasibility, appropriateness, and attestedness.
Components of communicative competence
What does the following definition refer to?
It refers to the process in the mind. Since the capacity of the brain is limited, complicated (or very extended) sentence are less feasible than the simpler ones. Thus, simpler sentences are more feasible and less ambiguous. In other words, it is about whether (and to what degree) something is feasible in virtue of the means of implementation available.
What does the following definition refer to?
It refers to the formal aspect of a language- whether utterances are grammatically correct or not. In other words, it is about whether (and to what degree) something is formally possible.
What does the following definition refer to?
It is about whether (and to what degree) something is appropriate, (adequate, happy, successful) in relation to a context in which it is used and evaluated. It also refers to the importance of the context of an utterance. Language should be interpreted within specific situation, in which it occurs (context).
Relation of a language and a context
What does the following definition refer to?
It is about whether (and to what degree) something is in fact done, actually performed, and what its doing entails. ( Hymes, 1970:281)
What does the following description refer to?
It is generally used in written communication, taught in schools, and codified in dictionaries and grammar books.
What does the following description refer to?
Are regional and social class varieties of the language which differ from the standard in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary and are seldom written down at all.