What does the following definition refer to?
It can be defined as a manner of acting, feeling, or thinking that shows ones disposition; opinion, or one
s disposition, mental set, etc.
To which term do the following characteristics refer?
–The opinions, ideas and prejudices that speakers have with respect to a language.
– The feelings people have about their own language variety or languages or language varieties of others
Language Attitude
What does the following definition refer to?
Is a group of languages derived from the same ( parental ) language
Language Family
What does the following definition refer to?
Distinct languages which can be traced back to a common source are said to be _________.
Relation Languages
To which language group do the following belong?
French, Spanish, Italian ,Romanian, Portuguese.
Romance Languages
To which language group do the following belong?
German, Norwegian, Swedish Dutch, Dane, English.
Germanic Languages
To which language group do the following belong?
Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Check.
Slavic Languages
What is the consequence of the following factors?
–culture change
– movement of people / migration ( trade, travel, war)
– new religions, beliefs, values, behaviours.
– language spread
– geographical spread.
– isolation
– borrowings
Reasons of language change
What does the following definition refer to?
Influence of other languages
What does the following definition refer to?
An __________ language is unrelated to any others, which makes it the only language in its own language family.
Insolated / Insolation
What does the following definition refer to?
(destroying a people’s culture ) : for example, Australian aborigines, North American Native people, India, etc.
As a result of these phenomenon new tendencies to revive the culture and
language have appeared
What does the following definition refer to?
Is a simplified language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common .
Pidgin languages
What does the following definition refer to?
( killing of people) – For example the Tasmanian tribes.
What do the following factors represent?
- Intercommunication
- Prestige
- Necessity
The factors responsible for changes in the lexicon of English during Middle English period
What does the following definition refer to?
communication among the monolingual English inhabitants and the bilingual members of the ruling and merchant classes
What does the following definition refer to?
One who used French words might hope to be identified with the upper classes.
What does the following definition refer to?
Farmers, merchants, servants, defendants in the court needed the language; university students, the clergy., Necessity involved the borrowing of lexical items in social, political, and economic, but not linguistic fields.
What does the following definition refer to?
Are those born into the language (to contrast it with the second language speakers – those who learned the language through special education (Jenkins, 2009:16).
Native speakers
What does the following definition refer to?
Is a way to refer to communication in English between speakers who have different first languages. In other words, _______ is used to facilitate communication among speakers of different languages.
English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)
What do the following factors represent?
–Historical reasons
– Internal political reasons
– External / Internal economic reasons
– Practical reasons
– Intellectual reasons
– Entertainment reasons
Reasons for English becoming a Lingua Franca
What does the following description refer to?
Investigates problems in the world in which language is implicated.
Applied linguistics
What does the following description refer to?
predominantly English-speaking countries
Inner circle
What does the following description refer to?
of the former colonies where English is an official language
outer circle