Unit 7 Lesson 7 Advances in Science and Technology Flashcards
NASA also explored space beyond our solar system, how did the Kepler mission help with this?
Through the Kepler mission, NASA studied our Milky Way Galaxy in a search for new planets. Instead of using rovers and orbiters for this mission, NASA used a space-based telescope.
What was the Kepler telescope?
The Kepler telescope collected images from the galaxy and sent them back to Earth. Scientists analyzing those images identified more than 1,700 planets outside Earth’s solar system.
As the global economy grew the consumption of what also grew?
As the global economy grew, it consumed growing amounts of energy. Most of that energy came from fossil fuels, such as oil, coal, and natural gas.
Affects of fossil fuels
They also cause environmental damage by polluting the air when they are burned. Pollution, or harmful impurities added to the environment, is a worldwide problem. Air or water pollution from other countries may affect the United States
How did congress respond to the book?
Congress responded by passing a law to restrict the use of DDT.
The modern environmental movement began in the 1960s with the publication of what book?
Silent Spring
What is the Silent Spring about?
In this book, Rachel Carson, a marine biologist, warned readers of the dangers of DDT. DDT is a chemical that farmers used to kill insects. Carson explained that DDT sprayed on crops did not just kill insects. It killed birds and fish and even threatened human food supplies.
Soon environmental groups like the Sierra Club, the National Wildlife Foundation, and the Audubon Society lobbied Congress for additional protective laws. How did the government respond to this what was the Enviromental Protection Agency?
In 1970, President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In the same year, environmentalists held the first Earth Day.
In the 2000s, environmentalists in the United States and throughout the world continued to address global environmental problems. What problems did they talk about?
They were concerned about such issues as groundwater contamination, chemical spills, depletion of the ozone layer in Earth’s atmosphere, nuclear waste disposal, reliance on fossil fuels, the extinction of plants and animals, and the destruction of the rainforest.
Climate change is any measurable long-term change in climate. Climate change affects what?
Climate change may affect precipitation, wind patterns, or temperature. Global warming, defined as an increase in average temperatures near Earth’s surface, is one form of climate change.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, during the 1900s, the temperature near Earth’s surface rose by how much.
1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. The EPA estimated that the temperature would increase another 2 to 11.5 degrees by 2100.
How did the EPA promote a clean government?
In the 2000s, the EPA collected information on pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, or gases released into the air. It also encouraged energy conservation and the development of cleaner energy. The EPA worked to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Since both pollution and climate change were global issues, the EPA also worked with international partners.
Summariaze the medical improvments in the 2000s?
In the years after 2000, scientists made progress identifying the building blocks of life, particularly genes. Genes are the hereditary material in organisms, including humans. Scientists, doctors, and other healthcare providers also made progress fighting disease.
What is Biotechnolgy?
Biotechnology is technology based on biology.
What were the outcomes of advances in biotechnogoly?
Advances in biotechnology helped feed, fuel, and heal the world. Biotechnology made rapid advances in the years after 2000. Not only did biotechnology improve medicine and agriculture, it also supported a growing industry based on creating products and services with biotechnology.
The medical field uses biotechnology to detect and fight disease.
What was the Human Genome Project?
In 1990, the Human Genome Project brought the international scientific community together to map all the genes in the human body. The project was completed in 2003. Scientists concluded that there are about 20,500 human genes.
What is the human genome?
The complete set of genes in the human body is known as the human genome.
Studying the humsn grnomr helped reachers understand and develop what?
Studying the human genome helped researchers understand human diseases. With this knowledge, they could develop new plans for the detection, treatment, and prevention of diseases.
What were other way reachers used biotechnology?
Researchers also used biotechnology to make drugs to treat diseases. They learned to adjust the genes of microorganisms, such as bacteria, to make them produce useful drugs and other treatments. During the early 2000s, these efforts produced better and safer vaccines and brought down the cost of some medicines.
Why did farmers start using biotechnolgy?
Farmers use biotechnology to increase crop production, develop crops that are resistant to insects, and enhance food nutrition.
By adjusting the genes of crop plants what were researchers able to do?
By adjusting the genes of crop plants, researchers were able to create varieties of crops that produced more food or that resisted drought, insects, and other agents that harmed crops.
Differences in acient techniques of breeding and biotechnology?
Ancient techniques of breeding also adjusted the genes of plants and livestock, but biotechnology does so in a targeted way using scientific methods. These advances helped many farmers and consumers.
How did critics and reacehers feel about biotechnogly farm-wise?
Critics raised concerns about genetically modified organisms, including crops or livestock. These concerns include the rising dependence of farmers on biotechnology companies. Researchers also expressed concern about possible dangers to the environment or human health from some uses of biotechnology in agriculture.
How did scientists feel abot the biotechnolgy farm-wise?
However, scientists believed that genetically modified foods, as part of a healthy diet, posed no risk to human health.
How did Globalization affect diseases?
Globalization increased the impact and reach of illnesses and infectious diseases. The frequency of travel intensified the rate at which diseases could be transmitted throughout the world. This increased rate of transmission led to increased concern about health security.
What was the U.S. Centers for Disease Control sand Prevention, what did it do?
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) worked with governments around the world to address this concern. The CDC helped other countries learn how to detect and prevent the spread of potential disease epidemics.
The CDC also supported HIV/AIDS programs in more than 70 countries. What is HIV/AIDS?
The CDC also supported HIV/AIDS programs in more than 70 countries. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV can cause AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, an often fatal disease that attacks the human immune system. Although the human body cannot get rid of HIV, medication can prolong the lives of people infected with the virus.
In the 1960s, a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology worked to develop a system to connect computers worldwide. How did this lead to the formation of the internet?
His ideas provided the basis for the Internet, a system of linking computers worldwide that gives users access to information. In 1969, the United States Department of Defense began linking its computers to computers at American universities. In the 1990s, private companies made the Internet available in homes and businesses.
Internet VS the web?
The Internet makes email communication, instant messaging, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls, video calls, and use of the World Wide Web, often simply known as the web, possible. The web was created in the 1980s using technology developed by the United States, Britain, and France. The web is one of many services that run on the Internet. It links documents through hypertext. Web browsers let people view those documents as images, texts, and multimedia on the Internet.
Rise of a Digital world
Personal computers and the Internet changed the world. They increased business productivity and efficiency. E-commerce expanded the marketplace to make it digital and global. People regularly bought products, paid bills, and managed their bank accounts online. Digital lessons, textbooks, and library resources transformed teaching and learning.
What is Socail netwokring?
Social network sites can be used for personal and business connections. They allow people to set up profiles and manage who has access to the information that they share. Like the rest of the Internet, social networking sites presented risks when they did not adequately protect individual privacy or were vulnerable to data theft and viruses.