Unit 4 Lesson 3: US Power in Latin America Flashcards
Which geographical feature provided an ideal location to build a canal?
The Isthmus of Panama
What is an Isthmus?
An isthmus is a narrow strip of land that has water on each side with the strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land.
how many miles of land separated the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
Only 50 miles of land
What was Roosevelts orginal plan to build a canal near the Isthums?
To build the canal, Roosevelt had to deal with Colombia, which owned the isthmus. Roosevelt asked Secretary of State John Hay to approach Colombia. Hay offered $10 million cash plus $250,000 a year to rent a strip of land across Panama.
How was Roosevelt able to build a canal in Panama?
Roosevelt knew that some Panamanians wanted to break away from Colombia. He made it known that he would not help Colombia suppress the rebels. In fact, he might even support the rebellion.
On November 2, 1903, the American warship Nashville dropped anchor in the port of ColĂłn, Panama. The next day, Panamanians rebelled against Colombia.
American forces stopped Colombian troops from crushing the revolt. Panama then declared itself an independent republic. The United States recognized the new nation at once. Panama in turn agreed to let the United States build a canal on terms similar to those it had offered to Colombia.
What made Panama a mosquito paradise?
With its tropical heat, heavy rainfall, and plentiful swamps, Panama was a “mosquito paradise.
What challenges did workers face due to the mosquito paradise?
Death and diseases
Mosquitoes carry two of the deadliest tropical diseases: malaria and yellow fever.
Who was Dr. William Gorgas, and what did he do?
Dr. William Gorgas, an army physician, arrived in Panama in 1905 to help control the mosquitoes and the spread of disease. He ordered workers to locate all pools of water, where mosquitoes laid their eggs. Day after day, the workers drained swamps, sprayed tons of insecticide, and spread oil on stagnant water to kill mosquito eggs.
By 1906, Gorgas had won his battle. Yellow fever disappeared from Panama. Malaria cases dropped dramatically. Work on the Panama Canal could proceed.
The majority of the people who worked to build the canal were…
blacks from the West Indies.
When was the canal finished?
Finally, in 1914, the first ocean-going steamship traveled through the Panama Canal.
How did the canal benfit trade?
The new waterway helped the trade of many nations. American merchants and manufacturers benefited most. They could now ship goods cheaply to South America and Asia.
In 1902, several European countries sent warships to force Venezuela to repay its debts. How did US react to this?
President Roosevelt decided that the United States must step in to keep Europeans out.
What was the Roosevelt Corollary?
In 1904, Roosevelt announced an important corollary, or addition, to the Monroe Doctrine. He claimed that the United States had a right to intervene in Latin America to preserve law and order.
By using what he called “international police power,” the United States could force Latin Americans to pay their debts to foreign nations. It would also keep those nations from meddling in Latin American affairs.
What did William Tarft believe in?
Roosevelt’s successor, William Howard Taft, also favored a strong role in Latin America. However, he wanted to “substitute dollars for bullets.” He urged American bankers to invest in Latin America. Taft’s policy of building strong economic ties to Latin America became known as dollar diplomacy.
What is the dollar diplomacy?
Taft’s policy of building strong economic ties to Latin America became known as dollar diplomacy.
American investors responded eagerly. They helped build roads, railroads, and harbors in Latin America. These improvements increased trade, benefiting both the United States and local governments.
What problems did the dollar diplomacy?
American businesses, such as the United Fruit Company, often meddled in the political affairs of host countries. Sometimes, the United States used military force to keep order. In 1912, when a revolution erupted in Nicaragua, the United States sent in marines to protect American investments.
What was the foundation of the Woodrow Wilson presidency?
Woodrow Wilson, condemned the heavy-handed foreign policy of earlier Presidents. Wilson ordered military intervention in Latin America more than any prior President. He sent marines to quell disturbances in Haiti in 1915 and in the Dominican Republic in 1916. American troops remained in Haiti until 1934.
What were Wilson’s moral diplomacy?
The goals of Wilson’s moral diplomacy were to condemn imperialism, spread democracy, and promote peace.
What was US’s reason for the high intervention with Latin America?
The United States declared that its troops were restoring order and guarding American lives and property.
Who was Porfirio DĂaz?
Porfirio DĂaz, Mexico’s president from 1884 to 1911, welcomed American investment. By 1912, Americans had invested about $1 billion to develop mines, oil wells, railroads, and ranches. Yet, most Mexicans remained poor. They worked the land of a few wealthy families, receiving very little for their labor.
Who was Francisco Madero?
Mexicans rebelled against DĂaz in 1910. The new leader, Francisco Madero, promised democratic reform. Then, in 1913, Madero was himself overthrown and killed by General Victoriano Huerta (WEHR tuh). As civil war raged, Wilson refused to recognize what he called Huerta’s “government of butchers.”
How did President Wilson react to the drama in Mexico?
Wilson tried to stay neutral. He hoped that Mexico would develop a democratic government without American interference. As Huerta’s dictatorship grew more brutal, Wilson authorized the sale of arms to Huerta’s rival, Venustiano Carranza.
Finally, a minor incident led to American intervention. In 1914, Huerta’s troops arrested several American sailors. The sailors were quickly released and an apology issued. Still, Wilson ordered the United States Navy to occupy the Mexican port of Veracruz. Rallied by the American show of strength, Carranza’s forces drove Huerta from power. The United States troops withdrew.
What was Wilson’s response to Mexicans revolution?
Wilson tried to stay neutral. He hoped that Mexico would develop a democratic government without American interference. As Huerta’s dictatorship grew more brutal, Wilson authorized the sale of arms to Huerta’s rival, Venustiano Carranza.
Finally, a minor incident led to American intervention. In 1914, Huerta’s troops arrested several American sailors. The sailors were quickly released and an apology issued. Still, Wilson ordered the United States Navy to occupy the Mexican port of Veracruz. Rallied by the American show of strength, Carranza’s forces drove Huerta from power. The United States troops withdrew.
How did US ended up getting involved in Mexcio’s revelution?
In January 1916, Villa’s soldiers removed 17 American citizens from a train in Mexico and shot them. In March, Villa raided the town of Columbus, New Mexico, killing 18 Americans. He hoped that his actions would weaken relations between the United States and the Carranza government. But the plan backfired.
Wilson sent General John J. Pershing with an army of several thousand soldiers into Mexico to capture Villa. When Mexico demanded that the troops be withdrawn, Wilson refused. Still, both Wilson and Carranza resisted calls for war. After 11 months, Wilson ordered Pershing to withdraw without capturing Villa. The United States had again shown its willingness to use force to protect its interests. The incident strained relations with Mexico.
What did US realize?
As United States troops headed home from Mexico, many Americans realized that their nation’s role in world affairs had dramatically changed over the years. Now, the United States stationed troops and ships in both Asia and Latin America. American business interests spanned the globe. At the same time, an enormous war had begun in Europe in 1914. With its increased role in international affairs, the United States would find it impossible to stay out of the conflict.