Unit 7 Flashcards
What was the cause of the Spanish-American war
Americans had supported Cubas desire for independence from Spain, the Maine blows up, yellow journalism
What was the result of the Spanish-American war
Spain freed Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico were turned over to the US, Spain sold the Philippines to the US for 20 million, United States becomes a world power
What is the policy of imperialism
A policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories
Why did the US start emerging in imperialism
Desire for military strength, thirst for new markets, believe in cultural superiority
In what way did Alaska turn out to be a good deal for the United States
Alaska was sold for only two cents an acre, the US acquired land rich in timber, minerals, and oil
What group became the most powerful in Hawaii? Why did they favor US annexation
American owned sugar plantations. They favored annexation so they wouldn’t have to pay for the duty
What was the 17th amendment
The direct election of Senators
What was the goal of the woman’s Christian temperance union
To ban the manufacture and sale of liquor. Eventually successful with 18th amendment
What was the pure food and drug act
It called for truth in labeling- putting the ingredients listed on the package
What was the initiative, referendum, and recall all parts of
Citizen laws or progressive reform
What is initiative
A bill that originates with the people
What is referendum
When voters except to reject the initiatives
What is recall
Allows voters to remove elected officials
Who is Upton Sinclair and what is his goal
A photographer that is trying to expose the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry
What is a Muckraker
A journalist that wrote about the corrupt side of business and public life
What is the main goal of the progressive movement
To return control of the government to the people
What are the four subgoals of progressivism
Protect social welfare, promote moral improvement, economic reform, and to improve efficiency
In progressivism how did they go about protecting social welfare
Increasing labor rights and improving working conditions
In progressivism how did they go about promoting moral improvement
They attempted to ban alcohol, the prohibition
In progressivism how did they go about economic reform
They tried to stop favorable treatment of big businesses
In progressivism how did they go about improving efficiency
Henry ford invented the assembly line
What was the 19th amendment
It gave women the right to vote
What was the 18th amendment
The banning of alcohol
What was the red scare
A panic in the US growing a fear of communism taking over
What was the great migration
A movement of thousands of Southern blacks into the cities of the north
What were some reasons for the great migration
To escape racial discrimination, declining agriculture of the south, and job opportunities in the north
What was the Treaty of Versailles
A peace treaty at the end of World War I
Why did the US rejected the Treaty of Versailles at first
Creation of the League of Nations
Explain the espionage and sedition acts
It kept Americans from interfering with the war effort, or saying anything disloyal, profane, or abusive towards the US
What were some weapons of World War I
Machine guns, mustard and chlorine gas, and tanks and zeppelins
Explain how the government had control of the economy during World War I
Created a war industry board to regulate
What were the rules of women during World War I
Wartime brought woman into the workplace, they served as a volunteers, Red Cross workers, encouragers of the sale of bonds, and planted victory Gardens
Why did the US entered World War I
Sinking of the Lusitania, the zimmerman note, and the revolution in Russia
What was US foreign-policy at the onset of World War I
Neutral or isolationism
What was the Panama canal
A canal through Central America that made trade easier
What did the Panama Canal accomplish
Cut down transportation time for commercial and military purposes, and to Facilitate trade between the pacific and the Atlantic
What was the Roosevelt Corollary
United States would now use force to protect its economic interest in Latin America
What was the bully pulpit
The president using his power to enforce the public to act
What was the name of Roosevelts reforms
Teddy’s square deal
What are two desires for America to acquire Hawaii
To further American business interest in Hawaii, and to establish a naval base and refueling station for American ships
The overall goal of the progressive movement was to make the government more representative to who
The people
Why did US policy makers promote expansionism in the late 1800s
The United States needed new markets for its goods
What was the policy that stated the US would now use force to protect its economic interest in Latin America by “speaking softly and carry a big stick”
The Roosevelt corollary
Who becomes a war hero during the Spanish-American war
Theodore Roosevelt
What was the Imperial acquisition that resulted from the Spanish American war
Puerto Rico and Guam
How did Roosevelt preserve the land in the US
He set aside land for national parks
What are some examples of the red scare
Sacco and Venzeti
What was not a weapon used in ww1
What were initiative, referendum and recall all trying to target
Give voters more rights
Which President used Bully Pulpit
Theodore Roosevelt
What was the results of Spanish American war
We got control of Puerto Rico and Guam
- What are both articles talking about
The Maine exploding in…
- What are the New York Times article based off of
- What example is not part of Yellow Journalism
Maine destroyed and 258 men killed
- What does the word indicates mean in this passage