final Flashcards
What is the name of Theodore Roosevelt's plan for government? A. New deal B. Square deal C. Great Society D. New Freedom
square deal
Women were granted a constitutional right to vote with the passage of: A. 10th amendment B. 15th amendment C. 19th amendment D. 26th amendment
19th amendment
All of the following are causes of the Spanish-American war except:
A. War was sensationalized by yellow journalism
B. America opposed the Cuba desire for independence
C. U.S. traded about $100 million worth of goods with Cuba
D. Sinking of the Maine
America opposed Cuba desire
What was the policy that stated the United States would now use force to protect its economic interests in Latin America by "speaking softly and carrying a big stick" A. Monroe doctrine B. Missionary diplomacy C. Dollar Diplomacy D. Roosevelt Corollary
Roosevelt Corollary
The building of the Panama Canal was important because it:
A. helped stabilize the economies of Latin America countries
B. Improved relations between Columbia and the US
C. facilitated trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports
D. Prompted European investment in the US
facilitated trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports
The policy of extending one country's rule over a foreign country is called A. Imperialism B. Militarism C. Anarchy D. Fascism
Which of the following events caused the United States to finally enter World War 1?
A. Interception of the Zimmerman Telegram
B. Sinking of the Sussex
C. Assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
D. German victory at the battle of the Marne
Interception of the Zimmerman telegram
The Treaty of Versailles was rejected by the United States Senate primarily because:
A. They believed that Germany should not be punished.
B. They believed that the US should not be isolationist
C. Isolationists believed that the League of Nations might invoke the US in future wars
D. none of the above
isolationists believed that the League of Nations might invoke the US in future wars
The Palmer Raids and the Sacco and Vanzetti case were examples of hostility towards foreigners and radicals during this era A. mccarthyism B. the red scare C. the dust bowl D. populism
the red scare
All of the following factors led to the prohibition of alcohol except
A. religious groups believed drinking alcohol was sinful
B. reformers believed the govt should protect the public’s health
C. nativists were hostile toward immigrant groups that used alcohol
D. to eliminate subsidies to farmers growing grains for alcohol
to eliminate subsidies to farmers growing grains for alcohol
What effect did the 1920s have on women?
A. women felt freer to experiment with bolder styles and manners
B. married women found it much easier to balance careers and family life
C. most women grew long hair and stopped wearing makeup
D. women began to dominate the workforce, taking jobs from men
women felt freer to experiment with bolder styles and manners
Which of the following is not a generally accepted cause of the Great Depression? A. a crisis in farm sector B. availability of easy credit C. speculation and buying on margin D. a decline in the automobile industry
a decline in the automobile industry
Which Depression era president would have stated "Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement? A. Franklin D. Roosevelt B. Herbert Hoover C. Warren G. Harding D. Calvin Coolidge
What were the goals of FDR’s plan to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression?
A. relief for the needy
B. economic and financial reform/recovery
C. bail out the automobile industry
D. both A and B
E. both A and C
both a and b
Which change in the US foreign policy is demonstrated by the passage of Cash and Carry, Destroyers for Bases and Lend-Lease Act?
A. a shift from neutrality toward more direct involvement in the war
B. an effort to become more neutral
C. a movement from isolationism to containment of communism
D. a desire to provide aid to both Allied and Axis powers
a shift from neutrality toward more direct involvement in the war
Which of the following is NOT considered a reason as to why Japan bombed and attacked Pearl Harbor?
A. The US stopped selling goods to Japan
B. The US froze Japanese assets after they invaded Indochina
C. The presence of Pearl Harbor in the Pacific
D. The US made an alliance with the Soviet Union
the US made an alliance with the Soviet Union
Why do historians agree that the attack on Pearl Harbor was NOT a total success?
A. Japanese did not sink the America’s subs and aircraft carriers
B. Japanese did not inflict many casualties on America
C. Japan lost 50 planes and one aircraft carrier
D. Japan missed most of their targets in the attack
Japanese did not sink the America’s subs and aircraft carriers
Roosevelt’s decision to remove people of Japanese ancestry to internment camps was a response to what?
A. Strong anti-Japanese sentiment
B. Verified reports of Japanese Americans conducting acts of sabotage
C. The lack of Japanese Americans serving in the armed forces
D. Rumors that the Japanese were developing an atomic bomb
strong anti-Japanese sentiment
The code name for the atomic bomb project was known as the: A. Enola Gay B. Fat Man C. Little Boy D. Manhattan Project
manhattan project
The major justification of using atomic weapons against Japan was to:
A. keep the soviet union from taking Japan
B. Avenge Japanese atrocities
C. End the war quickly and save American/Allied lives
D. Save the taxpayers a lot of money
End the war quickly and save American/Allied lives
The icon of American Industrial workers during World War 2 was known as: A. Sam the Man B. Judy the Juggernaut C. Christine the Charismatic D. Rosie the Riveter
Rosie the Riveter
The D-Day's invasion's objective was to liberate \_\_\_\_ from German occupation: A. France B. Spain C. Great Britain D. Belgium
What impact did Joseph R. McCarthy have on American Society?
A. Strengthened military branches
B. unified political parties
C. spread fear of communism
D. discourage American involvement overseas
spread fear of communism
The usage of the \_\_\_\_\_ language was used as means of communication that Japan was never able to decipher. A. Apache B. Navajo C. Seminole D. Sioux
Which term coined by Winston Churchill describes the line of division between the free western nations of Europe and the eastern communist nations after WW2? A. 38th parallel B. Iron Curtain C. Continental divide D. Berlin Wall
Iron Curtain
Post WW2 American foreign policy was based on the principles of containment, with Truman’s highest priority being:
A. limited military involvement overseas
B. controlling the spread of communism
C. the mass production of bombproof containers
D. increased Japanese trade with America
controlling the spread of communism
Which program provided economic aid to Western Europe nations to help them rebuild after WW2? A. Manhattan project B. United Nations C. Marshall Plan D. Alliance for Progress
Marshall plan
The Supreme Court decision which struck down the "separate but equal" doctrine was: A. Mapp v. Ohio B. Brown v. Board of Education C. Gideon v. Wainwright D. Miranda v. Arizona
Brown v. Board of Education
Which of the following was not a result of Governor Faubus opposing the desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957?
A. pres eisenhower refused to intervene fearing loss of southern political support
B. the NAACP supporting the Little Rock Nine throughout their yearlong experience
C. pres eisenhower sending in the army to protect the nine students
D. white segregationists harassed the nine students the entire school year
pres eisenhower refused to intervene fearing loss of southern political support
Which of the following is not true regarding the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
A. Initiated by Rosa Parks refusal to give up her seat
B. Quickly ended segregation on Montgomery buses
C. demonstrated the power of civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance
D. proves the african american community could unite and organize a successful protest movement
quickly ended segregation on montgomery buses
Civil rights workers who travelled on interstate buses protesting the segregation of transportation and terminals were called what? A. Freedom Riders B. Nation of Islam C. The Rainbow Coalition D. King's Riders
Freedom Riders
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a founder and leader of which organization?
A. Nation of Islam
B. Mississippi Freedom
C. Southern Christian Leadership conference
D. Student nonviolent coordinating committee
Which of the following individuals was the first African American to integrate the University of Mississippi? A. Thurgood Marshall B. Orval Faubus C. James Meredith D. James Earl Ray
James Meredith
Which of the following individuals argued and won the Brown v. Board of Education case? A. James Earl Ray B. Malcolm Little C. Joseph McCarthy D. Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall
What is MLK advocating for when he states, "We will match your capacity to endure suffering... we will not hate you, but we cannot obey your unjust laws..."? A. Segregation B. Anarchy C. Prohibition D. Civil disobedience
civil disobedience
What form of media played a pivotal role in the election of 1960? A. Newspaper B. Internet C. Television D. Radio
Kennedy's legislative program was known as: A. The Great society B. New Frontier C. Kennedy Doctrine D. American Renaissance
New Frontier
Kennedy’s military policy during the Cold War called for all of the following except:
A. Increase in defense spending to boost non-nuclear forces
B. Create an elite branch of the army
C. Allow women to be members of the infantry
D. Triple our nuclear capabilities
allow women to be members of the infantry
What was the goal of the Bay of Pigs? A. to remove Fidel Castro from power B. to remove Nikita Krushchev from power C. to secretly establish a nuclear presence in Turkey D. to create a nuclear submarine
to remove Fidel Castro from power
What did Kennedy and Khrushchev agree on as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
A. The Soviets would remove their missiles from Cuba
B. The US would remove missiles from Turkey and we promised not to invade Cuba
C. The US would begin sending humanitarian aid to Cuba
D. Both A and B
E. Both A and C
both a and b
How did the US and the Soviet Union ease tensions during the 1960s
A. the berlin wall was built
B. a hot line is established between the US and the Soviet Union
C. the limited test ban treaty is passed in regards to nuclear weapons
D. both a and c
E. both b and c
both b and c
Cesar Chavez organized a strike to gain negotiating powers in order to address which problems?
A. Low wages, unsafe working conditions and long hours
B. Inability for Mexican-Americans to vote
C. Segregated schools in the American Southwest
D. all of the above
low wages, unsafe working conditions and long hours
What phrase best describes Malcolm X’s philosophy with regards to the Civil Rights movement?
A. Peaceful protest and civil disobedience
B. armed self-defense and separation
C. black power and militancy
D. all of the above
armed self defense and separation
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 state?
A. Separate facilities were to be expanded to the northern states
B. women were to receive equal pay in the workplace
C. discrimination was illegal based on race, religion, country of origin, or gender
D. there would no longer be a literacy test when you were trying to vote
discrimination was illegal based on race, religion, country origin or gender
The Voting Rights act of 1965 eliminated the \_\_\_\_- when trying to register to vote: A. Proof of citizenship requirement B. literacy test C. poll tax D. Grandfather clause
literacy test
Who were assassinated in 1968, marking the end of the Civil Rights movement? A. MLK and Malcom X B. MLK and Robert Kennedy C. Stokely Carmichael and Lyndon Johnson D. Stokely Carmichael and Huey Newton
MLK and Robert Kennedy
Who became president after Kennedy was assassinated in 1963? A. eisenhower B. nixon C. carter D. johnson
groups of individuals whose works challenged the respectability of norms and conformity in the 1950s were called the: A. lost generation B. expatriate generation C. beat generation D. flapper generation
beat generation
The establishment of NASA and the increase of science and math curriculum in public schools were a direct result of what?
A.the launching of an American satellite in space
B. the development of nuclear missile delivery systems
C. the launching of Sputnik
D. the Soviet H-bomb test
the launching of Sputnik
All of the following were included in Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society programs except:
A. aid to public education
B. political reforms, such as campaign finance laws
C. medical care for the elderly
D. consumer protection
consumer protection
Why did the US forces have difficulty fighting the Vietcong?
A. the vietcong had superior leadership
B. the united states had cut defense spending during the war
C. the usage of guerrilla tactics and knowledge of the terrain gave the Vietcong an advantage
D. the British stopped their assistance to the US by 1968
the usage of guerrilla tactics
Why did the US fight a war in Vietnam? A. the desire for natural B. the need for new markets for American goods C. to prevent communism from spreading D. to get out of an economic recession
What was the total cost of the Vietnam War? A. $200 billion B. $100 billion C. $200 million D. $500 million
200 billion
Which of the following is not considered to be legacy of the Vietnam War?
A. war powers act was passed
B. war diminished the optimism and faith the public had eisenhower and kennedy
C. cynicism among americans concerning their political leaders persists today
D. Vietnam became a thriving democracy
vietnam became a thriving democracy
Which of the following is the best example of domino theory?
A. fear that student demonstrations in mexico
B. fear that paramilitary revels in Brazil
C. fear that if south vietnam falls to communism that neighboring countries in southeast asia will fall also
D. fear that economic failure in africa would cause kenya to become communist
What was one effect of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
A. It encouraged the military to assassinate Ngo Dinh Diem
B. it led to the development of an independence movement in North Vietnam
C. it allowed the president to campaign for reelection as a man of peace
D. it allowed the president to increase US involvement in Vietnam
it allowed the president to increase US involvement in Vietnam
On what college campus were four students killed during an anti-war demonstration in 1970? A. UCLA B. UC Berkeley C. Harvard D. Kent State
kent state
People who opposed the war in Vietnam were called: A. hawks B. wolves C. doves D. eagles
People who favored the war in Vietnam were called: A. hawks B. wolves C. doves D. eagles
The Tet Offensive is considered:
A. reason we got into vietnam
B. a massacre of 400 vietnamese men, women and children
C. the reason we got out of Vietnam
D. a series of attacks on major south Vietnamese cities and turning point
Nixon's plan to pull out troops in Vietnam slowly, while training the South Vietnamese to defend themselves was called: A. vietnamization B. delineation C. americanization D. acculturation
All of the following were used in Vietnam except: A. cluster bombs B. zyklon b C. napalm D. agent orange
zyklon b
Besides vietnam, which other countries did the US conduct missions in during Nixon's presidency? A. Laos and Thailand B. Thailand and Cambodia C. Thailand and Burma D. Laos and Cambodia
laos and cambodia
Why did Nixon resign in 1974?
A. he was accused of extra marital affairs
B. it was discovered that he approved the selling of weapons
C. he realized he would be removed from office for his actions during the watergate scandal
D. it was uncovered that nixon was going to expand US involvement
What is the lasting effect of Nixon's resignation? A. Democratic control of the White House B. Democratic control of Congress C. An economic downturn D. public cynicism about govt
public cynicism about govt
What country was recognized by Egypt as a nation when they signed the Camp David Accords? A. Israel B. Iran C. Syria D. Jordan
Why were 52 Americans taken hostage in Iran in 1979?
A. the US halted diplomatic relations with Iran
B. The US continued support of Israel
C. the US would not return the Shah to iran to go on trial
d. the united States stopped trading oil with iran
the us would not return the Shah
Why did the Arab nations of OPEC put an embargo on the US and reduced selling oil to the US in 1973?
A. The US support of Syria in its fight w Jordan
B. The US support of Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm
C. The US support of Israel during the Six-day war
D. the US support of Egypt during the six-day war
the US support of Israel during the six-day war
Which of the following is an example of a cold war event during the presidency of Ronald Reagan? A. the iranian hostage crisis B. OPEC putting an embargo on oil C. watergate D. Iran Contra Affair
iran contra affair
The idea of giving tax breaks to corporations to stimulate the creation of jobs is known as what? A. social darwinism B. laissez faire economics C. trickle down economics D. supply and demand
trickle down economics
the phrase, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" marks the beginning of the end of the what conflict? A. iran contra affair B. iranian hostage crisis C. oil embargo D. cold war
cold war
Because of the US presence in the Muslim Holy Land during Operation Desert Storm and our support of Israel, who begins to despise the US? A. Ayman al-Zawahiri B.Osama bin Laden C. Vladimir Putin D. Ayatollah Khomeini
osama bin laden
Why did Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols carry out the Oklahoma City Bombing?
A. McVeigh and Nichols were affiliated with Al-Qaeda
B. McVeigh was upset over losing his job as a federal tax collector
C. McVeigh had recently lost custody of his child
D. Both men were upset with the Federal govt handling of the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents
Why was the date September 11th chosen by Al-Qaeda for the terrorist attacks?
A. 9/11 can be converted to 911
B. it was presidents birthday
C. it was the first day that congress was back in session
D. it was the anniversary of the creation of israel
first day congress was back in session
in direct response to the 9/11 attacks, the US invaded which country? A. iraq B. afghanistan C. iran D. syria
Which of the following were reasons the Bush administration gave for the US invading Iraq in 2003?
A. iraq had weapons of mass destruction
B. there was a link/alliance between iraq and al-qaeda
C. Saddam Hussein committed crimes against humanity
D. All of the above
all of the above
Which of the following organizations wants to establish one Islamic state across the Sunni areas of Iraq and Syria? A. Hamas B. Al-Qaeda C. OPEC D. ISIS
Which claims does this graph support about the American housing crisis?
A. foreclosures were higher in 2009 than they were in 2007
B. foreclosures were higher in 2007 than they were in 2000
C. there were less foreclosures directly after president obama took office in 2008
D. there were less foreclosures in September of 2012 than there were in January 2012
What term is being described in the cartoon theory? A. containment B. domino theory C. nationalism D. brinkmanship
Why is Khrushchev (man on the left) sweating?
A. it was hot
B. kennedy is threatening Khrushchev with invasion
C. kennedy is threatening to detonate the H-bomb on the Soviet Union
D. Kennedy is threatening a blockade against the Soviet Union