Unit 6 Flashcards
Based on the concept that a nation is composed of people bounded together by language, customs, culture and history
Nationlism’s conflict with the Congress of Viennea
Protesting multinational states (Russia and Austria). Ethnicity over monarchy and challenged domestic/interracial order
Regions under Nationalistic pressure
Ireland, Germany and Italy
Anything that challenged political, social or religious values.
Political Goals of Liberals
Legal equality, religious toleration and freedom of the press
Origin of Liberal ideas
The writers of the Enlightenment and The Rights of Man and Citizen
Economic goals of Liberal’s
Abolish gov. regulated trade
Pillars of conservatism
Monarchy, Aristocracy and the church
Klemens von Metternich
Enemy of the Burschenshaffen
University students who often were anti-sematic
Peterloo Massacre
Radical Reform Movement in which royal troops kill and injure citizens.
The Six Acts
Dec. 1819 Took away lots of civil rights and cause the Cato Street Conspiracy
Cato Street Conspiracy
Aurther Thistewood planned to blow up the British Cabinet.
Concert of Europe
Prevented a country from taking major action without informing the others
Ferdinand VII
Disolved “cortes” or parliament and than was rebelled upon.
Treaty of London 1827
Give the Greeks independence from the Turks
George Canning
Recognized Spanish Colonies as independent and used them for trade/commerce
Mediterranean Revolts
Greece, Ottoman empire and the Serbians
Independance movements in Latin America
Haiti, Brazil, Argentina and Venezula
Toussaint’L Overture
Led a slave rebellion and became Gov. Gen. for life and abolishes slavery.
Hatian Slave Rebellion
1791 - violent; only due to help from the French did the Slaves win
Tsar Alex I
Repressive towards Liberalism and Nationalism
What exposed the backwards ways of Russia
The French Revolution
Tsar Alex I’s successor
Nicholas I
Tsar Nicholas I on serfdom
He believed that if he abolished serfdom it would infringe on the nobel’s rights
Tsar Nicholas I’s Slogan
“Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationalism”
Decembrist Revolt
First rebellion in modern Russian History
Russian infringement on other countries
Polish diet imposed regularly
Four Ordinances
Restricted freedom of press, dissolved the Chamber of Deputies, called for a new election and limited franchise to the upper class.
Charles X’s domestic policies
Chamber of Deputies and reinstated primogeniture
Louis Philippe
“July Monarch” Reinstated the Tricolor, wrote a new constitution and abolished censorship.
Great Reform Bill
Catholic emancipation, increased number of voters and forced an unnecessary British revolt.
Daniel O’Connell
Irish Nationalist
Great Britain supported Latin American independence why
Commercial Reasons
Major events in 1830
4 Ordinances, Louis Philippe is the new kind, Belgian and Polish Revolutions
Where did Britain invest in the early 19th c.
Triangular Trade
Pop. Growth in Britain, France and Germany
Britain: 16-21mil
France: 32-36mil
Germany: 26-33mil
Impact on cities due to urbanization
Crime and disease go rampant
Emancipation of serfs in France, Prussia, Austria and Russia
France: Aug. 4, 1789
Prussia: 1815
Austria: 1848
Russia: 1861
Causes/Effects of the Irish Famine of 1845-49
Causes: Plantations, Penile laws, Blight and Poor Laws
Effects: Emigration, The “Great Hunger” and extreme poverty.
Results of the railway
Trade became cheaper and easier than ever before
Limits of worker in the labor force
English Factory acts and Parliamentary acts
Workers in the labor force
Chartist reform
Ludites (Radicals) first working class political movement
British Chartism
William Lovett helps elimnate aristocracy privilage and gain citizen rights
Crystal Palace
Glass building built to show off Industrialism and Domestic life
Gender Roles
Husbands = breadwinners. All classes experienced division of labor.
English Factory Act of 1833
9+ years old, only 9 hour days and at least two hours of education time.
Work hours after 1847
10 hours max work days for adults
Women in textile factories
Mainly single women, less skill required but also got less pay
Woman labor force in France
Mainly agriculture and again with the single women.
1st Police Force was where
Why did British criminals get sent to Australia
No longer a local threat, alternative to capital punishment, due to changes in the penile system
Auburn System vs. Philadelphia system
Auburn: Only separated at night
Philadelphia: Extreme separation leading to mental collapse
Classical Economists
Louis Philippe (French) - Laissez Faire Zollverein (German) - International Trade with no tarriffs Jeremey Bentham (British) - Utilitarianism
Thomas Malthus “Essay on the Principle of Population
Population Growth - variable
Agriculture Rate - fixed
David Ricardo “Principles of Political Economy”
More wages = More children
“Iron can of wages”
Jeremy Bentham on Utilitarianism
1834 Poor Laws - Gov. Workhouse
1846 Anti-corn laws - Abolish grain price
Utopian socialist movements
Saint. Simonainism and Owenism
Count Claude Henri de Saint Simon
Management of wealth, experts over private buisness
Anti Gov. and reject all industrialism
Karl Marx and the “Communist Manifesto” and its inspiration
Revolutionary class conflict based off of Hegel’s Thesis except the only solution is a classless society. Utopian socialists, Hegel, Engels and classical economists influenced this.
Regions, origin and results of the Rev. of 1848
France (origin), Germany, Hungary, Italy, Czech and other euro. nations. All failed due to loss of support.
French Rev. of 1848
Backfired on liberals and an empire was formed after the 2nd republic fell
Feminist movements
Vesuvians (Radicals) and the Vois des femmes
Habsburg Empire’s Rev. of 1848
Austria, Hungary, Czech and Italy
Magyar Revolt
March refomes and independence/annexation of surrounding areas
German working class vs. liberals
Frankfurt Parliment
Italian Rev. of 1848
5 days of Milan
German Rev. of 1848
Berlin Revolts, violent military reaction. Revolted for a Kleindeutch.