Unit 3 Flashcards
Who was William the IIi of Orange
military leader of the Netherlands
reasons for Dutch prosperity
Trade and Finance
urban consolidation
overseas empire
What were the two models of European political organization?
Parliamentary Monarchy and Political absolutism.
Who was James the I and what did he do?
Rarely called Parliament into session, “impositions”, catholic sympathies, and had corrupted courts.
James the I’s foreign policy was suspicious because why?
Creating peace with Spain did not help German Protestants and he relaxed penal laws.
What were Charles I’s parliamentary measures?
Levying Tariffs/Duties and Collins discontinued taxes and forced loans.
what did the Petition of Right do?
It dissolved Parliment
What war was brought about because of Charles the I’s religious policies?
The Bishops War
What was the Trienial Act?
Required that Parliament meet every three years (min)
English Civil War
Charles I forms a military
Parliament forms counter militia
Gentlemens Warfare
Oliver Cromwell’s England
Dictatorship; new army, no pariament.
Treaty of Dover
France and Spain allied against the Netherlands and England in 1670.
Bad for Protestants.
The test act.
Protestant act against Transubstantiation in 1672.
The Popish Plot
Titus Oates spreads Charles I murder plans in 1678.
The Glorious Revolution
William and Mary came into power and passed the English Bill of Rights.
Act of Settlement in 1701
George the I of the House of Hanover inherits the throne.
Act of Union 1707
Units Scotland and England when Anne Stuart, the last Stuart monarch, comes to power.
who was Robert Walpole
the first prime minister
who was Cardinal Armand Richelieu?
Louis the XIII’s regent who ruled with heavy handed absolutism.
Louis XIV’s relationship with the Nobility
Built Versailles and live with them and they acted as his servents.
What was the significance of Versailles?
It moved the entire gov. and it was fucking huge.
Louis XIV reigned with absolutism/without absolutism?
Religious Policy of Louis XIV
Redo cation of the Edict of Nantes
What were the Jansenists
Formed in opposition of the Jesuits. Part of the council of Trent and Catholic bases.
Revocation of The Edict of Nantes reactions
Mass exodus of Protestants. Labeled France as Anti-Protestant causing alliances to be formed against them.
Who was John Law
Finance Minister for Louis the XIV
what wars were fought during Louis XIV’s reign?
war of Decolution
France-Dutch wars
9 years war
war of Spanish succession
War of Spanish Succession
Created the Grand Alliance
The treaties of Utrecht and Rastatt happened and the Gibraltar exchanged foreign powers hands.
What did John Law create?
The Mississippi Bubble
Ivan IV’s reign is known as..?
The time of Troubles
The great northern war was over what?
te Baltic Sea
significance of St. Petersburg
Thousands die and it’s big and the first like warm port for Russia
Why did Peter the Great have his reforms?
To westernize Russia
Legacy of Peter the Great
St. Petersburg
Made Russia Relevent
how did Galileo feel nature should be explained
17th century scientists were called what?
Natural Philosophers
Nicolas Colernicus
Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres -Literary Work
Tycho Brahe’s contribution?
His research
Johannes Kepler decided what?
Elliptical Orbits
Francis Bacon
Father of Empiricism Inductive Reasoning (scientific method) and wrote Novem Organum
Mind vs Body
Knowledge to Francis Bacon
everything learned should be useful
Thomas Hobbs literary work
Thomas Hobbs social views and view on humanity itself
Absolutism to the point of no civil rights and we are all condemned at birth.
John Lockes Literary Works
Two Treatises of Government
Letter of Toldration
Essay concerning Human Understanding
John Lockes view on people’s rights and the role of the government?
Natural rights with little to none involvement of the gov. it should be for the people and in response to the people.
Tabular Rasa
Blaise Pascals literary work
Blaise Pascals views on god and mankind
God exists and we are unworthy of him
Pascals famous wager
Leap of Faith
who was prosecuted in the witch hunts?
80% were women (single, 40+, midwives)
Causes of the Witch-Hunts
Lack of education and superstition
Results of witch hunts
70-100k dead
the religious understanding deducted from natural observations.