Unit 5.2 - Nationalism and Revolutions Flashcards
What caused revolutions?
The desire for a constitutional and democratic government
A form of government where common people have the authority to vote and participate their government or choose officials to do so instead of a ruler having absolute power (autocracy)
What movement inspired the American Revolution?
The Enlightenment with its calls for a new constitutional and democratic government in addition to natural rights for all, physiocrats, and capitalism.
Economists who stressed the necessity of free trade (instead of mercantilism)
An economic idea where high tariffs were placed on all other goods besides the mother country; went hand in hand with colonization. Mother countries did this to become the most wealthy by importing as little as possible and exporting as much as possible.
An economic idea that included “laissez-faire” and focused on keeping the government from interfering with businesses that were privately owned by someone.
The desire of Jews after the hostility they faced to have a homeland
The hostility and oppression Jews faced for their religion
An economic idea that included “laissez-faire” and focused on keeping the government from interfering with businesses that were privately owned by someone.
Who did Thomas Jefferson quote in the Dec. of Independence?
John Locke with the quote that all men had the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (instead of property)
An economic idea where high tariffs were placed on all other goods besides the mother country; went hand in hand with colonization. Mother countries did this to become the most wealthy by importing as little as possible and exporting as much as possible.
The Maori
Polynesian people living in New Zealand who were divided into tribes (iwi) until Britain colonized them. United by nationalism they fought British control but lost.
French Revolution Slogan in Eng.
Liberty, equality, and fraternity (supportive group of people sharing common interests/profession)
What caused the French Revolution?
Oppression between the common estate (majority of people who were very poor) and clergy (religious officials) and nobles who were rich during a time when France was in debt because they had supported the American Rev.
What were the two most permanent changes that came out of the French Rev.?
The abolishment of feudalism and the Declaration of the Rights of Man
The social system where kings gave land to nobles who then exchanged protection and hospitality for protection from knights and caring of land from serfs/servants
What group of people rebelled during the Haitian Rev.?
Enslaved Africans forced to work on sugar and coffee colonies and Maroons (emancipated slaves) rebelled against their owners
Outcome of the Haitian Rev.
Haiti became the first Latin Amer. country to win its independence and slavery was abolished thanks to general and later ruler Toussaint L’Ouverture
Similarities of the French and Haitian Revs.
Both were influenced by the Enlightenment’s revolutionary ideas that men had natural rights and were being limited by being forced into estates (social classes)
Differences of the French and Haitian Revs.
The Haitian Revolution was caused by people being more severely oppressed as slaves who had no rights were revolting while the French Revolution was caused only by commoners.
Reign of Terror
A time in France after the French Revolution started by the Jacobins who executed anyone who opposed the revolution
Spanish Casta System
Peninsulares (Spanish colonists born in Spain), Creoles (Europeans born in the Americas), Mestizos (European-Indians), Mulattoes (European-Africans), and then indigenous peoples and enslaved Africans
Which casta led most of the Latin Amer. Revs. and what were their problems?
The Creoles because they were wealthy business owners but were limited in train due to Spain practicing mercantilism and they wanted more political power.
Did the Creoles want the support of Mestizos?
No, because the Mestizos wanted more political power too and out of fear for what had happened like in the Haitian Revolution, they did not want the support to backfire over conflict when it came to distributing political power
Who led many of the Latin American revolutions and what inspired many of his ideas? (Latin George Washington)
Simone Bolivar, who was inspired by the Enlightenment. He described himself as a liberal who believed in free market and the abolition of slavery.
New independent countries of Latin America
Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
Strong local leaders that were the outcome of armies loyal to their generals. They participate din national politics to make or break governments/political decisions that were rarely in favor of any other casta than the creoles.
Were the creole revolutions successful for everyone? Why?
No, because although slavery and some social distinctions were legally ended, indigenous people and women specifically were still very oppressed. Neither had much political power or education and so did not get anything out of the creole revolutions.
Lola Rodriguez de Tio
A famous female poet who inspired and contributed to the spirit of the Puerto Rican revolution due to her critiques of Spain’s exploits and reading of revolutionary songs.
Propaganda Movement
Influenced by nationalism and republicanism, Filipinos advocated for autonomy through publications. When Jose Rizal, one of the greatest of these advocators was arrested and executed by the Spanish, it led to the Philippine Revolution.
The right to self-govern; a government where a leader makes sure things in the federal government are running smoothly but the power is held by the citizens
A bond and unification of people under a shared language, history, or customs
Nationalism was a ___ force that not only…
unifying; threatened large empires, but drove people to unite under shared culture into a political state.
Count di Cavour
An Italian prime minister of a nothern Italian kingdom who sought to unite the entire Italian Peninsula under the House of Savoy because of realpolitik and get back Italy’s authenticity instead of being influenced by other countries.
House of Savoy
Italy’s only native dynasty
A sequence of rulers from the same family
The belief in the practical politics of reality (in addition to natural rights, progress, and constitutional monarchies)
Giuseppe Mazzini
A philosopher who had been advocating for Italian resurgence and had his philosophies used by Cavour to unite the Italian Peninsula
What caused German nationalism to grow?
Opposition against French occupation in German states
German leader who oversaw Germany’s unification, why he did, and how he unified Germany?
Otto von Bismarck because of realpolitik. He used nationalistic feelings to start wars that led to Germany rising to power
The movement of people into a country from other countries
What caused immigration in Italy and to where?
Poverty (mainly in the south) to the US and Argentina, where immigration was enocuraged
Two factors that reawakened Greek cultural pride and led to Greece revolting against the Ottomans
When connected to Western Europe, Greeks were exposed to Enlightenment thinking and saw how all of Europe revered them because of the impact ancient Greek literature and studies had on them (such as the astrolabe, philosophies, and their studies in astrology)
What major ideological beliefs caused people in the Americas to revolt during this time period?
The Enlightenment and nationalism
Count di Cavour
An Italian prime minister of a nothern Italian kingdom who sought to unite the entire Italian Peninsula under the House of Savoy because of realpolitiks.
An Ottoman movement that sought to unify the state by minimizing differences in culture, linguistics, and religions but only made the want for independence and nationalism stronger in subjects.