Unit 5 vocab Flashcards
intensive farming
a form of subsistence agriculture in which farmers expand a great deal of effort to produce as much yield as possible from an area of land
ex: plantation, mixed crop and livestock
Int. Sub. in East asia, south east asia, and south asia
subsistence agriculture
form of farming in which nearly all of the crops of livestock raised are used to feed the farmer/family, leaving little, if any, surplus for trade
Ex: ethiopia, Brazil, rural areas
extensive farming
a type of agricultural practice that involves the use of relatively low levels of inputs, such as labar, capital, and chemical in order to produce crops or livestock
mixed crop and livestock
an agricultural practice in which both crops and livestock are raised on the same farm. A from of integrated farming that combines crop production with animal husbandry
Ex: maize, beans, cows
many parts of asia
clustered rural settlement
a rural settlement in which the houses and farm buildings of each family are situated close to each other and fields surrounding the settlement
Ex: many rural areas of older Europe
dispersed rural settlement
a rural settlement in which the houses and farms buildings of each family are situated spread out from each other and fields around the settlement
Ex: texas
linear rural settlements
a type of rural settlement patter in which homes and other structures are arranged in a long, narrow, configuration along a transportation route or land form such and a river or a road
Ex: Hungary
metes and bounds
a system that uses physical features of a local geography along with directions and distances to define and describe boundaries of land parcels
Ex: in colonial areas like the 13 colonies
township and range
a rectangular land division scheme designed by thomas jefferson to disperse settlers evenly across farmlands of the US interior 1785
Ex: penn township, cumberland country and louisiana
long lot
long rectangular plots of farmland to give equal access to a landform like a river or road
Ex: french regions of Africa North america like canada, and louisiana`
1st agricultural revolution(neolithic rev)
the slow change from hunter and gatherers to more agriculturally based ones through the gradual understanding of seeds, watering and plant car
Ex: fertile crescent
colombian exchange
the extensive movement of plants, animals,diseases, and people between the old and new worlds after columbus made his 1492 voyage
Ex: crops like potatoes and corn which were quickly adopted by mexico
fertile cresent
a hearth in southwest asia that forms and arc from the eastern mediterranean coast up into what is now eastern turkey and then south and east along the tigris and euphrates rivers to parts of modern iraq
Ex: cereal grains, turkey, saudi arabia, iraq, egypt
2nd agricultural revolution
accompanied by the industrial revolution that begun in great Britain in the 18th century. It led to the mechanization of agricultural production , advances in transportation, development of large scale irrigation, and changes to consumption patterns of agricultural goods
3rd agricultural revolution
a period of technology transfers initiate an great increase to crop yields. these changes in agriculture began to develop in the early 10th century and spread globally in the late 1980’s
Ex; fertilizers and pestacide