Unit 4 Flashcards
Cold war
Def: period of time following WW2 where the US and the soviet union emerged as superpowers and faced off in an arms race that lasted nearly 50 years
EX: the berlin blockade(48-49), the chinese commie rev(45-49)
Def:a principle of international relations that hold the final authority over social, economic, and political matters should rest with the legitimate rulers of an independent state
EX: puerto rico not having any sovereignty
Def: exploitation of a weaker country by a stronger one
EX: IndoChina was a colonial possession of French empire until the decolonization period that followed WW2
Def: an instance of aggressive extension of authority
EX: European states first colonized the new world of the Americas, but later redirected their focus to Africa and Asia
Def: the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality
Ex: a group demanding more autonomy from the central government
Def: the ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will
EX: Scottish people campaigning for an independent scottish national state
Def: a country’s or local communities sense of property and attachment toward its territory as expressed by its determination to keep it inviolable and strongly defendable
EX:Italy, which completely surrounds san marino and the vatican
Def: the control of less-developed countries by developed countries by indirect means
EX: the american invasions of vietnam and afghanistan
Def: regions caught up in a conflict between 2 or more superpowers
EX: The balkans
choke points
Def: a geographical feature on land or sea which an armed force is forced to pass at the risk of reducing their relative combat power against a numerically inferior opponent
EX: the thermopylae pass
relic boundary
Def: a boundary no longer observed but that still affects the present-day area
EX: border between west and west Germany in Berlin
superimposed boundary
Def: boundary line drawn in by ignoring the existing cultural pattern by an outside power
EX: Division of Africa by European colonial patterns
subsequent boundary
Def:boundary line established after an area has been settled that considers the social and cultural characteristics of an area
EX: Europe
antecedent boundary
Def: a boundary that existed before the cultural landscape emerged and stayed in place while people moved in to occupy the surrounding area
EX: the border between US and Canada
Geometric boundary
Def: political boundary defined and delimited as a straight line or an arc
EX: the 49th parallel between the US and Canada
consequent boundary
Def: a boundary between opposing cultural, ethnic or political groups that was established to settle disputes, end wars, and establish a clear separation between groups
EX: ireland and northern ireland boundaries
defined boundary
Def: a boundary is agreed to be made between two or more parties in a treaty or other legal document
EX: the border between US and Canada established by the oregon treaty in hopes to avoid conflict
delimited boundary
Def: a geographic boundary that is drawn on a map
EX: the border between Alaska and canada on a map