Unit 2 vocab Flashcards
arithmetic density
The total number of people per unit area of land
physiological density
total number of people per unit of arable land
agricultural density
the total number of farmers per unit of arable land
arable land
land that can be used to grow crops
A term used to describe the condition in which population growth outstrips the resources needed to support life
carrying capacity
the maximum population size an environment can sustain
population pyramid
a graph that shows the age-sex distribution of a given area
sex ratio
the proportion of males to females in a population
rate of natural increase (RNI)
The rate at which a population grows as a result of the difference between the crude birth rate(cbr) and the crude death rate(CDR)
the study of human population
dependency ratio
The number of people in a dependent age group(-15 or +64) divided by the number of people in the working age group(15-64) then multiplied by 100
ravenstein’s laws of migration
principles/laws created to describe trends in migration in the late 1800’s
life expectancy
the average number of years a person is expected to live
crude birth rate(cbr)
The number of births in a given year per 1,000 people in a given population
crude death rate
the number of deaths in a given year per 1000 people in a given population
total fertility rate
The average number of children one woman in a given country or region will have during her child bearing years
demographic transition
a concept used to explain how population growth and economic development of a country are connected
epidemiological transition
shows the pattern on how people die
zero population growth
when the population reaches an equilibrium with a growth rate of zero
malthusian theory
a theory that explains that the human population grows more rapidly than the food supply
the same as mathus but they believe they will run out of all resources
ways to prevent pregnancy
anti natalist policies
ways to control the population by encouraging smaller families
pro natalist policies
policies designed to increase the birth/fertility rate
elderly support ratio
the number of working age divided by the number of people 65 or older
doubling time
the number of years in which a population growing at a certain rate would double
push factors
a negative cause that compels someone to leave a location
pull factors
a positive cause that attracts someone to a new location
intervening obstacle
an occurrence that hold migrants back
money earned by an emigrant abroad and sent back to his or her home country
forced migration
type of migration in which people are compelled to move by economic, political, environmental, or cultural factors
voluntary migration
type of migration in which people make the choice to move to a new place
a person who is forced to leave his or her country for fear of persecution or death
internally displaced person
a person who has been forced to leave his or her home but remains within the country’s borders
asylum seeker
a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another.
those who have moved to another country yet still have ties back to their home countries and influence the culture they come to and also bring new cultural characteristics back to their home country.
chain migration
type of migration in which people move to a location because others from their community have previously migrated there
quest worker
a migrant who travels to a new country as a temporary laborer
the movement of herds between pastures at cooler higher elevations during the summer months and lower elevations during the winter
step migration
series of smaller moves to get to an ultimate destination
rural to urban migration
when people move, either temporarily or permanently, from a rural area to an urban city.
dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
limit on the number of immigrants allowed into a country each year
brain drain
Large-scale emigration by skilled, education, and/or talented people
unauthorized immigrants
also known as undocumented immigrants are people who enter a country without proper documents