Unit 5, the restoration and the eighteenth century Flashcards
years for the restoration
1660 - 1800
what happened to the puritan influence and english morality in 1660
puritan influence diminished and english morality reached its lowest point
what were restoration writers influenced by
french literature
how was restoration literature presented
presented in a satirical, didactic, and argumentative manner
who was the ruling poet of the restoration age
John Dryden
John Lockes most famous work
the conduct of the understandinf
what was the eighteenth century known as
the age of reason
religion of reason
define deism
an impersonal God, who, after creating the world, left it to run by natural laws and left man to take care of himself by using his intellect
what was the first half of the eighteenth century known as
the age of pope (alexander pope)
what was the second half of the eighteenth century known as
age of johnson (samuel johnson)
the eighteenth century became known as an age of _____ and _______
prose, and satire
the most prominent prose satirist of the time
Johnathan Swift
the two greatest literary contributions
journalism and the novel
the most enduring popular genre of modern time
the novel
characterized by a positive attitude toward life
lyrical poetry
Who wrote “A song for St. Cecilia’s Day, 1687”
John Dryden
one of the most formal and most complex types of lyrical poetry
words which sound like what they mean
who wrote “An Essay on Man’
Alexander pope
treats God only as an impersonal creator and emphasizes man’s reason over God’s revealed word
An Essay on Man
“Say first, Of God above or Man below, What can we reason but from what we know?”
An Essay on Man
Who wrote “On a Certain Lady at Court”
Alexander Pope
Leading writer after John Dryden and virtually the only poet of the early eighteenth century
Alexander pope
European movement characterized by an interest in and imitation of classical works and styles emphasizing conformity to fixed literary standards.
A concise saying that is often witting or satiric
two rhymed lines written in iambic pentameter
heroic couplet
who wrote the life of Samuel Johnson
James Boswell
who wrote Meeting God in the Morning
Matthew Henry
what was samuel johnsons big piece of work
the rambler
what was samuel johnson writing when his mother died
founder of methodism
john wesley
what college did Whitefield attend
father of english hymnody
isaac watts
wrote the first Baptist hymnal
John rippon
long meter
4 stanzas, 8 syllables (8,8,8,8)
short meter
4 stanzas, 6,6,8,6
common meter
4 stanzas, 8,6,8,6
who wrote O Happy Day and How Gentle God’s Commands
Philip Doddridge
who wrote Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Soldiers of Christ, Arise, and Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Charles Welsey
whose hymns were the first evangelistic hymns written in english
charles wesley
who wrote Rock of Ages
Augustus Toplady
who wrote Amazing Grace and Fellowship with Christ, How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds, and Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
John Newton
remembered as both a hymn writer and a pro-romantic poet
william cowper
best known poem in the english language
elegy written in a country churchyard
“Full many a gem of purest ray serene
the dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear;
full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
and waste its sweetness on the desert air”
elegy written in a country churchyard - thomas gray
led the way from classicism to romantism
thomas gray
lamenting times of simplicity are no more
the deserted village
“his best companions, innocence and health
and his best riches, ignorance of wealth”
the deserted village - oliver goldsmith
“the man recover’d of the bite,
the dog it was that died”
elegy on the death of a mad dog - oliver goldmsith
who wrote “the lamb” and “the tyger”
william blake
“Tyger! Tyger burning bright
in the forest of the night
what immortal hand or eye
could frame thy fearful symmetry?”
the tyger - william blake
what made the people of the deserted village leave
age of industry
scotland’s greatest poet
robert burns
who wrote “afton water” “a red, red rose” and “john anderson, my jo”
robert burns