Pilgrims Progress, 1-6 Flashcards
What does Bunyan see in Christians hand and on his back
A book and a burden
Book =
Burden =
Book = Bible
Burden = sin
Where does Evangelist tell Christian to go
The Wicket gate
What was it that formed the bough
Scum and filth that accompanied the conviction of sin
Who pulled Christian from the bough
What character directs Christian towards the city of morality to seek the help of legality
Mr. Worldly Wiseman
What way of being saved did Mr. Worldly Wiseman advocate for
Good-deeds and works
Two people in the city of morality
Legality (keeping of the Law) and civility (good moral citizen)
What was the name of the hill Christian climbed to get to the City of Morality
Mount Sinai
Who was the character who opened the wicket gate for christian
good will
Represented satan
Who homes did christian stay at
What do the scenes the interpreter shows christian help him understand
The grace of God ( man in iron cage, dusted parol)
Wall that fenced the highway that leads to the cross
christian looses his burden where
at the cross
What evidence of God’s grace does Christian receive at the cross
New robe, scroll, mark on forehead, forgiveness of sins
Hill that christian had to climb to get to the cross
Hill Difficultly
What character out of the three at the bottom of the Hill of Difficultly represented sleep in avoidance of danger
What other two characters were sleeping at the bottom of the hill of difficultly
Simple and Persumption
What were the names of the two character who tried to enter the narrow way by tumbling over the wall
Formalist and Hypocrisy
How many paths were there up the hill of difficulty
What does christian find half way up the hill
Characters who turned back because they were scared of the chained lions
Timorous and Mistrust
Where does christian find lodging for the night
palace beautiful
Name of the mountains shown to christian from the palace beautiful
Delectable mountains
What was christian given at palace beautiful for his journey
Armor, sword, food and water
Who is it that meets christian in the valley of humiliation that almost kills christian
How does christian defeat apollyon
What is the name of the next valley after the valley of humiliation
Valley of the shadow death
Only weapon christian can use in the valley of the shadow of death
Why did christian have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death
To get to the celestial city
What two characters did christian see at the end of the valley of the shadow of death
Pope and Pagan
Who becomes christians companion after the valley of the shadow of death
In the account of faithfuls journey, who was the old man who offered faithful to stay with him and marry his daughters
Adam the first
What were the daughters names
Lust of the eyes, flesh and pride of life
Was talkative sincere in his conversation with faithful
How did shame try to dissuade faithful from his jounrey
shamed faithful of his faith in christ
What subject does faithful discuss with talkative
Evidence of grace in the heart
Why does talkative leave their company
he would rather stick to his ways and not change his heart
Who does christian and faith meet after talkative
What does evangelist predict will happen to the city they are going to
At least one of them would die
What does the vanity fair represent
The world and the worlds system
Three reasons christian and faithful attract attention at vanity fair
The way they were clothed
They wouldnt look at their merch
Their speech
Citizen of the town of Cardinal policy
Mr. Worldly Wiseman
What character explains the grace of the gospel to christian
What was the name of the first damsel in the palace beautiful
Represents the old sinful nature of man
Adam the first
“i am an enemy of the prince”
“i escaped from the slough… only i met with one, his name was wanting”