Choosing the right word Flashcards
A dictionary that has not been cut down form a larger work
unabridged dictionary
all purpose dictionaries ideal for high school, or college
college or desk dictionaries
has a list of english given names
the random house college dictionary
marks all words that originated in the U.S
Websters new world college dictionary
has hundred of usage notes that reflect the opinions of a distinguished Usage Panel
heritage college dictionary
history of the word
word or phrase to be defined
entry word
when some words have more than one spelling
variant spellings
Mark that indicates a short vowel sound (ĕ)
mark that indicates a long vowel sound (ā)
mark that indicates a broad vowel sound (ä)
mark that is used for any unaccented vowel and generally has an “uh” sound (ə)
words being referred to are often in:
small capitals, or in boldface type
three levels of usage
standard formal, standard informal, nonstandard
the most correct, most highly polished form of written english
standard formal
the language of everyday speech. what other name is given
standard informal (colloquial)
careless speech or writing that makes an individual appear uneducated
words without a usage label or usage note are considered:
these have completely lost their meaning
obsolete words and meanings
what should be used in most writing
general american diction
outdated forms used only rarely in modern english
Archaic words
an expression whose meaning can not be derived from the individual words in the expression
using standards words incorrectly
strict dictionary definition of a word
word goes beyond its strict meaning to the feelings and images that the word suggest
four types of restrictive labels
- field labels
- geographical labels
- time labels
- usage labels
reference that leads you to further information that will help you better understand the entry word
cross reference
words formed from the entry word by the addition of a suffix
run-on entries
comparison using like or as
implied comparison that does not use like or as
a statement which conveys its meaning through strong exaggeration
giving human characteristics to inanimate objects
a style of writing so pompous and wordy that the meaning is almost completely obscured
refers to technical terms used in a particular field
expression which are dule or stale because of overuse