literature exam Flashcards
what is the theme of “a song from saint cecilias day”
music, and the organ
major event on island that caused crusoe to reflect on his relationship with God
huis sickness
“the tatler” was named in honor of who
who was the person in the work the spectator who did much to helped the singing of the people in his church
what was jonathan swifts greatest satire that exposes human institutions
gullivers travel
what were the group people that were 6 inches tall
the lulapuctians ????
unkept humans in gullivers travels
where do we find God’s revealed law
the Bible
what was the name of the paper that johnson publish in 1750-1752
the rambler
what village is describe in the deserted village
what is the theme of the poem the deserted village
the lament of times that are no more, and the simplicity of rural life
what view does the clod have
a biblical view
teaches man to be sincere
to a louse
who laid the foundation english realistic fiction
greatest english prose satirist
father or english hymnody
concise saying that is often satire and witty
“God moves in mysterious ways…”
light shining out of darkness
“full many a gem”
elegy written in a country church yard
poem illustrates a conflict between the beauty of nature and the depravity of man
lines written in early spring
what poem talks about the fact that nature has the power to impress our minds
expostulation in reply
2 lucy poems
she dwelts among the untroded way
a slumber did my spirit seal
near dover, what country is looked upon with dread
london 1802 celebrates what poet
poems using a bird to describe someone with aspirations but is faithful to home
to a sky-lark
theme of ancient mariner
the love that should bind together all created things
prisoner in the castle of chilan
in the maid of athens, ar’ we part where is the speaker going
to a sky lark, one of the four things thats compared to a sky-lark song
a poet, a maiden, a golden glow worm, a rose
what season is the west wind associated with
what poem had the theme that all things are prone to change
most famous ode in the english language
ode on a grecian urn
who wrote ode on a grecian urn
permanence in a world of change can be satisfied through ___
the last rose of summer, the poet compares the last rose to:
just like the poet when he gets older, his friend will be dead and he will be alone
where is ivanhoe and rebeca is located in
a castle
how does rebeca protect herself while watching the war
ancient shield
why is ivanhoe not able to see the battle
hes injured
which one of mr bennets daughters is his favorite
man that mrs bennet is eager to see will match one of her daughters
mr bingley
which bennet girl does mr bingley prefer
which character in p.p is very rude
mr darcy
how is the ending of dream children a surprise
it was a dream, children werent real
supreme poet of nature
the greatest english poet since milton
initiated the romantic movement
lyrical ballads
one of the three lake poets
coleridge, wordsworth, southey
possessed the greatest mind of the romantic movement
the greatest english lyricist
wrote “when i have fears” “chapmans homer”
who wrote a dirge
initiated gothic novels
horace walpol
sir walter scott loves what country
name of the character that won the battle in ivanhoe and rebeca
black knight
neoclassicism is associated with what age
restoration age
what age was the familiar essay
age for byronic hero
term for the substitution of a word with another word thats closely related
“have i not reason to lament what man has made of man”
lines written in early spring - wordsworth
“when all at once i saw a crowd a host of golden daffodils; beside the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze”
i wandered lonely as a cloud - wordworth
“the rainbow comes and goes, and lovely is the rose”
ode: imitations of immortality from recollections of early childhood - wordsworth
“through caverns measureless to man down to a sunless sea”
kubla khan - coeridge
“if winter comes, can spring be far behind”
ode to the west wind - shelley
“beauty is truth, truth beauty— that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know”
ode to a grecian urn - keats