Unit 5 - Genetics & Biotechnology Vocab Flashcards
multiple versions of a gene (ex. R or r)
Small amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is removed to analyze its DNA
- Used to detect birth defects BEFORE birth
- Cells from baby are in fluid
a non-sex chromosome; chromosomes # 1-44
Bacterial/Genetic Transformation
process of inserting DNA from one species into another creating a transgenic organism
Changing individual genes of organisms to get a desired trait; aka genetic engineering
production of organisms with identical genes; vegetative propogation, grafting, or whole organism
equally dominant; results in both traits being shown (red + white = stripped or spotted)
Color Blindness
sex-linked trait causing a failure to distinguish between certain colors; usually red and green
Crossing Over
chromatids swap genetic info so each sex cell will have unique genetic material
Cystic Fibrosis
autosomal recessive gene disease causing lots of mucus accumulates lungs and digestive tract
Disease causing failure of the body to produce insulin (type I) or the development of insulin resistance over time (type II)
DNA fingerprint
Pattern of bands in a gel created during electrophoresis that is unique for all of the members of a sexually-reproducing population
stronger allele that overshadows recessive (R or T)
Down’s Syndrome
People that have 3 copies of chromosome #21; AKA trisomy 21
Egg and sperm join
Gel Electrophoresis
Technique used to separate DNA fragments according to their size using negative and positive charges
Carries info that determines traits; basic unit of heredity
Gene Therapy
replacing defective genes with normal ones to cure disease
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
Organism whose genome has been changed by genetic engineering
study of heredity
all genetic material in an organism
genetic description or sequence (ex. RR, Rr, rr)
sex-linked gene disease causing lack of a blood clotting protein; can bleed to death from a simple cut/bruise
2 different alleles (Rr)
Homologous chromosomes
pair of chromosomes with the same genetic info
2 same alleles (RR, rr)
Human Genome Project
Project started in 1990 to sequence the 3 billion base pairs of human DNA (finished in 2001) and to map our 20,000 genes (still ongoing)
Huntington’s disease
Autosomal dominant gene disease causing nerve cells to breaks down; starts around 35, death by 45
Incomplete Dominance
neither gene is dominant; results in a blending of the two traits (ex. red + white = pink)
Visual of an organisms chromosomes to analyze
process that produces sex cells by dividing body cells twice
Multiple Alleles
Different versions of a gene
Failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis causing genetic diseases like Down Syndrome
Chart that shows the inheritance of traits in a family
physical description of a trait (ex. red, spotted, tall)
Tiny rings of DNA found in bacteria located outside their large circular chromosome, that often contain genes for antibiotic resistance and that we use to carry human genes in biotech, like the gene for insulin
Polygenic Inheritance
trait with a lot of possible phenotypes are controlled by more than one gene (ex. height, skin color, weight, eye color, hair color)
Punnett Square
used to predict genotypes of offspring
⁕must know parents genotypes
weaker allele; sometimes hidden (r or t)
Restriction Enzyme
proteins that cut DNA into fragments; “molecular scissors”
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
sex-linked recessive gene disorder causing lack of immune system; successfully treated in sometimes with gene therapy; AKA bubble boy syndrome
Sex Chromosomes
Chromosomes that determine gender & gender related issues; X and Y
Sex-Linked Traits
traits determined by genes in sex chromosomes
Sickle Cell Anemia
Disease caused by mutation in DNA resulting in defective hemoglobin and leading to crescent-shaped red blood cells; carriers are immune to malaria
Transgenic Organism
Genetically-modified organism (GMO) that contains DNA from another species (foreign DNA); (ex. glowing mouse or a frost-resistant strawberry plant)
difference in genome
fertilized egg