Unit 4a: Attribution Flashcards
Social Psychology
how we think about, influence, and relaton one another
- how do humans function together
Attribution Theory
we will typically explain someon’e behavior by crediting their disposition and situation.
internal factors
External Factors
Actor/Observer Bias
tendency to make situational attributions for our own behaviors while making dispostional attributions
Fundamental Attribution Error
When explaining the behavior of others, our tendency to :
- overemphasize dispostional factors
- underestimate situational factors.
Self-Serving Bias
tendency to attribute positive outcomes to internal factors
ex. I got an A+ because I’m smart, but last year, I got a B because the teacher was mean.
Explanatory Styles
a perosn’a habitual way of explaining the events of their lives.
- pessimistic or optimistic
Pessimistic Style
associated with depression and helplessness.
Optimistic Style
associated with better mental health and resilience.
Mere Exposure Effect
People tend to devlop a preference for things solely because they are familiar with them.
Halo Effect
Cognitive Bias that occurs when an initial positive judgement about a person unconsciously colors the perception of the individual as a whole .
ex. assuming pretty people are more competent.
Internal Locus of Control
belief that one has control over their own life and outcomes are a result of of their own actions and decisions.
associated w/ better life success and self-perception
External Locus of Control
belief that external forces such as fate, luck, or other people have control over one’s life and outcomes.
associated w/ negative self-perception and helplessness
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
belief/expection that influences behavior in a way that causes the belieif to become true.
aka Pygamalion Effect
can apply to others or self
Social Comparison
process of comparing oneself to others to evaluate one’s won abilities, opinions, an overall self-worth.
- upward: compare to the better
-downward: compare to the worse
Relative Deprivation
Perception that someone is worse off compared to others, leading to feelings of discontent and resentment.
expectations are a result of observing other people.
beliefs, feelings, and behaviors toward a particular object, person, or event.
Cognitive Load
total amount of mental effort being used in the working memory
high cognitive Load can make it difficult to process info and impacts performance
Implicit Attitudes
attitudes that are automatic, unconscious, and not easily controlled.
to avoid cognitive load, our minds rely on implicit attitudes
widely held, oversimplified beliefs or ideas about a particular group of people.
preconcieved opinion/feeling that is negative toward a group.
unfair/unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a particular group.
Just-World Phenomenon
belief that the world is fair and people get what they deserve
In- Group Bias
tendency to favor members of one’s own groups over thos in other groups