Unit 4: Part 2: Classical Conditioning Flashcards
Classical Conditioning
form of passive learning; happens automatically and involuntarily
Associative Learning
learning two events occur together
evokes an automatic response causing us to exhibit respondent behavior
Neutral Stimulus
a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning (the bell)
Unconditioned Stimulus
a stimulus that unconditionally - naturally and automatically - triggers an unconditioned response (the food)
Unconditioned Response
a learned, naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus (sallivating)
Conditioned Stimulus
an originally neutral stimulus that, after association with UCS, comes to trigger a conditional response (the bell)
Conditioned Response
a learned response to a previously neutral, but now conditioned, CS (salivating)
Step 1: Unconditioned - Unlearned
unconditional stimulus -> unconditional response; natural stimulus -> natural response; natural case -> natural effect
Step 2: Adding Neutral Stimulus to Lead to Learning
Unconditioned Stimulus + Neural Stimulus = Unconditioned response
Step 3: Learning the Association = Learned Response
Conditioned Stimulus -> Conditioned Response; remove the original, unconditioned stimulus; when response comes from the unconditioned stimulus, then its a conditioned, learned response; new cause but (usually) same effect