unit 4 part 1 Flashcards
Behavioural intention is not the same as impact
Low-impact behaviours
- Refusing plastic bags in stores
- Recycling
Switching lights-off
High-impact behaviours
- Overall consumption of energy and resources
Lifestyle choices (type of housing, transportation, diet)
Behaviour is more than just a
product of attitudes…
- Household energy use is most strongly related to non-attitude factors:
Household size
- women tend to report more enviroment concern,more in behaviour,and more concern to enviroment policy
- young people care about the enviroment more but older more enviromenter behaviour
lower income people and countries have less enviroment footprint(behviour)
- Assumption: Lack of knowledge is the problem
Information-deficit theory: Model that assumes a causal
progression between knowledge, concern and behaviour
It has been largely discredited
Knowledge and awareness are important, but not sufficient to change behaviours
Self-efficacy(belive you have a power to make a difference) & perceived control
people high in self-efficency tend to make more behavioural enviromental changes - ?
External contextual factors
- Interpersonal influences
- Structural determinants
- Social context
- Inter-personal influence:
Social norms
Standards of acceptable
individual and group behaviour
Informal agreements that
govern behavior
- Inter-personal influence:
Social comparison
helps our unsistable behaviour
ex:i want to be more or as wealthy as him so i will by products to look like i am
- Inter-personal influence:
Community expectations
Globally, we spend less money in climate-related financing than in advertisement and this impacts Persuasion & advertisement
- Structural determinantsInfrastructure & built environment
- public transit (although not the hole provincens)
- new policies no plastic bags
*bieclings - most public places/system for recyling
- Structural determinants:
Geo-physical factors
- need to use heat in colder places that impacts how we behave
- walking is hard in colder enviroment so take the car
- Social context:Laws, regulations & policies
- dengers prevents public transit
- Social context:
Economic incentives
Prices do not include externalities
Energy taxation (e.g. carbon tax)
Monetary inducements and penalties
* price of cars(examples)