unit 3 part 2 Flashcards
The Ecosystem Services approach is based on the intrinsic value of nature
is false because ecosystem serviece by definition what it can provide us
the services approches
-recognizes values of ecosystem services
- demonstrates values(today)
-captures value
ecosystem services valuation
-the process of expressing a value for ecosystem goods and services,often is a single metric
-value can be expressed in multiple ways
-non-monetery valuation(water flows,air quality)
-economic valuation of ecosystem is ONE of many potential forms of valuation
what is the value of ecosystem service
-ecosystem services are under-valued or not at all
-The economies of the Earth would grind to a halt
without the services of ecological life-support systems,so in one sense their total value to the economy is
what is the value of pollination?
-Potential uses of ecosystem valuation
-raise awarness and interest
-national income account
-policy analyses and trade-oofs of specific policies
-payment for ecosystem services
-full cost accounting
Benefits of Economic sytems economic valuation
-Estimates the overall importance and contribution of
ecosystem services to social and economic well-being
- Uses a common language inform more balanced decisions
regarding trade-offs
- Provides information for a more ‘rational’ decision-making
-Aims at making nature ‘visible’
Risks and limitations of ES economic valuation
- Services easier to evaluate may be prioritized
- Nature’s complexity and interconnectedness cannot be reduced to a single (often monetary) metric
- Value subjectivity
- Can ‘well-intentioned’ valuation reinforce a utilitarian perspective and lead to the commodification of nature?
- Importance of value pluralism