Unit 4 - Inhaled Anesthetics Flashcards
3 groups of inhaled anesthetics
ethers alkanes gases
inhaled anesthetics - ethers
inhaled anesthetics - alkanes
inhaled anesthetics - gases
Nitrous oxide
relationship between fluorination and potency
tends to reduce potency
type & number of halogens in isoflurane
5 fluorine atoms
1 chlorine atom
type & number of halogens in desflurane
6 fluorine atoms (fully fluorinated)
type & number of halogens in sevoflurane
7 fluorine atoms
inhaled anesthetics that have a chiral carbon
what is vapor pressure
pressure exerted by a vapor in equilibrium with its liquid or solid phase inside a closed container
relationship between vapor pressure and temperature
directly proportional
what is boiling point
vapor pressure = atmospheric pressure
what is evaporation
process where compound transitions from liquid to gas at temp below its boiling point
vapor pressure < atmospheric pressure
relationship between atmospheric pressure and boiling point
- ↑ atmospheric pressure = ↑ boiling point (ex. Hyperbaric O2 chamber)
- ↓ atmospheric pressure = ↓ boiling point (high altitude)
what is partial pressure
fractional amount of pressure a single gas exerts within a gas mixture
what is Dalton’s law of partial pressures
total gas pressure in a container is equal to the sum of the partial pressures exerted by each gas
what determines the depth of anesthesia
partial pressure of anesthetic agent in the brain
NOT the volumes percent (set on vaporizer dial)
partial pressure of 6% Desflurane at sea level vs. in Denver (1 mile above sea level)
sea level = 45.6 mmHg
Denver = 37.2 mmHg
inhaled anesthetics that can become unstable in dessicated soda lime
what can they produce
can produce carbon monoxide (des > iso)
vapor pressure of sevo
157 mmHg
vapor pressure of des
669 mmHg
vapor pressure of iso
238 mmHg
vapor pressure of N2O
38,770 mmHg
boiling point of des
22 dec C
molecular weight of sevo
200 g
molecular weight of des
168 g
molecular weight of iso
184 g
molecular weight of N2O
44 g
inhaled anesthetic that is unstable in hydrated CO2 absorbent
inhaled anesthetic that is stable in dehydrated CO2 absorber
what is solubility of an anesthetic agent
ability of anesthetic agent to dissolve in blood & tissues
which is more soluble in a hydrophilic solvent - polar or nonpolar solute?
what describes the relative solubility of a solute in 2 different solvents
partition coefficient
describes relative solubility of an inhalation anesthetic in blood vs. in alveolar gas when partial pressures between compartments are equal
blood:gas partition coefficient
how is b:g partition coefficient calculated
anesthetic dissolved in blood / anesthetic inside alveolus
anesthetic implications of a low b:g
faster onset, faster speed of emergence
anesthetic implications of a higher b:g
slower onset, slower speed of emergence,
b:g of sevo
b:g of des
b:g of iso
b:g of N2O
what is FA/FI
- Concentration of agent inside alveoli is proportional to concentration inside blood, which is proportional to anesthetic inside brain
- Alveolar partial pressure ~ blood partial pressure ~ brain partial pressure
what is FA?
partial pressure of anesthetic inside the alveoli (surrogate for measurement of anesthetic inside the brain)
Anesthetic washes into alveoli & establishes a partial pressure
what is FI
concentration of anesthetic exiting vaporizer
how are anesthesia gases transferred from machine to the patient’s brain (4 steps)
- machine to fresh gas
- fresh gas to alveoli
- alveoli to arterial blood
- arterial blood to brain
what is speed of induction a function of?
opposes buildup of anesthetic partial pressure in alveoli
continuous uptake of agent into blood
3 factors that have the most significant impact on anesthetic uptake into the blood (determinants of removal from alveoli)
- b:g
- CO
- partial pressure difference between alveolar gas and mixed venous gas
how does low solubilty affect speed of induction
↓ uptake into blood = ↑ rate of rise = faster equilibration of FA/FI = faster onset
how does high solubility affect speed of induction
↑ uptake in blood = ↓ rate of rise = slower equilibration of FA/FI = slower onset
what does the FA/FI curve show us?
the speed at which alveolar partial pressure equilibrates with partial pressure leaving the vaporizer
fastest to slowest rate of rise of FA/FI
N2O > des > sevo > iso > halothane
6 determinants of gas delivery to alveoli
- setting on vaporizer
- time constant of delivery system
- anatomic dead space
- alveolar ventilation
3 determinants of tissue uptake of gas
- tissue:blood solubility
- tissue blood flow
- partial pressure difference between arterial blood and tissue
what must happen for FA/FI to increase
there must be greater wash in or reduced uptake
what must happen for FA/FI to decrease
there must be either a reduced wash in or an increased uptake
5 factors that increase wash in and therefore increase FA/FI
- high FGF
- high alveolar ventilation
- low FRC
- low time constant
- low anatomic dead space
3 factors that decrease uptake and therefore increase FA/FI
- low solubility
- low CO
- low Pa-Pv difference
5 factors that decrease wash in and therefore decrease FA/FI
- low FGF
- low alveolar ventilation
- high FRC
- high time constant
- high anatomic dead space
3 factors that increase uptake and therefore decrease FA/FI
- high solubility
- high CO
- high Pa-Pv difference
body mass for VRG, muscle, fat, and vessel-poor groups
- VRG = 10%
- muscle = 50%
- fat = 20%
- vessel poor = 20%
CO received by VRG, muscle, fat, and vessel-poor groups
- VRG = 75% CO
- muscle = 20%
- fat = 5%
- vessel poor = < 1%
organs in vessel rich group
- brain
- heart
- kidneys
- liver
- endocrine glands
what is contained in the muscle group
skeletal muscle & skin
contained in vessel-poor group
bone, tendon, cartilage
what 3 things is the rate of anesthetic uptake into tissues dependent on?
- tissue blood flow
- solubility coefficient
- arterial blood:tissue partial pressure gradient
first to equilibrate with FA
VRG - These organs receive most of the anesthetic agent during induction,
uptake of N2O by different body compartments
uptake minimal in all groups; partitions the same to all compartments
3 ways inhaled anesthetics are eliminated
- Elimination from alveoli (primary mechanism)
- Hepatic biotransformation (secondary)
- Percutaneous loss (minimal, not clinically significant)
hepatic biotransformation of inhaled anesthetics
- N2O = 0.004%
- des = 0.02
- iso = 0.2
- sevo = 2-5
- halothane = 20
why does desflurane undergo a greater degree of elimination from the lungs than other anesthetics
the greater the hepatic metabolism, the less is eliminated from the lungs
how are halogenated agents metabolized
P450 system
primarily CYP2E1
primary mechanism for immune-mediated hepatic dysfunction
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)
metabolites of des & iso
inorganic fluoride ions
what is concentration effect
the higher the concentration of inhalation anesthetic delivered to alveolus (FA), the faster its onset of action (overpressurizing)
concentration effect is probably only clinically relevant for what inhaled anesthetic
which is more affected by concentration effect - higher or lower solubility gases
N2O is ____ x more soluble in the blood than nitrogen
why does N2O acheive the fastest rate of rise of FA/FI even though des is less soluble?
concentration effect
- When N2O introduced in lung, volume of N2O going from alveolus to pulmonary blood is much higher than amount of Nitrogen moving in opposite direction - alveolus shrinks - reduction in alveolar volume causes relative increase in FA
what is the augmented gas inflow effect
- Concentrating effect temporarily reduces alveolar volume
- Subsequent breath - concentrating effect causes increased inflow of tracheal gas containing anesthetic agent to replace lost alveolar volume
- Increases alveolar ventilation, augments FA
what is ventilation effect
describes how changes in alveolar ventilation can affect rate of rise of FA/FI
Greater alveolar ventilation = greater rate of rise of FA/FI
how does ventilation effect minimize risk of anesthetic overdose
In spontaneously ventilating patient, as anesthetic deepens alveolar ventilation decreases - reduced anesthetic input to alveolus
what is the 2nd gas effect
consequences of concentration effect when a second gas is co-administered
- When N2O and the second gas are introduced into alveolus, rapid uptake of N2O causes alveolus to temporarily shrink
- Reduction in alveolar volume and augmented tracheal inflow = relative increase in concentration of 2nd gas
- Partial pressure of alveolar O2 also increases when alveolus shrinks (transient)
- End result: alveolar concentration of the other gases is higher vs. admin alone
- More meaningful benefit with agents of higher b:g (iso > seo > des)
how does R-L shunt affect FA/FI
- causes some deoxygenated blood leaving R heart to bypass lungs
- Results in reduced PaO2
- Results in slower rate of rise, reduction in partial pressure of anesthetic in arterial blood
examples of conditions that cause a R-L shunt
ToF, PFO, Eisenmenger’s syndrome, tricuspid atresia, Ebstein’s anomaly
are gases of high or low solubility more affected by R-L shunt
Less soluble agents undergo very little uptake by blood (effect of dilution unchecked)
inhaled anesthetic FA/FI curves affected the most and least by R-L shunt
most = des (lowest b:g)
least = iso (highest b:g)
how is IV induction affected by R-L shunt
faster induction (blood bypasses lungs and travels to brain faster)
what is MAC
concentration that prevents nociceptive withdrawal reflex following painful stimulus in 50% of population
potency of inhaled anesthetics from most to least
isoflurane > sevoflurane > desflurane > N2O
higher MAC = lower potency
what is MAC-awake
alveolar concentration where a pt opens eyes (~0.4-0.5 during induction, as low as ~0.15 during recovery)
what is MAC-bar
alveolar concentration required to block ANS response following painful stimulus (~1.5 MAC)
movement is prevented in 95% of the population at what MAC
~ 1.3
awareness and recall generally assumed to be prevented at what MAC
what is MAC-hour
one times the MAC that prevents movement in response to a noxious stimulus in 50% of subjects administered for 1 hour
what is the essential triad of anesthetic action
amnesia, loss of consciousness, immobility
drugs that increase MAC
- Chronic ETOH
- Acute amphetamine intox
- Acute cocaine intox
- Ephedrine
- Levodopa
how does sodium level affect MAC
hypernatremia = increased MAC
hyponatremia = decreased mAC
how does age affect MAC
- increased in infants 1-6 (sevo is the same for infants & neonates)
- decreased in prematurity, older age
MAC ↓ 6% per decade after 40 years
how does core temp affect MAC
hyperthermia = increased MAC
hypothermia = decreased MAC
how does red hair affect MAC
~19% increase
presumably d/t mutations in menalocute-stimulating hormone receptor and ↑ pheomelanin
drugs that decrease MAC
- Acute ETOH intox
- IV anesthetics
- N2O
- Opioids (IV & neuraxial)
- Alpha-2 agonists
- Lithium
- Lidocaine
- Hydroxyzine
misc. things that decrease MAC
- MAP < 50
- Hypoxemia
- Anemia (< 4.3 mL O2/dL blood)
- Metabolic acidosis
- Hypo-osmolarity
- 24-72 hrs postpartum
- PaCO2 > 95
how does HTN affect MAC
no effect
how do electrolytes affect MAC
only Na affects
what is the Meyer-Overton rule & what does it imply
- states that lipid solubility is directly proportional to the potency of an inhaled anesthetic
- Implies that depth of anesthesia determined by # anesthetic molecules dissolved in brain, not necessarily particular agent used
what is the unitary hypothesis
Implies that depth of anesthesia determined by # anesthetic molecules dissolved in brain, not necessarily particular agent used
how is general anesthesia produced?
- produced by membrane-bound protein interactions in the brain & spinal cord
- Stereoselectivity of anesthetic potency suggests chiral binding site
- Probably affect specific areas of cell membrane
how do volatiles affect inhibitory and stimulatory receptors
1) stimulate inhibitory receptors
2) inhibit stimulatory receptors
inhibitory pathways stimulated by inhaled anesthetics
- glycine channels
- K+ channels
stimulatory pathways inhibited by inhaled anesthetics
- NMDA receptors
- nicotinic receptors
- Na+ channels
- dendric spine function & motility
most important site of volatile action in the brain
GABA-A receptor (ligand-gated chloride channel)
likely increase duration chloride channel remains open
effect of GABA-A stimulation in the brain
increased chloride influx, hyperpolarized neurons
impairs ability of neurons to fire
how do volatiles produce immobility
ventral horn of spinal cord
important sites of action: glycine receptor stim, NMDA inhibition, Na+ inhibition
pathways affected by N2O & Xenon
NMDA antagonism
K+ 2-P channel stimulation
sites of anesthetic function responsible for amnesia
sites of anesthetic function responsible for autonomic modulation
pons & medullla
sites of anesthetic function responsible for unconsciousness
cerebral cortex
sites of anesthetic function responsible for analgesia
spinothalamic tract
function of the amygdala
response to pain
formation of stress response
function of hippocampus
memory formation
function of thalamus
relay station of sensory and motor input to cortex
function of RAS
influences consciousness & arousal
function of ventral horn of spinal cord
upper and lower motor neurons synapse
function of spinothalamic tract
inhibit nociceptive signals along ascending pain pathway
how do volatiles affect cardiac and vascular smooth muscle
↓ Ca2+ influx in sarcolemma & ↓ Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum
causes systemic vasodilation, decreased SVR/VR
primary mechanism of dose-dependent MAP decrease with volatiles
↓ intracellular Ca2+ in vascular smooth muscle = systemic vasodilation = decreased SVR & venous return
secondary mechanism of dose-dependent MAP decrease with volatiles
↓ intracellular Ca2+ in cardiac myocyte = myocardial depression = decreased inotropy
how do volatiles affect NO, ACh, and Na/Ca pump
modulate NO release, inhibit ACh-induced vasodilation, & impair Na+/Ca+ pump (↓ intracellular Ca2+ concentration)
how do volatiles affect HR
- ↓ SA node automaticity
- ↓ Conduction velocity through AV node/His-Purkinje/ventricular conduction pathways
- ↑ Duration myocardial repolarization by impairing outward K+ current = increases AP duration (prolongs QT interval)
- Altered baroreceptor function
which 2 volatiles increase HR 5-10% above baseline
des and iso
how do volatiles affect contractility
small dose-dependent decrease in baseline
myocardium remains preload responsive
how do volatiles affect SVR
which affects it the least
↓ intracellular Ca2+ in vascular smooth muscle = systemic vasodilation = ↓ SVR
Of volatiles, sevoflurane decreases the least
how do volatiles affect coronary vascular resistance
- Volatiles ↑ coronary blood flow in excess of myocardial O2 demand
- Preferentially dilate small cardiac vessels (20-50 micrometers diameter)
Potency of coronary dilation:
isoflurane > desflurane > sevoflurane
respiratory effects of volatiles
↑ apneic threshold
↓ vent. Response to CO2
Airway obstruction
↓ Vt
↑ RR
physiologic control of PaCO2
central chemoreceptor in medulla
every 1 mmHg increase in PaCO2 above baseline will increase Vm by:
3 L/min
how do volatiles imapact central chemoreceptors and respiratory muscles
dose-dependent depression
3 mechanisms of volatiles that contribute to hypercarbia
- altered resp pattern
- impaired response to CO2
- impaired motor neuron output & muscle tone to upper airway and thoracic muscles
how do volatiles affect Vt
how does the body try to compensate for reduced Vt from volatiles
- Body attempts to compensate with ↑ RR (not enough to prevent ↑ PaCO2)
- Smaller, faster breaths increase dead space to Vt ratio
what does the slope of the CO2 response curve represent
sensitivity to PaCO2
what happens to the CO2 response curve with decreased response to CO2
curve shifts down and to the right
what is the apneic threshold
PaCO2 at which a patient is stimulated to breathe
usually 3-5 mmHg below PaCO2 maintained during spontaneous ventilation (if ventilation is assisted below threshold, pt won’t breathe)
what does a right shift of the CO2 response curve imply
- Implies Vm is < predicted for given PaCO2 - respiratory acidosis
- depressed ventilation
what can cause a right shift of the CO2 response curve
- GA
- opioids
- metabolic alkalosis
- denervation of peripheral chemoreceptors
what does left shift of CO2 response curve mean
implies Vm is > predicted for given PaCo2 - respiratory alkalosis
stimulates ventilation
causes of CO2 response curve left shift
- anxiety
- surgical stimulation
- increased ICP
- salicylates
- aminophylline
- doxapram
how do volatiles depress ventilation
by inhibiting muscle function in upper airway, diaphragm, & intercostals
what PaO2 stimulates carotid bodies to increase Vm to restore arterial oxygenation
< 60 mmHg
where do carotid bodies relay afferent input
respiratory center via CN 9
how do aortic bodies relay afferent traffic
via CN 10
what is the sensory arm of the hypoxic drive
glomus type 1 cells in carotid bodies
hypothesized that volatiles create reactive O2 species that impairs these cells
source of reactive O2 species that impair glomus cells
anesthetic metabolism
what determines how much a volatile inhibits hypoxic drive
agents that undergo the most biotransformation inhibit hypoxic drive the most (sevo > iso > des)
when does impaired response to acute hypoxia begin with volatiles
at 0.1 MAC
(does not impair response to PaCO2)
what 2 things is CMRO2 dependent on
1) electrical activity & 2) cellular homeostasis
what determines total brain O2 consumption
electrical activity is 60%
cellular homeostasis is 40%
MAC required to produce isoelectric state
1.5-2 MAC
how do volatiles affect CMRO2
↓ (only to the extent that they reduce electrical activity - can’t reduce any further once isoelectric)
volatile that can produce seizure activity in high concentrations (> 2 MAC)
how can this effect be exacerbated
exacerbated by hypocapnia & more common with inhalation induction
how does the body adjust for increased CMRO2
vasodilation to ↓cerebrovascular resistance, ↑ CBF
how does the body adjust for decreased CMRO2
vasoconstriction to ↑ cerebrovascular resistance
how do volatiles affect CBF & CMRO2
cause uncoupling
concentrations > 0.5 MAC increase CBF even though CMRO2 is decreased
downside of volatiles causing uncoupling of CBF and CRMO2
increases ICP
upside of volatiles causing uncoupling of CBF and CRMO2
favorable cerebral O2 supply-demand ratio
how can cerebral vasodilation from volatiles be partially offset
- mild hyperventilation (PaCO2 < 35)
- propofol, opioids, barbiturates
sensitivity of evoked potentials to volatiles
VEP > SSEPs ~ MEPs > brainstem
how are SSEPs produced
- by applying current to a peripheral nerve
- Most commonly tibial or ulnar n.
what do SSEPs monitor
- integrity of dorsal column (medial lemniscus)
- posterior spinal a. perfusion
what do MEPs monitor
- integrity of corticospinal tract
- anterior spinal a. perfusion
what is amplitude of an evoked potential
strength of nerve response
what is latency of an evoked potential
speed of nerve conduction
when are there concerns for ischemia with evoked potentials
amplitude ↓ > 50% or latency ↑ > 10%
best anesthesia technique to preserve evoked potentials
TIVA without N2O
maximum MAC if volatiles used with evoked potentials
how does ketamine affect evoked potentials
enhanced signal
how do volatiles affect evoked potentials
Des, sevo, & iso = dose-dependent ↓ amplitude, ↑ latency (signal is not as strong & slower to conduct)
when does an evoked potential suggest ischemia
loss of signal
goals if evoked potential signal disappears or diminishes
improve neural tissue perfusion (↑ BP, volume expansion, transfusion if anemic)
how do hypoxia, hypercarbia, and hyperthermia affect evoked potentials
can affect amplitude
chemical name of desflurane
difluoromethyl 1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl ether
which 2 volatiles are nearly identical
des & iso
des - chlorine atom replaced by fluorine (fully fluorinated)
effects of fluorination
- ↓ potency (↓ oil:gas solubility) = ↑ MAC
- ↑ vapor pressure (↓ intermolecular attraction)
- ↑ resistance to biotransformation (↓ metabolism) = ↓ trifluoroacetate makes an immune-mediated hepatitis extremely unlikely
methods to minimize tachycardia with rapid increase in des
opioids, alpha 2 agonists, beta 1 antagonists
volatile that can cause bronchoconstriction in asthmatics
which anesthetic agent impairs hypoxic drive the least
how does des affect CSF
↑ or no change in CSF production
chemical name of sevoflurane
fluoromethyl 2,2,2-trifluoro-1-(trifluoromethyl) ethyl ether
why is sevo more potent than des with regards to fluorination
most likely d/t bulky propyl side chain
which volatile is unstable in hydrated soda lime
minimum FGF requirements for sevo
- 1 L/min for up to 2-MAC hours
- 2 L/min after 2-MAC hours
- <1 L/min not recommended at any time
theoretical concern of sevo biotransformation
- Biotransformation results in liberation of inorganic fluoride ions
- Theoretical concerns of fluoride-induced high output renal failure
s/s high-output renal failure with sevo
- typically unresponsive to vasopressin
- polyuria
- hypernatremia
- hyperosmolarity
- ↑ plasma creatinine
- inability to concentrate urine
how does sevo affect CSF
decreased production
chemical name of isoflurane
1-chloro 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl difluoromethyl ether
why is iso more potent than sevo and desflurane
Addition of heavier chlorine atom
how does addition of chlorine atom affect isoflurane
- more potent than sevo (2x) and des (5x)
- increases blood and tissue solubility
volatile that is the most potent coronary vasodilator
what is coronary steal
- Thought is that ↑ myocardial O2 demand = dilation of healthy vessels, heart increases its own flow to satisfy O2 requirement
- diseased vessels may not be able to dilate further
- coronary blood flow would be preferentially directed to healthy tissue
chemical name of halothane
which volatile has a bromine atom and no ether bridge
important metabolic byproduct of halothane metabolism
may cause halothane hepatitis
N2O is ___ times more soluble than nitrogen
Gas-containing areas of the body can absorb up to __ L N2O within first __ hours of admin.
2 hours
how does N2O cause decreased stimulus to breathe
Can temporarily dilute alveolar oxygen & CO2 = diffusion hypoxia & hypocarbia
b:g of nitrogen
rate of pressure change inside space with N2O
compliance of space, partial pressure of N2O, perfusion of surrounding tissue, and time
what happens in a compliant air space filled with N2O
volume ↑, pressure unchanged
what happens in a noncompliant air space filled with N2O
pressure ↑, volume unchanged
negative effect of discontinuing N2O in middle ear surgery
can quickly decrease middle ear pressure & lead to serous otitis
N2O use with SF6 bubble
d/c at least 15 min prior to placement
avoid for 7-10 days after
avoid N2O for how long with these ocular gas bubbles:
air bubble
silicone oil
air = 5 days
perf = 30 days
silicone = no contraindications
how does N2O affect vitamin B12
- irreversibly inhibits B12
- Inhibits methionine synthesis (required for folate metabolism, myelin)
side effects of vitamin B12 inhibition from N2O
- immune compromise
- homocysteine accumulation
- possible risk of spontaneous abortion
- megaloblastic anemia (bone marrow suppression)
- neuropathy
- ↓ DNA synthesis
increases risk of vitamin b12 inhibition with N2O
- prolonged exposure
- pre-existing B12 deficiency (alcoholism, pernicious anemia, strict vegan diet, recreational use)
complications of N2O vitamin B12 inhibition
- megaloblastic anemia (bone marrow suppression)
- immune compromise
- neuropathy
CV effects of N2O
- Increased HR
- BP increased/unchanged
- CO decreased
- SVR increased
- Doesn’t meaningfully ↓ contractility by itself; may ↓ combined with opioid
- May increase CVP & PAP
neuro effects of N2O
Increases CBF as a function of increased CMRO2
2 classes of ethers
- methyl isopropyl ether (sevo)
- methyl ethyl ether (des, iso)
best agent to use in a pt with hx of halothane hepatitis
(metabolism doesn’t produce TFA)