Unit 11 - Obstetrics Flashcards
factors that make airway management more complicated in pregnant patients
- increased Mallampati score
- upper airway vascular engorgement
- narrowing of glottic opening
why should a smaller ETT be used in pregnant patients
narrowed glottic opening
use 6.0-7.0
3 factors that make airway edema worse in pregnant women
- preeclampsia
- tocolytics
- prolonged Trendelenburg
function of hormone relaxin in early pregnancy
relaxes the ligaments in the ribcage, allowing the ribs to assume a more horizontal position
Increases the AP diameter of the chest, which gives the lungs more space
what hormones contribute to vascular engorgement and hyperemia in pregnancy
- progesterone
- estrogen
- relaxin
laryngoscope handle recommended for large-breasted women
Data handle (short handle)
why should nasal intubation be avoided in full term mothers
tissue in the nasopharynx is particularly friable d/t hormonal changes and local edema
why are pregnant women at increased risk of rapid hypoxemia during periods of apnea
increased O2 consumption + decreased FRC
why do pregnant women experience airway closure during tidal breathing
FRC falls below closing capacity
Vm in pregnancy
increased up to 50%
progesterone is a respiratory stimulant
why do pregnant women have a respiratory alkalosis
Progesterone is a respiratory stimulant = increased Vm by up to 50% =mom’s PaCO2 falls
Compensatory respiratory alkalosis develops
how does a pregnant woman’s body normalize blood pH despite increased Vm
renal compensation eliminates bicarbonate to normalize blood pH
what explains a pregnant mom’s mild increase in PaO2
small reduction in physiologic shunt
increases the driving pressure of oxygen across the fetoplacental interface and improves fetal gas exchange
what explains a pregnant mom’s mild increase in PaO2
small reduction in physiologic shunt
increases the driving pressure of oxygen across the fetoplacental interface and improves fetal gas exchange
ABG changes in pregnancy:
- pH: no change
- PaO2: increased
- PaCO2: decreased
- HCO3-: decreased
normal PaO2 in pregnancy
104-108 mmHg
d/t hyperventilation
normal PaCO2 in pregnancy
28-32 mmHg
normal HCO3- in pregnancy
20 mmol/L
changes in oxyhgb dissociation curve in pregnancy
↑ P50
Facilitates O2 transfer to fetus
right shift of curve
changes in Vm in pregnancy
Vm increases up to 50%
Vt ↑ 40%
RR ↑ 10%
changes in lung volumes and capacities in pregnancy
* VC
* RV
* Closing capacity
- TLC = ↓ 5%
- VC = no change
- FRC = ↓ 20%
- ERV = ↓ 20-25%
- RV = ↓ 15-20%
- closing capacity = no change
why is there no change in closing capacity in pregnant patients
↑ CV + ↓ RV = no change in closing capacity
oxygen consumption in pregnancy:
* term
* 1st stage of labor
* 2nd stage of labor
- Term = ↑ 20%
- 1st stage of labor = ↑ 40%
- 2nd stage of labor = ↑ 75%
CO received by uterus
hemodynamic variables that increase in pregnancy
Stroke volume
CO increased 40%
CO during labor
- 1st stage: CO ↑ 20%
- 2nd stage: CO ↑ 50%
- 3rd stage: CO ↑ 80%
when does CO return to pre-labor values
24-48 hours
when does CO return to pre-pregnancy values
~2 weeks
how do twins affect CO
↑ 20% above single fetus
changes in MAP, SBP, and DBP in pregnancy
MAP & SBP remain stable
DBP ↓ 15%
↑ blood volume + ↓ SVR = net even effect on MAP
changes in MAP, SBP, and DBP in pregnancy
MAP & SBP remain stable
DBP ↓ 15%
↑ blood volume + ↓ SVR = net even effect on MAP
changes in vascular resistance in pregnancy
SVR = ↓ 15%
PVR = ↓ 30%
how does progesterone affect vascular resistance in pregnancy
- ↑ nitric oxide = vasodilation (↓ SVR)
- ↓ response to angiotensin & NE (↓ PVR)
how are CVP and PAOP affected by pregnancy
Pregnancy by itself doesn’t alter filling pressure, however autotransfusion during uterine contraction increases filling pressure
cardiac axis in pregnancy
left axis deviation
Gravid uterus pushes diaphragm cephalad = heart pushed up and left
cardiac axis in pregnancy
left axis deviation
Gravid uterus pushes diaphragm cephalad = heart pushed up and left
what causes aortocaval compression in pregnant women
gravid uterus compresses both the vena cava and the aorta = ↓venous return to the heart as well as arterial flow to the uterus and lower extremities
how can aortocaval compression be reduced
elevating the mother’s right torso 15 degrees
(left uterine displacement)
displaces the uterus away from the vena cava and aorta
when should LUD be used for pregnant women
starting in 2nd trimester
changes in intravascular fluid volume in pregnancy
↑ 35%
prepares mom for hemorrhage w/ labor
changes in intravascular fluid volume in pregnancy
↑ 35%
prepares mom for hemorrhage w/ labor
what causes dilutional anemia in pregnant women
increased intravascular fluid volue, plasma vol, and erythrocyte volume
clotting factors increased in pregnancy
↑ 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
protein S in pregnancy
protein C in pregnancy
- no change in protein C
- resistance to activated protein C
how is hypercoagulability counteracted in pregnancy
increased fibrin breakdown
why do pregnant moms have a tendency to develop consumption coagulopathy
mom makes more clots but also breaks them down faster
changes in PT, PTT and plt count in pregnancy
- PT & PTT = ↓ up to 20%
- Plt = unchanged or ↓ 10% d/t hemodilution & comsumption
Most common cause of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy
gestational thrombocytopenia
(does not increase rate of complications)
etiologies of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy
- gestational (most common)
- hypertensive disorders
- idiopathic
how does pregnancy affect MAC
↓ 30-40% from baseline due to ↑ progesterone
(begins at 8-12 weeks)
how does pregnancy affect MAC
↓ 30-40% from baseline due to ↑ progesterone
(begins at 8-12 weeks)
why are pregnant women more sensitive to LAs
↑ progesterone
why is a decreased epidural LA dose given to pregnant women
Epidural vein volume increases = decreased volume of subarachnoid & epidural spaces (compression)
effects of increased gastrin in pregnancy
↑ gastric volume
↓ gastric pH
how does gastric emtpying change in pregnancy
↓ after labor begins
no change before
LES sphincter tone in pregnancy
d/t ↑ progesterone, ↑ estrogen, cephalad displacement of diaphragm
LES sphincter tone in pregnancy
d/t ↑ progesterone, ↑ estrogen, cephalad displacement of diaphragm
CrCl in pregnancy
↑ blood volume = ↑ Cr delivered to kidney per unit time
CrCl in pregnancy
↑ blood volume = ↑ Cr delivered to kidney per unit time
GFR in pregnancy
Cr and BUN in pregnancy
uterine blood flow in pregnancy
↑ up to 700-900 mL/min
accounts for 10% of CO
uterine blood flow in pregnancy
↑ up to 700-900 mL/min
accounts for 10% of CO
serum albumin in pregnancy
↓ = increased free fraction of highly protein bound drugs
pseudocholinesterase in pregnancy
no meaningful effect on succs metabolism
urine glucose in pregnancy
increased as a result of ↑ GFR and reduced reabsorption in peritubular capillaries
uterine blood flow in non-pregnant state
100 mL/min
pregnant = up to 700 mL/min
uterine blood flow in non-pregnant state
100 mL/min
pregnant = up to 700-900 mL/min
is uterine blood flow autoregulated
no - dependent on MAP, CO, and uterine vascular resistance
uterine blood flow =
(uterine artery pressure - uterine venous pressure) / uterine vascular resistance
2 factors that ↓ Uterine Blood Flow
- Decreased perfusion
- Increased resistance
what can cause decreased uterine perfusion and therefore decreased UBF
maternal hypotension (sympathectomy, hemorrhage, aortocaval compression)
what can cause increased resistance and therefore ↓ UBF
uterine contraction, hypertensive conditions that ↑ UVR
most important variables in placental drug transfer
- diffusion coefficient (drug characteristics)
- concentration gradient between maternal and fetal circulation
principle that describes how a drug traverses a biologic membrane
Fick principle
4 drug characteristics that favor placental transfer:
- Low molecular weight (< 500 Daltons)
- High lipid solubility
- Non-ionized
- Non-polar
(most anesthetic drugs are smaller than 500 daltons)
meds that do NOT undergo placental transfer
- NMBs
- glycopyrrolate
- heparin
- insulin
Do LAs undergo placental transfer
yes except chloroprocaine (rapid ester metabolism)
stage 1 of labor
Beginning of regular contractions to full cervical dilation (10 cm)
stage 2 of labor
Full cervical dilation to delivery of fetus
Perineal pain begins
illustrates normal progress of labor
Friedman curve
stage 3 of labor
delivery of placenta
what is dysfunctional labor
doesn’t follow expected pattern of Friedman curve
Friedman curve - Latent phase
1-8 hours
Cervical dilation: 2-3 cm
Friedman curve - active phase
hours 8-13
Full cervical dilation
Friedman curve - fetal delivery
hours 14-16
NPO ASA Practice Guidelines for Obstetric Analgesia
a healthy laboring mother may:
* Drink moderate amount of clear liquids throughout labor
* Eat solid food up to the point the neuraxial block is placed
when does the latent phase of labor end
when the cervix dilates to 2-3 cm
when does the active phase of labor occur
in stage 1 when cervix is 3-10 cm dilated
after latent phase
when does the active phase of labor occur
in stage 1 when cervix is 3-10 cm dilated
after latent phase
how does epidural analgesia affect the progress of labor
it does NOT prolong the first stage of labor
where does pain begin in 1st stage of labor
lower uterine segment and cervix
where does pain originate in 1st stage of labor
T10-L1 posterior nerve roots
pain impulses in 2nd stage of labor
adds in pain impulse from vagina, perineum, and pelvic floor
where do pain impulses travel from in 2nd stage of labor
from perineum to S2-S4 posterior nerve roots
innervates the perineum
pudendal n.
derives from S2-S4
pudendal n. block is not useful in 1st stage of labor
innervates the perineum
pudendal n.
derives from S2-S4
pudendal n. block is not useful in 1st stage of labor
analgesic options that target 1st stage labor pain
- Neuraxial (spinal, epidural, CSE)
- Paravertebral lumbar block
- Paracervical block
analgesic options that target 2nd stage labor pain
- Neuraxial (spinal, epidural, CSE)
- Pudendal nerve block
afferent pathway assoc. with first stage of labor
Visceral C fibers hypogastric plexus
afferent pathway assoc. with 2nd stage of labor
pudednal n.
quality of pain in 1st stage of labor
quality of pain in 2nd stage of labor
Well localized
regional technique in 1st stage of labor assoc with high risk of fetal bradycardia
paracervical block
dual benefit of CSE
rapid onset of spinal anesthesia and ability to prolong duration of anesthesia with indwelling epidural catheter
“needle through needle” technique for CSE
- Epidural space identified with epidural needle
- spinal needle placed through epidural needle
- LA and opioid injected in intrathecal space
- spinal needle removed
- epidural catheter threaded through epidural needle
Epidural volume extension technique for CSE
- involves injecting saline into epidural space immediately after LA injected into subarachnoid space
- compresses subarachnoid space & enhances rostral spread of LA (achieve higher level for given dose)
total neuraxial coverage needed for 2nd stage of labor
how does the maternal breathing pattern affect fetal oxygenation
maternal hyperventilation = L shift of oxyhgb curve = decreased O2 delivery to fetus
which LA reduces the efficacy of epidural morphine
Antagonizes opioid receptors (mu & kappa) and reduces efficacy of epidural morphine
LAs commonly used in OB
- bupivacaine
- ropivacaine
- lidocaine
- 2-chloroprocaine
concentration of bupivacaine contraindicated via epidural
risk toxicity with IV injection
concentration of bupivacaine contraindicated via epidural
risk toxicity with IV injection
placental transfer of bupivacaine
low d/t ↑ protein binding and ↑ ionization
LA used in OB with greater sensory block relative to other LAs
benefits of neuraxial opioids when used alone
- no loss of sensation or proprioception
- no sympathectomy
- do not impair mom’s ability to push
neuraxial opioid with LA properties
LA useful for emergency C/S when epidural is already in place
very fast onset
LA useful for emergency C/S when epidural is already in place
very fast onset
receptors antagonized by neuraxial 2-chloroprocaine
mu & kappa opioid receptors
neuraxial LA with risk of arachnoiditis when used for spinal anesthesia
due to preservatives
neuraxial LA with risk of arachnoiditis when used for spinal anesthesia
due to preservatives
SEs of neuraxial opioids
- pruritis (most common)
- N/V
- sedation
- respiratory depression
LA that is not popular for labor analgesia
strong motor block (good for c section)
spinal dose of bupivacaine
1.5-5 mg
epidural bupivacaine
bolus: 0.0625 – 0.125%
infusion: 0.5 – 0.125%
spinal ropivacaine dose
2 – 3.5 mg
epidural ropivacaine
bolus & infusion: 0.08 – 0.2%
why is lidocaine typically not used for continuous epidural infusion
- tachyphylaxis is more likely to develop
- crosses placenta to greater degree than others
mL/hr for lumbar epidural infusion
8-15 mL/hr
spinal bolus of fentanyl
15-25 mcg
epidural fentanyl dosing
bolus: 50-100 mcg
epidural: 1.5-3 mcg/mL
spinal bolus of sufentanil
1.5-5 mcg
sufentanil epidural dosing
bolus: 5-10 mcg
infusion: 0.2-0.4 mcg/mL
spinal dose of morphine
125-250 mg
epi dosing as a spinal adjuvant
2.25-200 mcg
epidural dosing of epi
as an adjuvant
bolus: 25 – 75 mcg
infusion: 20 – 50 mcg/hr
spinal dose of clonidine
15-30 mcg
epidural dosing of clonidine
bolus: 75-100 mcg
infusion: 10-30 mcg/hr
epidural dosing of neostigmine
bolus = 500-100 mcg
infusion = 25-75 mcg/hr
3 ways an OB patient can develop a high spinal
- Epidural dose injected into subarachnoid space
- Epidural dose injected into subdural space
- Single shot spinal after a failed epidural block
treatment of a total spinal
airway management
leg elevation
typical presentation of total spinal caused by epidural dose injected in subdural space
s/s excessive cephalad spread 10-15 minutes after epidural dosed
can a subdural injection be ruled out
Neither catheter aspiration nor a test dose will rule out subdural placement
how can a single-shot spinal after a failed epidural lead to a high/total spinal
- Volume given during epidural can compress subarachnoid space. If single-shot spinal admin in this situation, you might get a higher-than-expected spread with a given dose
- Will puncture dura during single-shot spinal - possible LA from failed epidural leaks through hole to enter subarachnoid space
presentation of total spinal
- typically rapid progression of sensory and motor block
- Dyspnea, difficulty phonating, hypotension
- hypotension = cerebral hypoperfusion = LOC
differential diagnosis when OB pt presents with s/s total spinal
- anaphylactic shock
- eclampsia
- amniotic fluid embolism
surrogate measure of overall fetal wellbeing
Provides indirect method to assess fetal hypoxia & acidosis
fetal oxygenation is a function of what 2 things
uterine blood flow
placental blood flow
how does the fetus respond to stress
- peripheral vasoconstriction
- baroreceptor-mediated reduced HR
normal FHR
fetal causes of fetal bradycardia
FHR < 110
maternal causes of fetal bradycardia
- Hypoxemia
- Drugs that ↓ uteroplacental perfusion
fetal causes of fetal tachycardia
maternal causes of fetal tachycardia
normal FHR variability
6-25 bpm
what does FHR variability suggest
- intact central nervous system
- SNS and PNS are functioning in a healthy manner
- Also an indicator of oxygenation and a normal acid-base status
FHR variability:
* minimal
* moderate
* marked
* absent
- Minimal: < 5 bpm
- Moderate: 6 - 25 bpm
- Marked: > 25 bpm
- Absent: a worrisome finding
things that decrease FHR variability
CNS depressants (opioids, sedatives
anesthetics, barbiturates, magnesium sulfate) - hypoxemia
- fetal sleep
- acidosis
- anencephaly
- cardiac anomalies
what causes early decels
Uterine contractions compress fetal head
FHR with early decels
HR < 20 from baseline
change in HR with early decels
< 20 from baseline
onset & offset of early decels compared to contractions
Onset and offset parallels uterine contraction
Loses variability with each deceleration
onset & offset of early decels compared to contractions
Onset and offset parallels uterine contraction
Loses variability with each deceleration
risk to baby with early decels
no risk of fetal hypoxia
condition that may cause this FHR pattern
head compression
early decels
conditions that contribute to this FHR pattern
- maternal hypotension
- hypovolemia
- acidosis
- preeclampsia
late decels
conditions that contribute to this FHR pattern
* hypotension
* hypovolemia
* acidosis
* preeclampsia
late decels
what causes late decels
Uteroplacental insufficiency
Decreased uteroplacental perfusion leads to fetal compromise
FHR pattern in late decels
- FHR falls after peak of contraction and then returns to baseline after contraction
- Occurs with each contraction
- Gradual (not abrupt) reduction in FHR
what causes this FHR pattern
umbilical cord compression
Umbilical compression causes baroreceptor-mediated reduced FHR
FHR pattern assoc with variable decels
- No consistent pattern between FHR and uterine contraction
- Maintains variability during deceleration
evaluating FHR - category 1
- Baseline HR 110-160
- Moderate variability
- Accelerations absent or present
- Early decelerations absent or present
- No late or variable decelerations
**strongly suggests normal acid-base status with no threat to fetal oxygenation **
evaluating FHR - category 1
- Baseline HR 110-160
- Moderate variability
- Accelerations absent or present
- Early decelerations absent or present
- No late or variable decelerations
**strongly suggests normal acid-base status with no threat to fetal oxygenation **
evaluating FHR - category 2
can’t predict normal or abnormal acid-base status
* Bradycardia without absence of baseline FHR variability
* Tachycardia
* Variable variability
* Absent or minimal acceleration with fetal stimulation
* Recurrent variable decelerations
evaluating FHR - category 3
strongly suggests abnormal acid-base status with significant threat to fetal oxygenation
* Bradycardia
* Absent baseline variability
* Recurrent late deceleration
* Sinusoidal pattern
conditions assoc. with sinusoidal pattern
- alone, considered abnormal and strongly indicates fetal asphyxia
- also assoc with maternal opioids, fetal anemia
definition of premature delivery
before 37 weeks gestation or less than 259 days from last menstrual cycle
Leading cause of perinatal morbidity & mortality
2 things that increase incidence of premature delivery
multiple gestations and premature rupture of membranes
complications of prematuriy
- resp distress syndrome
- hypoglycemia
- hypocalcemia
- hyperbilirubinemia
given in the setting of preterm labor to hasten fetal lung development
corticosteroids (betamethasone)
when do corticosteroids take effect & peak to hasten fetal lung developent
- Take effect within 18 hours
- Peak benefit at 48 hours
use of tocolytic agents in premature labor
used to delay labor by suppressing uterine contractions (up to 24-48 hours)
Provide a bridge that allow corticosteroids to work
use of tocolytic agents in premature labor
used to delay labor by suppressing uterine contractions (up to 24-48 hours)
Provide a bridge that allow corticosteroids to work
Tocolytic agents or corticosteroids are seldom given after ____ wga
how do beta 2 agonists affect the uterus
Beta-2 stimulation = increased intracellular cAMP
* turns on protein kinase
* turns off MLCK
* ultimately relaxes uterus
SEs of beta 2 agonists in labor
- hyperglycemia
- newborn at risk of hypoglycemia
- hypokalemia
- increased FHR (crosses placenta)
why are newborns of hyperglycemic mothers at risk of hypoglycemia after delivery
Mother’s glucose supply is gone, but insulin in neonatal circulation remains
MOA of magnesium sulfate in OB population
Calcium antagonist
* relaxes smooth muscle by turning off myosin light chain kinase in vasculature, airway, and uterus
* hyperpolarizes membranes in excitable tissue
used for seizure prophylaxis and treatment in preeclampsia)
mag sulfate
hyperpolarizes membranes in excitable tissues
used for seizure prophylaxis and treatment in preeclampsia
mag sulfate
hyperpolarizes membranes in excitable tissues
clinical assessment for presence of hypermagnesemia
* If DTRs are present, risk of more serious side effects is low
* Diminished DTRs are the first sign of magnesium toxicity
how do beta 2 agonists contribute to myometrial relaxation
increased progesterone release
how is magnesium sulfate eliminated
via kidneys
1st sign of magnesium toxicity
diminished DTRs
normal Mg level:
* mg/dL
* mEq/L
* mmol/L
- * 1.8-2.5mg/dL
- 1.5-2.1 mEq/L
- 0.75- 1.05 mmol/L
s/s assoc with magnesium level < 1.2 mg/dL
- tetany
- seizures
- dysrhythmias
s/s assoc with magnesium level 1.2-1.8 mg/dL
- neuromuscular irritability
- hypokalemia
- hypocalcemia
symptoms assoc with magnesium level of 2.5-5 mg/dL
typically no symptoms
symptoms assoc with magnesium level of 5-7 mg/dL
- Diminished DTRs
- Lethargy/drowsiness
- Flushing
- N/V
s/s assoc with magnesium level of 7-12 mg/dL
- Loss of DTRs
- Hypotension
- EKG changes
- Somnolence
s/s assoc with magnesium level > 12 mg/dL
- Resp depression - apnea
- Complete heart block
- Cardiac arrest
- Coma
- Paralysis
4 tocolytic agents used to delay labor by suppressing uterine contractions (up to 24-48 hours)
- beta agonists
- mag sulfate
- calcium channel blockers
- nitric oxide donors
treatment of hypermagnesemia
- Supportive measures
- Diuretics (facilitate excretion)
- IV calcium gluconate 1 g over 10 minutes (antagonize Mg2+)
how do calcium channel blockers affect uterine tone
- Block influx of Ca2+ into uterine muscle = reduces Ca2+ release from SR
- Turns off myosin light-chain kinases and relaxes uterine muscle
first line CCB as a tocolytic in OB patients
PO nifedipine
potential consequence of co-administering CCB and mag sulfate
skeletal muscle weakness
where is oxytocin primarily synthesized
paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus
when is exogenous oxytocin released
following stimulation of the cervix, vagina, and breasts
oxytocin indications
- induction or augmentation of labor
- stimulating uterine contraction
- combating uterine hypotonia and hemorrhage
when is oxytocin given after c section
administered after the delivery of the placenta
SEs of oxytocin
- water retention (it’s structurally similar to vasopressin)
- hyponatremia
- hypotension
- reflex tachycardia
- coronary vasoconstriction
AE of rapid oxytocin admin
CV collapse
metabolism of oxytocin
half life of oxytocin
4-17 minutes
1st line uterotonic agent
Pitocin (oxytocin)
2nd line uterotonic agent
dose of methergine
0.2 mg IM
AEs of IV Methergine admin
- significant vasoconstriction
- cerebral hemorrhage
half life of methergine
2 hrs
3rd line uterotonic agent
Prostaglandin F2 (Hemabate or Carboprost)
dose of prostaglandin F2
Hemabate or Carboprost
250 mcg IM or injected into uterus
SEs of prostaglandin F2
Hemabate or Carboprost
- N/V/D
- hypotension
- bronchospasm
most common cause of maternal death in OB patient under GA
failure to secure airway
most common cause of maternal death in OB patient under GA
failure to secure airway
aspiration prophylaxis for OB patient needing GA
- Sodium citrate to neutralize gastric acid
- H2 receptor antagonist (ranitidine) to reduce gastric acid secretion
- Gastrokinetic agent (metoclopramide) to hasten emptying and increase LES tone
changes in P50 in pregnancy
increases in mother, decreases in fetus
oxygen concentration gradient from mom-fetus ensures fetal oxygenation