Unit 4 - Endocrine Diseases pt 2 Flashcards
in dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, steroid hormones are either:
under secreted: adrenocortical hypo secretion disorder
over secreted: adrenocortical hyper secretion disorder
adrenal cortex and medulla secrete
Adrenal cortex - secretes steroid hormones
Adrenal medulla - Secretes Catecholamines
Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
Catecholamine Over-secretion
Elevated Resting Heart Rate (Tachycardia)
Elevated Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Hyperglycemia (Glycogenolysis)
adrenal cortex secretes hormones called __, which are synthesized by ___
synthesized from cholesterol nucleus
Steroids Produced/Secreted by the Adrenal Cortex
Sex Hormones (Estrogen and Androgen derivatives)
Regulation is via Renin (From JG cells in Kidney)
Mineralocorticoid effect
Physiologic Effect-Sodium/Water Retention (Reabsorption) and Secretion of Potassium/Hydrogen-excreted in the urine
- Regulation is via ACTH (From anterior pituitary gland)
- Raises Blood Glucose (from protein catabolism)
- Negative Nitrogen Balance-Protein depletion
- Mobilizes/Redistributes Fat
- Suppresses the Immune System
- Used in treating inflammatory conditions
Sex Hormones
Estrogens: Feminizing Effect
Androgens: Masculinizing Effect
hypersecretion disorder: hyperaldosteronism (primary and secondary)
Primary - Conn’s syndrome (Adrenal Hyperplasia)
Secondary - Renal disease
Retention of Sodium and Water (reabsorption)
Edema and Elevated Blood Pressure
effects of hyper secretion of aldosterone
Hypernatremia-blood sodium levels are too high
Hypokalemia-blood potassium levels are too low
Metabolic alkalosis-blood hydrogen levels are too low
electrolyte imbalance
Cushing’s Syndrome
Hypersecretion of Glucocorticoids
Primary-Cortisol secreting tumor
Secondary-Exogenous gluco- corticoids
buffalo hump
fat pads, moon face, red cheeks, large abdomen, bruising, poor muscle and wound healing
Adrenogenital syndrome
hyper secretion
Anabolic effect from performance enhancing drugs
Primary-Androgen secreting tumor
Anabolic Steroids-Effects
increase in muscle mass Infertility and sexual dysfunction Liver damage Acne/Baldness Left ventricular Dilated Hypertrophy in women: baldness and facial hair growth
Adrenocortical Hyposecretion Disorders
Under-secretion of steroid hormones in adrenal cortex
Primary - Addison’s disease
Autoimmune disease Adrenal tuberculosis (Miliary)