Unit 4: Chapter 28 Flashcards
_________ increasing mating season for mosquitoes that carry disease causing microbes
Warmer temperatures
Increased temperature is caused from
climate change
Biogeochemical cycling
Sum of microbial, physical, and chemical processes that drive the flow of elements with influx of nutrients from one pool to another
nutrients move between pools and are chemically modified
Abiotic processes
Ex. Erosion
Biotic processes
Living and refers to nutrient cycling
Nutrients refer to
chemicals (inorganic and organic)
Nutrient cycling is performed by
bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotic microbes
Microbes on Earth’s surface contribute to
rapid nutrient cycling
Microbes on very slow growing deep surface contribute to
elemental cycling over geological periods
What if all prokaryotes suddenly vanished from Earth suddenly?
No one can live since nutrient cycling and biochemical cycling will be shut down
Redox potential
measure of the tendency of molecules in a system to accept or donate electrons
Redox potential is determined by the electrical potential difference betweeen ___ and ________
environment; standard hydrogen electrode
Redox potential is expressed in
volts or millivolts
Low redox potential
Readily donate electrons
High redox potential
Readily accept electrons
Redox state of environment plays a critical role in
determining the types of microbes present
Redox stae of environmental determines the types of microbes by:
- which oxidized compounds are available as terminal electron acceptors
- what reduced molecules are present for use as electron donors
What influence the availability of terminal electron acceptor?
Redox potential, pH, and oxygen concentration
______ declines with depth in water and soil
Oxygen concentration
ΔG°’ negative indicates
exergonic, more free energy released
ΔG°’ positive indicates
endergonic, less free energy released
More positive value of ΔG°’ indicates
less energy released and more in depth
What processes provide greatest amount of energy?
Aerboic respiration
Which processes provide least amount of energy?
Methanogenesis by Archaea
Reduced form
Gaining electrons and H+, lose O2
Oxidized form
Losing electron and H+, gain O2
What elements contain intermediate oxidation state forms?
Carbon, nitrogen, sulfur
What elements do not contain intermediate oxidation state forms?
Iron, phosphate, maganase
Fate of organic materials:
Minneralization and Immobilization
decomposition of organic matter to simpler inorganic compounds (O2, NH3, H2,..)
may or may not be recycled
nutrients converted into biomass become temporarily unavailable for nutrient cycling
____ are important in mineralizing immobilized organic compounds
What elemnt is most abundant?
____ is continously transformed from form to another
CO2 is reduced to
methan (CH4)
No O2 available (anaerobic)
CO2 reduced to CH4 by methane by archaea
Reverse methanogenesis
Archaea and reducing bacteria work togerther to oxidize methan using sullfate as terminal electron acceptor
Methanotrophy and methylotrophy
O2 available (anaerboic and aerboic)
CH4 oxidized to CO2
CO2 fixation
O2 available (anaerboic and aerboic)
CO2 reduced to organic matter
Phototrophy and Chemotrophy
Oxidative and redox neutral
Aerboic/ Anaerboic respiration and fermentation
Organic matter oxidized to CO2
All fixed carbon enters common pool of organic matter that can be oxidized back to CO2 through
aerobic/ anaerobic respiration and fermentation
Inorganic carnon (CO2) and organic carbon can be reduced _____ to methane
Source of carbon
heterotrophic microbes and burning of fossil fuels release carbon as CO2
fossil fuels and CO
Carbon sinks
plants, phytoplankton, and other autotrophic microbes that TAKE UP CO2 from atmosphere