Unit 4 7E: Active and passive immunity Flashcards
Active immunity
When an individual’s adaptive immune response is activated
Passive immunity
Short-term immunity resulting from a person receiving antibodies from another person or animal; no memory
Natural Active immunity
An individual’s response to a pathogen (through production of specific antibodies) that they have been exposed to. if the individual were to be exposed to the same pathogen in the future, they would be immune to that pathogen due to the presence of memory B and T cells.
Artificial Active immunity
when antigens or whole pathogens are introduced to induce an adaptive immune response.
e.g. Through a vaccination
Natural passive immunity
Is the transfer of antibodies from a mother to the foetus through the placenta prior to birth or to the baby through breastfeeding after birth. The maternal antibodies provide immune protection for the baby, whose immune system is still developing
Artificial Passive immunity
Is created when an individual receives antibodies made by another organism. This is useful against things such as bites and stings that could cause death before an individual’s own adaptive immune response could act
The administration of a vaccine to cause an adaptive immune response
Substance that contains an agent (usually an antigen or an attenuated version of the pathogen) that will induce an adaptive immune response when administered
Describes a pathogen that has been altered to remove its harmfulness
Herd immunity
When a large percentage of a population is immune to a disease (through vaccination), slowing down the spread of the disease and protecting those who are not immune
Positive of using live attenuated vaccines
Because of the similarity between the vaccine and the natural pathogen, there is a stron adaptive immune response, which can result in a lifetime of protection against that pathogen
Negatives of using live attenuated vaccines
A person with a weakened immune system (babies, elderly, immune deficient individuals) may contract the disease
What are the 3 forms of vaccines
Live attenuated vaccine
An inactivated vaccine
A subunit vaccine
Who is protected by Herd immunity
Herd immunity indirectly provides protection to individuals in the community who are not immune, such as those with suppressed or weakened immune systems
What is a live attenuated vaccine
A vaccine that uses a weakened form of the pathogen that causes the disease
Strong adaptive immune response which results in a lifetime of protection against that pathogen
What is an inactivated vaccine
A vaccine that uses a killed or inactivated version of the pathogen
Safer for people with a compromised immune system
No lifelong immunity
What is a Subunit vaccine?
Uses specific pieces of the pathogen (Parts of antigen, capsid)
Like an inactivated vaccine, requires booster injections to maintain levels of B and T cells