UNIT 4 10A: Changes in biodiversity over time Flashcards
Geological time scale
A scale dividing earth’s history into intervals according to the geological and biological events and conditions present at that time
The variety of plant and animal life in an ecosystem at any given time
Plate tectonics
A scientific theory that focuses on the separation of earth’s crust into plates that move across the underlying mantle
A group of prokaryotic organisms that are capable of photosynthesis; recognised as the earliest form of life on Earth
A structure that consists of layered deposits made by cynobacterial colonies; are among earliest fossils known
An organism that doesn’t have a backbone
A type of animal that has no internal backbone, a segmented body and a hard external covering known as an exoskeleton
brachio = backbone
A marine animal with no internal backbone and a hinged upper and lower shell
Any animal that contains evidence of a spinal cord at some point in its development
Having a backbone
Tetrapods that are semi-terrestrial, with young living in water before moving to land as adults
A class of air-breathing tetrapods with skin covered in scales
Lay eggs on land
A type of carnivorous dinosaur with short forelimbs that ran on powerful hind legs
The role that a species plays within its ecosystem
A superfamily consisting of all current and extinct humans and apes
Subfamily consisting of all current and extinct bipedal primates
Background extinction rate
The normal extinction rate expected to occur over a period of time due to natural environmental factors
mass extinction
Widespread and rapid decrease in the biodiversity of earth
Steps in natural selection
1) Variation exists in original population
2) Selection pressure removes individuals with a selective disadvantage, making it more difficult to survive and reproduce
3) Certain phenotype provides selective advantage
4)Over time, individuals with a selective advantage survive and reproduce, passing on their genes to the next generation