UNIT 3 1B: Cell types and cell organelles Flashcards
Define Prokaryote
A single-celled organism that does not have membrane-bound organelles; includes bacteria and archea
Define Eukaryote
A single-celled or multi-cellular organism whose cells include membrane-bound organelles; includes
protists, fungi, plants, animals
Define compartmentalisation
is the formation of internal membranes to maintain the concentration of molecules that allow the reactants to interact with each other at optimal rates
2. And allows various chemical reactions to occur simultaneously in different places without interfering with each other.
What is a Neucleoid
In a prokaryote, an irregularly shaped area where the genetic material is located
A circular piece of double-stranded DNA found naturally in bacteria
All the contents inside the membrane of a cell, except the nucleus, includes organelles.
A compartment within a cell that performs specific functions
A double membrane-bound organelle that contains genetic material (DNA, RNA)
Function of Nucleus
Controlls the cell activities. Contains DNA, which codes for proteins.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
An organelle that synthesises and transports lipids
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
An organelle that transports proteins in vesicles to the golgi apparatus
Golgi Apparatus
An organelle consisting of layers that modifies and packages proteins
An organelle that transports materials between organelles and within the cell.
A non-membrane bound organelle, made up of protein and ribosomal RNA; is the site of translation
Function of ribosomes
Synthesis of proteins, a process known as translation.
Ribosomes in cytosol vs Ribosomes in ER
Ribosomes in the cytosol make proteins for use inside the cell, whereas ribosomes on the rough ER make proteins for use outside of the cell.
An organelle containing enzymes that break down foreign matter or materials no longer required
An organelle that stores substances; important in maintaining structure of plant cells
An organelle where respiration occurs, releasing energy (ATP)
Function of Mitochondrion
site of stages 2 and 3 of aerobic cellular respiration, which releases usable energy in the form of ATP molecules
An organelle where photosynthesis occurs; contains chlorophyll. Animal cells do not have chloroplast
Function of chloroplast,
Site of photosynthesis, which converts carbon dioxide and water, with the assistance of light to glucose and oxygen
Cell wall
Structure only in plants that surrounds the cell and provides support and protection
Short microtubes projecting from a cell that move to provide motility(movement of the cell) or movement of fluid
Long microtubes projecting from a cell that move to provide motility(movement of the cell) or movement of fluid