Unit 4 Flashcards
Elements of carbohydrates
. Carbon
. Hydrogen
. Oxygen
Carbohydrates: glucose (cellulose, starch, glycogen)
. Glucose: Makes glycogen, cellulose and starch
. Glycocen and starch: used as energy stores
. Carbohydrates are made of simple sugars (eg. starch, glycogen and cellulose)
. Cellulose: build up cell walls
. Starch: storage molecules in plants
. Glycogen: storage molecules in animals
Elements of proteins
. Carbon
. Hydrogen
. Oxygen
. Nitrogen
Made up of long chains of amino acids
Two examples of proteins: collagen and elastin
. Collagen: for connective tissues and cartilage around the body
. Elastin: makes tissues and organs elastic
Made of glycerol and fatty acids (three)
Elements of fats
. Carbon
. Hydrogen
. Oxygen
Two strands of nucleotides coiled together to form a double helix -> each strand contains chemicals called bases
. Bonde between bases: hold strands together
Base pairings of DNA
. A with T
. C with G
Test for starch
- Fill test tube halfway with extract being testes
- Add 2 or 3 drops of iodine solution
If molecule present: Starch
From: Yellow/light brown
To: Blue/black
Test for reducing sugars
- Fill beaker halfway with boiling water
- Add 5 drops of benedict’s solution to test tube containing extract being tested, and place it onto the beaker
If molecule present: reducing sugars
From: blue TO green -> little amount present
From: blue TO red -> big amount present
Test for protein
- Fill test tube halfway with extract being tested
- Add 5 or 6 drops of biuret solution
If molecule present: protein
From: blue
To: purple/violet/lilac
Test for fats and oils
- Put extract being tested into test tube and add enough ethanol to cover it -> fats don’t dissolve in water, but do dissolve in ethanol
- Pot topper on test tube + shake it
- Add distiled water halway up test tube
- Shake test tube once more
If molecule present: Fats and oils
From: clear
To: Cloudy white/milky
Test for Vitamin C
- Put known volume of DCPIP solution in test tube
- Add extract being tested one drop at a time
If molecule present: Vitamin C
From: Blue
To: Clear