Topic 17 Flashcards
Made of DNA, which contains genetic information in the form of genes
A length of DNA that codes for specific protein -> controls our characteristics
Different versions of the same gene
Sex chromosones
Responsible for sex determination -> either labelled as X or Y
Sex chromosones -> males
X and Y chromosone (XY) -> Y chromosome causes male characteristics
Sex chromosones -> females
X and X chromosome (XY) -> XX combination causes female charactersitics
Sex chromosones -> sperm
Can carry either and X or Y chromosone so sex determination in humans depends on what chromosome is carried by speem that fertilises egg -> 50:50 chance of sperm carrying either chromosome
Haploid VS diploid cells -> haploid cell
Haploid nucleus: contains a single set of chromosones
-> 23 chromosomes
-> Example: gametes (sex cell)
Haploid VS diploid cells -> Diploid
Diploid nucleus: contains two sets of chromosomes -> there’s a pair of each type of chromosome (23 pairs/ 46 chromosomes)
-> Example humand body cells (except gametes)
Protein synthesis: DNA and genes
DNA strands contain bases which make up genes -> sequence of bases in a gene is the genetic code that determines the order (sequence) of amino acids in a protein
1. Each amino acid is coded for by a sequence of three bases in the gene
2. Amino acids are joined together to make specific proteins -> depending on order of gene’s bases
3. When a chain of amino acids has been assembled, it folds into a unique shape which allows protein to perform the task it’s meant to do -> different sequences of amino acids result in proteins with differenct shapes
Controls cell function by controlling production of proteins including enzymes, membrane carriers (carrier proteins) and neurotransmitter receptors
Protein production
- Gene coding for the protein remains in the nucleus
- Messanger RNA (mRNA) is a copy of a gene
- mRNA molecules are made in the nucleus and move to the cytoplasm
- mRNA passes through ribosomes
- Ribosome assembles amino acids into protein molecules
- The specific sequence of amino acids is determined by the sequence of bases in the mRNA
Body cells
Most body cells in an organsim have the same genes, but cells don’t express (make proteins from) all of their genes -> cells only express those genes that lead to the production of the specifi proteins they need to carry out their function
Nuclear division of a diploid cell that results inntwo genetically identical cells -> used in growth, cell replacement and repair of damaged tissues
Before mitosis happens
Cell’s chromosones are replicated -> end up with twice as many chromosones
During mitosis
Chromosones copies seperate and nucleus divides so one copy of each chromosone ends up in daughter cell -> mantains original chromosone number in each daughter cell