Unit 3 - Chapter 8 Flashcards
The process of verifying that you really are the person who has the right to access this computer, whether it is your local machine or the Web server.
Hash function
The hash function takes the password the user originally chooses, chops it up, and stirs it around according to a given formula.
password-cracking software
For a given-user ID, will first try all words in its built-in dictionary encrypting each with the well-known hash function and comparing the result with the password file.
Social engineering
is the process of using people to get the information you want.
governs what an authenticated user is allowed to do.
System administrator or superuser
has access to everything, and is the person who sets up the authorization privileges for all other users.
A virus is a computer program that, like a biological virus, infects a host computer and then spreads. It embed itself within another program or file. When that program or file is activated, the virus copies itself and attacks other files on the system. The results may be as simple as taunting pop-up messages, but could also include erratic behaviour or drastic slowdown of the computer, corrupted deleted files, loss of data, or system crashes.
A worm is very similar to a virus, but it can send copies of itself to other nodes on a computer network without having to be carried by an infected host file. It is a self-replicating piece of software that can travel from node to node without any human intervention.
Trojan Horse
A trojan horse ( in the software world) is a computer program that does some harmless little job but also unbeknownst to the user, contains code to perform the same kinds of malicious attacks as viruses and worms - corrupt or delete files, capture the user’s address book to send out spam e-mail.
keystroke logger
captures the user’s passwords and credit card numbers ( and sends them to someone else) or even put the computer under someone else’s remote control at some point in the future.
Denial of service ( DOS) attack
is typically directed at business or government website. The attack automatically directs browsers, usually on many machines, to a single URL, at roughly the same time. The result causes so much network traffic to the targeted site that it is effectively shut down to legitimate users.
zombie army or botnet
A botnet is a number of Internet-connected devices, each of which is running one or more bots. Botnets can be used to perform Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks, steal data, send spam, and allow the attacker to access the device and its connection
is a practice used to illegally obtain sensitive information such as credit card numbers, account numbers and passwords.
Antivirus softwares
Such software can detect worms, viruses, and trojan horses by distinctive “ signatures” those programs carry. It cleans your machine of infected files. Most antivirus software come with a feature for automatic updates.
Firewall software
guards the access points to your computer blocking communications to or from sites you don’t permit.