Unit 2.5: Organisational Culture Flashcards
Organisational Culture
Barriers to communication
Refers to the various factors that can prevent information being transferred effectively or accurately.
Channel of communication
This refers to the method or means through which communications take place between the sender and recipient.
The transfer of information from one entity to another. It is vital to how well a business operates.
Cultural barriers to communication
These obstacles to effective communications stem from differences in social norms, beliefs, and values in different communities and countries
Electronic mail (email)
A form of written communication that uses computer wide area networks (WAN) as a mailing system.
External communication
Refer to communications conducted between stakeholders of one organisation and another organisation.
Formal communication
This refers to any method of communication through official channels of communication.
Specialist or technical language used in different fields or professions in order to improve communications.
Informal communication
Also known as grapevine communication, this refers to any method of communication through unofficial channels of communication.
Internal communication
Refers to communications between stakeholders within the business organisation.
Language barriers to communication
These obstacles to effective communications stem from miscommunications and misunderstandings due to language issues such as tones, jargon, slang, dialects, and accents.
Non-verbal communication
Refers to any form of communication other than oral (verbal) communication, such as email, letters, and body language.
Open channels of communication
Refers to any method of communication when information is not confidential and can be shared by and with anyone.
Oral communication
Also known as verbal communication, this refers to communication via the use of speech, such as appraisals, interviews, and meetings.
Organisational barriers to communication
These obstacles are caused by a lack of understanding of the internal functions and structures of the business, as well as the individual roles within the organisation.
Psychological barriers to communication
Also referred to as emotional barriers to communication, these obstacles are caused by individuals with contrasting and conflicting mindsets, opinions, or priorities.
Restricted channels of communication
Also known as closed channels of communication, this refers to when information is confidential so need to be communicated formally to only those who need to know.
Transmission mechanism
The medium of communication or the method by which one party communicates with another.
Visual communication
A method of communication that relies on the use of visual stimuli to communicate information or ideas, such as infographics, charts, and images.
Written communication
A method of communication that relies on the use of texts, such as emails, letters, executive summaries, abstracts, notices, and reports.