Unit 2 vocab: Population Flashcards
Compares the number of farmers to the area of arable land.
Agricultural population density
Calculated by dividing the population by the amount of arable land.
Physiological population density
Calculated by dividing a region’s population by its total area.
Arithmetic population density
Land suitable for growing crops (farmable land).
The pattern of human settlement- the spread of people across the earth. Representing it on a map highlights places that are crowded, sparsely settled, or even empty.
Population distribution
Measures of average population per square mile or kilometer. Measures how crowded a place is.
Population density
Hierarchical division of people into groups based on factors such as economic status power and or ethnicity.
Social stratification
Having more people than a region can support.
The number of people a region can support without damaging the environment.
Carrying capacity
A most useful tool to study population (age-sex composition is called.
Population pyramid
The vertical axis shows age groups known as.
The slowdown of births.
Birth deficit
Once hostility ends and peace resumes, the birth rate often spikes, causing what is known as.
baby boom.
Once the boom ends, birth rates are lower for a number of years,
baby bust. This baby bust continues until the boomers reach childbearing age.
Since this increase reflects an earlier baby boom, it is called an-