Unit 2 Test Flashcards
Nicholas Copernicus
Responsible for the Heliocentric theory
Johannes Kepler
Responsible for coming up with how the planets rotate.
Galileo Galilei
Perfected the telescope and manufactured it
Issac Newton
Comes up with the laws of gravity and motion and was the founder of physics.
William Harvey
Comes up with the blood circulatory system
Rene Descartes & Francis Bacon
Comes up with the scientific method
What was the enlightenment?
The Enlightenment was a movement of intellectuals who were greatly impressed with the accomplishments of the Scientific Revolution
What did the intellectuals believe because of Newton?
People of the Enlightenment thought that if they follow Newtons rules of reasoning, then they could discover the natural laws that govern society.
What did John Locke’s do that contributed to the Enlightenment?
John Locke’s made a big impact as he wrote the ¨ Essay Concerning Human Understanding¨He denied the existence of innate ideas and implied that people were molded by their environment.
Father of the idea of separation of powers
Well known for his criticism of traditional religion and his strong attachment to the ideal of religious toleration, freedom of speech, and he also believed in the separation of church and state. Also championed Deism.
most famous contribution to the enlightenment was the Encyclopedia, or Classified Dictionary of the sciences, arts, and trades.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Most well known for the Social Contract. Rousseau found an answer in the concept of the social contract where a society is governed by its general will. Also wrote the novel Emile, a very important work on education in the Enlightenment
Cesare Beccaria
wrote a book called On Crimes and Punishments in which he argues against brutal punishments where he argued that A person accused of a crime should receive a fair and speedy trial, Torture should never be used, and the Death sentences should be abolished.
Joseph II
Reformed his country with enlightened ideas. His successors undid many of his reforms.
Catherine II the Great
Invited Diderot, but did not use his ideas. Favored the nobility and the peasants revolted. Crushed the rebellion and gained a lot of land during her reign.
Fredrick II or Fredrick the Great
A believer that the king is the “first servant of state”
Also enlarged the Prussian army and made many enlightened reforms.
What is Absolutism?
The king is said to have a divine right to the throne.
Divine Right Theory
The king’s divinity allowed for his regime to be free from tyranny of anarchy because what he did was necessarily correct.
Absolute Monarch
The King has full power and no restrictions.
Places prime importance into humans rather than divine beings.
What is the Renaissance?
A cultural, artistical, and intellectual movement that spread throughout the late 14th century
Total Depravity: People are naturally sinful
Unconditional Election: God chooses who is saved
Limited Atonement: Jesus sacrifice is only for a chosen few
Irresistible Grace: Gods grace ensures that the chosens believe.
Perseverance of the Saints: Once chosen, they stay saved.
Protestant Reformation
A religious reform movement that divided the western christian church into Catholic and Protestant groups.
Counter reformation
The Catholic Churches response to the protestant reformation.
Scientific Revolution
Revolutionized science
Christian states fought to recapture territory from Muslims(Moors) and won
A series of institutions from the church used to combat heresy. The most famous was the spanish inquisition where they persecuted the Jews and other minorities.
The belief that some events, such as a persons destiny, is predetermined by a divine power.
Converted; Jews who accepted Christianity
Papal Bull
Charter issued by a Pope
Auto da fé
act of faith; elaborate public expressions of the inquisition were presented before a large crowd and the proceedings had a ritualized. Almost festive quality.
Spanish Muslims who converted to Christianity
Restored Catholicism to parts of Germany and Eastern Europe. Also spread to Asia.
French Protestants who followed the teachings of John Calvin and faced religious persecution and wars. Granted some rights with the Edict of Nantes but was revoked and got kicked out.
Protestants in the 16th and 17th century that sought to purify the church of england from what they believed to be Roman Catholic practices and traditions
King Henry VIII
Separated the church of england from the roman catholic church. Married 6 times.
Council of Trent
A group of high officials that met in the city of Trent and reformed the Roman Catholic Church
Elizabeth I, Philip II, and he Spanish Armada
Philip II invaded england and Elizabeth I defended it and won the battle.
Acts of Supremacy
Made the king the supreme head of the church.
Jan Huss
Leader of the Czech Reform Movement, studied Wycliffe’s work, and burned at the stake at the Council of Constance
Printing Press
Had a tremendous impact on society as it made books more affordable, encouraged the desire to attain knowledge and the development of scholarly research
Calvin and Calvinism
Calvin placed much emphasis on the all-powerful nature of God and created the idea of predestination. Like Luther, believed that faith is the key to salvation.
Martin Luther and Lutheranism
Believed that faith is the key to salvation and this became the primary doctrine of the protestant reformation. Wrote the 95 theses that was aimed at the selling of indulgences.
Desiderius Erasmus
popularized the reform program of Christian Humanism, whose goal is to reform Christendom and believed that people were able to improve themselves.
John Wycliffe
Promoted the first completed translation of the church
In 1378 - began attack on beliefs and practices of the church. Preached that the Church should forfeit its wealth
advocated adult baptizing rather than infant. Each church choose their own minister. Believed in the total separation between church and state. Refused to bear arms or take political office. Regarded as dangerous radicals.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Founded the Jesuits
Thomas de Torquemada
A vicious grand inquisitor that was responsible for the radical repression of minorities in the Spanish Inquisition.
Original Sin
The concept that all humanity inherits the state of sin and separation from God because of Adam and Eves disobedience
Catherine of Aragon
First of six wives of Henry the 8th and got divorced because she couldn’t produce a male heir.
Anne Boleyn
2cd wife; influential in Henrys decision to turn from the Catholic Church
Mary I
England’s first female ruler and betrothed to her cousin, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
Proto Renaissance
The period before the Renaissance that laid the groundwork for it by reviving the interest in the art and culture of ancient Greece and Rome..
Age of Exploration
European powers decided to explore new territories in Africa, the Americas, and Asia in the 15th to early 17th century
Great Works of the Renaissance
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo, The school of Athens by Raphael, the last supper by Leonardo da Vinci, Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
Glorious Revolution
A revolution in England that ended without much bloodshed. Made the parliament in charge and appointed William and Mary to the throne who accepted along with the provisions of a bill of rights that affirmed the parliament’s right to levy taxes and make laws.