MENA Test 2 Flashcards
Berlin Conference
- 1884-1885
- Meeting of major European powers to negotiate and formalize claims to territory in Africa.
- Organized by German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck.
- Detrimental to Africans, increased European rivalry.
Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)
- Long territorial dispute.
- Saddam Hussein launched attack.
*Ended in UN-brokered ceasefire
What significant outcome did Tunisia achieve after the Jasmine Revolution?
Transition to democracy with free elections
Who was ousted during Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution?
President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
Egyptian Revolution of 2011
- Protests began in late January 2011.
- Led to resignation of President Hosni Mubarak in February 2011.
- Military took control; subsequent unrest followed.
Libya Revolt of 2011
- Protests against Muammar Gaddafi’s regime.
- Escalated into civil war.
- NATO intervention; Gaddafi overthrown and killed.
Syria Uprising of 2011-2012
- Started as protests against President Bashar al-Assad.
- Brutal government crackdown led to civil war.
- Resulted in widespread destruction and humanitarian crisis.
Yemen Uprising of 2011-12
- Protests against President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s regime.
- Saleh resigned in 2012.
- Passed down power to his VP
- Transition to democracy marred by continued unrest and conflict.
Ayatollah definition
A high-ranking title given to Usuli Twelver Shi’a clerics, the religious leader in Iran
Reza Shah Pahlavi
- Shah of Iran from 1925 to 1941.
- Known for modernization efforts and authoritarian rule.
Muhammad Reza Pahlavi
- King of Iran from September 16, 1941, to February 1979.
- Overthrown during the Islamic Revolution.
- Born in Tehran, oldest son of Reza Shah.
Mohammad Mossadegh
- Former premier of Iran during Reza Shah’s reign.
- Led a coup in 1953.
- Nationalized Iran’s oil industry.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
- First Iranian Ayatollah.
- Revolutionary leader.
- Politician and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- Leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
British protectorates/colonies in North Africa
Egypt and Sudan
French protectorates/colonies in North Africa
Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco
Italian protectorates/colonies in North Africa
Colonial Administration Tools that Backfired
- Education system: Educated indigenous populations, empowering them to understand and challenge colonial injustices, leading to the rise of nationalist movements.
- Infrastructure development: Provided physical means for communication and organization among colonized peoples, facilitating resistance movements and coordination against colonial powers.
Resistance Methods in Colonies:
- Armed uprisings and civil disobedience
- Political movements and advocacy
Effects of Iran becoming an Islamic Republic
- Return to conservative social values enforced
- Family Protection Act of 1967 voided, then amended in 1979
- Revolutionary Guards caused intimidation and repression
1948 Arab-Israeli War
- Context: Arab rejection of UN Partition Plan, declaration of Israeli statehood.
- Participants: Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon.
- Outcome: Israel gains territory beyond UN-designated borders, refugee crisis, armistice agreements.
Sykes-Picot Agreement
- Agreement between British Sykes and French Picot.
- Determined mandates over Middle Eastern countries.
- Britain: Iraq, Transjordan, Palestine. France: Syria, Lebanon.
League of Nations
- Founded after WWI.
- Not joined by the USA.
- Britain and France were primary powers.
- Redistributed German and Ottoman lands.
- Excluded Germany, Ottoman Empire, and Arab countries.
- Middle Eastern religious sect.
- Founded in Cairo in 1017.
- Monotheists.
- Developed out of Isma’ilite teachings
Theodor Herzl
- Founder of Zionism.
- Advocated for Jewish homeland due to European persecution.
- Belief in Jewish homeland.
- Response to persecution.
- Advocated for Jews to live together for safety.
Balfour Declaration (1917)
- British support for Jewish homeland in Palestine.
- Didn’t specify any group.
Arab League (1945)
- Formed due to Pan-Arabism to improve Arab countries’ situations.
- Economic, social, and political goals.
Imagined Communities
- Concept of uniting against an opposing force and imagined the utopian, collective life prior to opposing force
Resolution 181 (1947)
- UN partition plan for Palestine.
- Created Israel and Palestine.
- Controversial due to Jewish lobbying.
Arab Nationalism
- Gradual move towards independence.
- Common experiences unite Arabs.
- Establishment of Arab League.
Gamal Abdel Nasser
- President of Egypt during 1967 war.
- Blocked Tiran Strait.
- Refused UN ceasefires.
Iranian Revolution (1979)
- Overthrew Shah.
- Led by Ayatollah Khomeini.
- Established Islamic Republic.
Suez Canal
- Connects Mediterranean and Red Sea.
- Built in 1869.
- Strategic waterway.
US Hostage Crisis (1979)
- 66 US embassy hostages.
- Anti-Western sentiment.
*Manifestation of Iranian revolution
What was the catalyst for the Arab Spring?
Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation in Tunisia
Which countries were involved in the Arab Spring?
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and others
What were the main goals of the Arab Spring protests?
Political change, democracy, and social justice
What was the Arab Spring (2010-2012) known for?
Series of protests and uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa
What event sparked the Arab Spring in December 2010?
Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution
1967 Six-Day War
- Context: Heightened tensions, Egyptian blockade of the Straits of Tiran, Arab military buildup.
- Participants: Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria.
- Outcome: Israeli victory, occupation of Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights.
1973 Yom Kippur War
- Context: Surprise Egyptian and Syrian attacks on Yom Kippur, seeking to regain lost territory.
- Participants: Israel, Egypt, Syria.
*Outcome: Initially successful Arab offensives, followed by Israeli counterattacks and ceasefire, led to peace negotiations.