Unit 2 - Population & Migration Flashcards
Age-Sex Distribution
Population Pyramid Model
Agricultural Density
The number of farmers per unit of farmland.
Arithmetic Density
The number of people living in a given unit are
Baby Boom
A group of individuals born in US between 1946 to 1964 which was just after WW2 in a time of relative peace and prosperity. The conditions allowed for better education and job opportunities, encouraging high rates of both marriage and fertility.
Baby Bust
Period during thte 1960s and 1970s when fertility rates in the US dropped as large numbers of women from the baby boom generation wanted more education and more competitive jobs, causing them to marry late. Due to this, the fertility rate dropped.
Chain Migration
The migration even in which individuals follow the migratory path of preceding friends ro family members to an existing community
Child mortality rate
Numeber of deaths per thousand children withing the first five years of life
Cotton Belt
AKA American South, but now it is known as the New South or Sun Belt because people have migrated here from older cities in the industrial north for the better climate and new jobs
Crude birth rate
The number of live births per year per thousand ppl
Crude death rate
The number of deaths per year per yhthousand ppl
Demographic Transition Model (DTM)
A sequence of demographic changes in which a country moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates through time
Dependency Ratio
The ratio of the number of people who are either old or too young to provide for themselves to the number of ppl who much support them through their own labor. Usually is expressed in the form n : 100, where n = number of dependants
Moving OUT of country
Epidemiological transtition
Sudden population growth as a result fo improved food security and hc followed by a plateau in growth bc of the subsequent declines in fertility rates.
Gen X
ppl born in US between the years 1965 and 1980
Thomas Malthus
claimed population grows at an exponential rate while food production increases and pop growth would soon outpace food production
Maternal Mortality Rate
number of deaths per thousand of women giving birth
Natural Increase Rate
number of births - number of deaths = NIR
Advocacy of pop-control groups to ensure sustainability
Physiologic density
A ratio of the human population to an area of cropland, used in LDC dominated by substance agriculture.
Population Density
A measurement of the number of persons per unit of land area
Rust Belt
The northern industrial states of the US, including Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, in which heavy industry was once the dominant economic activity. Soon they lost the name cuz companies moved to places with lower labor costs and the machinery in the northern states rusted due to the moist northern climate.
US region (THE SOUTH), mostly comprising of southeastern, and southwestern states, has grown most dramatically since WW2.
Total Fertility Rate
The avg number of children born to women during her childbearing years
Zero Population Growth
Proposal to end pop growth thru a variety of official and nongovernment family-planning programs
DTM Stage 1 : High Stationary
High CBR & CDR, Low life expectancy, high infant mortality rate, low GNI, low or none access to sanitation, death due to exposure and starvation [LDCs] EXAMPLE - parts of BRAZIL, AMAZON
DTM Stage 2 : Rapid Expansion
High CBR, Infant mortality rate, Low life expectancy, GNI, access to sanitation, and LOW CRUDE DEATH RATE, death due to infectious diseases and dirty water [LDCs] EXAMPLE - Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan