Unit 2 d. indirect statement Flashcards
Infinitives; indirect statement.
Wheelock ch. 25
14a. Sciō tē hoc fēcisse.
14a. I know that you did this.
14b. Sciō tē hōc factūrum esse.
14b. I know that you will do this.
14c. Sciō tē hoc facere.
14c. I know that you are doing this.
15a. Scīvī tē hoc fēcisse.
15a. I knew that you had done this.
15b. Scīvī tē hōc factūrum esse.
15b. I knew that you would do this.
15c. Scīvī ā tē hoc facere.
15c. I knew that you were doing this.
16a. Crēdidimus eōs ventūrōs esse.
16a. We believed that they would come.
16b. Crēdidimus eōs vēnisse.
16b. We believed that they had come.
16c. Crēdidimus eōs venīre.
16c. We believed that they were coming.
17a. Crēdimus eōs ventūrōs esse.
17a. We believe they will come.
17b. Crēdimus eōs vēnisse.
17b. We believe they came.
17c. Crēdimus eōs venīre.
17c. We believe they are coming.
18a. Crās audiet eōs venīre (i.e. crās).
18a. Tomorrow he will hear that they are coming (i.e. tomorrow).
18b. Crās audiet eōs vēnisse (e.g. heri).
18b. Tomorrow he will hear that they have come (e.g. yesterday).
18c. Crās audiet eōs ventūrōs esse (e.g. paucīs diēbus).
18c. Tomorrow he will hear that they will come (eg. in a few days).
19a. Hodiē audit eōs venīre (hodiē).
19a. Today he hears that they are coming (today).
19b. Hodiē audit eōs vēnisse (heri).
19b. Today he hears that they came (yesterday).
19c. Hodiē audit eōs ventūrōs esse (mox).
19c. Today he hears that they will come (soon).
20a. Heri audīvit eōs venīre (heri).
20a. Yesterday he heard that they would come (yesterday).
20b. Heri audīvit eōs vēnisse (prīdiē).
20b. Yesterday he heard that they had come (on the day before that).
20c. Heri audīvit eōs ventūrōs (paucīs diebus).
20c. Yesterday he heard that they would come (in a few days
- Spērant vōs eum vīsūrōs esse.
- They hope that you all will see him.
- Sciō hoc ā tē factum esse.
- I know that this was done by you.
- Nescīvī illa ab eō facta esse.
- I did not know that those things had been done by him.
24a. Negāvērunt urbem ab hostibus cāpī.
24a They denied that the city was being captured by enemies.
24b. Negāvērunt urbem ab hostibus captum esse.
24b. They denied that the city had been captured by the enemies.
25a. Scītis illōs esse semper fidēlēs.
25a. You all know that those guys are always faithful.
25b. Scītis illōs futūrōs esse semper fidēlēs.
25b. You all know that those guys always will be faithful.
25c. Scītis illōs fuisse semper fidēlēs.
25c. You all know that those guys were always (have always been) faithful.
26a. Scīvistis illōs esse semper fidēlēs.
26a. You all knew that those guys were always faithful.
26b. Scīvistis illōs futūrōs esse semper fidēlēs.
26b. You all knew that those guys would always be faithful.
26c. Scīvistis illōs fuisse semper fidēlēs.
26c. You all knew that those guys had always been faithful.
- Putābant tyrannum sibi expellendum esse.
- They were thinking that the tyrant had to be expelled by them.
- Crēdimus pācem omnibus ducibus quaerendam esse.
- They denied that the city had been captured by the enemies.
29a. Dīcit pācem ab decem ducibus quaerī.
29a. He says that peace is being sought by the ten leaders..
29b. Dīcit pācem ab decem ducibus quaesītam esse.
29b. He says that peace has been sought by the ten leaders..
30a. Dīxit duōs ducēs pācem quaesītūrōs esse.
30a. He said that the two leaders would seek peace.
30b. Dīxit duōs ducēs pācem quaerere.
30b. He said that the two leaders were seeking peace.
30c. Dīxit duōs ducēs pācem quaesīvisse.
30c. He said that the two leaders had sought peace.
- Hostēs spērant sē omnēs rem pūblicam vīctūrōs esse.
- The enemies hope that they all are going to conquer the republic.
32a. Bene sciō mē multa nescīre;
32a. I well know that I do not know many things;
32b. nēmō enim potest omnia scīre.
32b. for no one can know all things.