Unit 10 c. gerund and gerundive Flashcards
gerund and gerundive
Wheelock Chapter 39
- Experiendō discimus.
- We learn by experiencing.
- Ad discendum vēnērunt.
- They came to learn (for learning).
- Sē discendō dedit.
- He gave (devoted) himself to learning.
- Discendī causā ad lūdum tuum vēnērunt.
- They came to your school to learn (for the sake of learning).
- Puer cupidus discendī ad lūdum iit.
- The boy went to the school desirous of learning (eager to learn).
- Metus moriendī eum terrēbat.
- The fear of dying kept terrifying him.
- Spēs vīvendī post mortem multōs hortātur.
- The hope of living after death encourages many people.
- Cōgitandō eōs superāvit.
- By thinking (= by using his head) he overcame them.
12 (1) Sēd dedit glōriae quaerendae
12(1) He devoted (gave) himself to seeking glory.
12 (2) Sēd dedit bellō gerendō
12(2) He devoted (gave) himself to waging war.
12 (3) Sēd dedit pecūniae faciendae
12(3) He devoted (gave) himself to making money.
12 (4) Sēd dedit imperiō accipiendō
12(4) He devoted (gave) himself to getting power.
12 (5) Sēd dedit cīvitātibus delendīs.
12(5) He devoted (gave) himself to destroying states.
12 (6) Sēd dedit ducī sequendō.
12(6) He devoted (gave) himself to following this leader.
12 (7) Sēd dedit patriae servandae.
12(7) He devoted (gave) himself to saving the country.
12 (8) Sēd dedit pācī petendae.
12(8) He devoted (gave) himself to seeking peace.
12 (9) Sēd dedit iniuriīs oppugnandīs.
12(9) He devoted (gave) himself to attacking wrongs.
12 (10) Sēd dedit librīs scribendīs.
12(10) He devoted (gave) himself to writing books.
12 (11) Sēd dedit librīs legendīs.
12(11) He devoted (gave) himself to reading books.
12 (12) Sēd dedit philosophiae discendae.
12(12) He devoted (gave) himself to learning philosophy.
12 (13) Sēd dedit litterīs Latīnīs discendīs.
12(13) He devoted (gave) himself to learning Latin literature.
12 (14) Sēd dedit vēritātī intellegendae.
12(14) He devoted (gave) himself to understanding the truth.