Unit 10 d. -ne, num, nonne; fear clauses; gen. and abl. of description Flashcards
-ne, num, nonne; fear clauses; genitive and ablative of description
Wheelock Chapter 40 (Chapter 39 is in the next unit)
- Magnopere vereor ut imperātor nōbīs satis auxiliī mittat.
- I greatly fear that the general may not send us enough help.
- Fuit fēmina maximā virtūte et fidē atque simillima mātrī.
- She was a woman of the greatest courage and loyalty and in fact very like her mother.
- Nōlī timēre nē omnēs virī et fēminae magnōrum animōrum Rōmā discēdant.
- Do not fear that all the men and women of great courage will depart from Rome.
- Id quidem est facile dictū sed difficile factū!
- This is, indeed, easy to say but difficult to do!
- Parentibus placitum domum vēnērunt.
- They came home to please their parents.
- Nōnne vīs audīre aliquid bonī?
- You do wish to hear something good, don’t you?
- Vīsne habēre multum sapientiae? Studē Latīnae!
- Do you wish to have much wisdom? Study Latin!
- Imperāvit tribus mīlitibus ut pācem petītum Rōmam adīrent.
- He ordered the three soldiers to go to Rome to seek peace.
- Num dubitās hoc dīcere, mī amīce?
- You do not hesitate to say this, do you, my friend?
- Tū mē hortāris ut sim animō magnō et spem salūtis habeam, sed timeō nē sim īnfīrmior.
- You urge me to be of great courage and to have hope of safety, but I fear that I may be too weak.
14a. Ego dīvitiās sapientiae antepōnō.
14a. For my part I place wealth ahead of wisdom.
14b. Nōn enim arbitror hominēs vītam fēlīcem sine cōpiā pecūniae reperīre posse.
14b. For I do not think that human beings can find a happy life without a great deal of money.
- Plūrimī autem virī dīvitēs multum metūs sentiunt.
- However, very many rich men experience much fear.
- Pauperēs saepe sunt fēlīciōrēs et minus metūs habent.
- Poor men are often happier and have less fear.
17a. Pecūnia ipsa nōn est mala:
17a. Money itself is not bad.
17b. sed rēs mentis animīque plūs opis ad fēlīciter vīvendum offerunt.
17b. But the things of the mind and soul offer more help for living happily
- Novem ex ducibus nōs hortātī sunt ut plūs auxiliī praestārēmus.
- Nine of the leaders urged us to supply more aid.
- Quīnque ex custōdiīs interfectīs, pater meus cum duōbus ex fīliīs et cum magnō numerō amīcōrum in illam terram līberam fūgit.
- When five of the guards had been killed, my father fled into that free land with two of his sons and with a large number of friends.
20a. Numquam satis ōtiī habēbit;
20a. Never will he have enough leisure;
20b. at aliquid ōtiī melius est quam nihil.
20b. Yet some leisure is better than nothing.
- Nostrīs temporibus omnēs plūs metūs et minus speī habēmus.
- In our times we all have too much of fear and too little of hope.
- Magna fidēs et virtūs omnibus virīs reperiendae sunt.
- Great faith and courage must be found by all men.