Unit 2 Flashcards
What are the primary sensory neurons of the Olfactory nerve?
olfactory neurons
True or false: olfactory neurons are unipolar.
false, they are bipolar
Where can the olfactory neurons be found?
in the olfactory epithelium that lines the superior part of the nasal cavity
What are olfactory neurons supported by?
“supporting cells”
What is the function of olfactory hairs?
Central process collect how many olfactory nerves?
Where do the central processes that collect the olfactory nerves convey their information?
olfactory bulbs
True or false: olfactory nerves are unmyelinated.
True; however, they are covered by Schwann cells
Where does the olfactory nerve cross into the skull?
cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone
After entering the olfactory bulb, where do the olfactory nerves synapse?
on the dendrites of mitral cells
What are formed where the olfactory nerve synapses on the mmitral cells?
synaptic glomeruli
What are the secondary sensory neurons to the Olfactory nerve?
Mitral Cells
Where are mitral cells located?
in the olfactory bulb
Mitral cells relay information posteriorly via which tract?
olfactory tract
What happens to the tract fibers of the olfactory nerve pathway at the anterior perforated substance?
the fibers split into medial and lateral olfactory striae
How does the medial stria fibers of the olfactory pathway get to the opposite olfactory bulb?
They cross the midline via the anterior commisure
Where do the lateral stria fibers carry information to?
1) Primary Olfactory Cortex
2) secondary olfactory cortex
What is included in the primary olfactory cortex?
perimygdaloid area, prepiriform area, and uncut (bdmn area 34)
What is included in the secondary olfactory cortex?
entorhinal area in parahipocampal gyrus (bdmn 28)
How many neurons does it take to get from the receptor to the cortex in the olfactory pathway?
What structure does the olfactory pathway not synapse in?
Which autonomic nerve of the olfactory pathway travels from the nasal septum?
terminal nerve
Which nerve of the olfactory pathway is poorly developed in humans but used for tracking prey?
vomeronasal nerve
What are possible clinical considerations for the olfactory pathway?
- anosmia (loss of smell)
- skull fractures (cribiform plate damage)
- CSF leakage
What are the three layers of the eyeball?
Fibrous tunic
Vascular Tunic
(in order from outermost to inner)
What does the Vascular tunic consist of? (middle layer)
ciliary body, iris, choroid
What does the fibrous tunic consist of? (outermost layer)
sclera and cornea
The innermost layer (Retina) consists of 10 layers; what are they?
pigmented layer, photosensitive outer segments of rods and cones, external limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer (rods and cones), outer plexiform layer(rods and cones synapse with bipolar cells), inner nuclear layer (cell bodies of bipolar cells), inner plexiform layer (bipolar cells synapse with ganglion), ganglion cell layer, nerve fiber layer, internal limiting membrane
What is the function of the cones in the photoreceptors?
receive color information (require adequate light to function best)
Where would cones be more concentrated?
towards the center of the retina
What is the function of the rods in photoreceptors?
they only sense light and dark